Change-Id: I3e94bfa960151d26d2420393133cdce0d1f69797
diff --git a/lvc_identification.Rmd b/lvc_identification.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f16249a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lvc_identification.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+title: "Assembling EuReCo for Contrastive Research"
+subtitle: "The Polish Piece"
+ - name: Piotr Bański
+ - name: Nils Diewald
+ - name: Marc Kupietz
+ - name: Beata Trawiński
+ address: IDS Mannheim
+column_numbers: 2
+ name: Piotr Bański
+ department: Digital Linguistics
+ email:
+ website: ""
+ posterdown::posterdown_ids:
+ self_contained: false
+ keep_md: true
+bibliography: references.bib
+csl: ""
+```{r setup, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
+knitr::opts_chunk$set(dev = 'svg', echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE)
+# Plain collocation analysis
+without restriction to NN/subst
+## da(wa)?ć
+```{r dac_simple, echo=TRUE}
+ nkjp,
+ '[nkjp/l="da(wa)?ć"]',
+ leftContextSize = 5,
+ rightContextSize = 5,
+ minOccur = 5
+ ) %>%
+ show_simple_table()
+# Identification of Light Verb Constructions
+using collocation analysis
+## da(wa)?ć
+```{r dac, echo=TRUE}
+ nkjp,
+ 'focus({[nkjp/l="da(wa)?ć"] []{,5}} [nkjp/p=subst])',
+ leftContextSize = 0,
+ rightContextSize = 1, # relative to { ... } in focus(),
+ minOccur = 5,
+ addExamples = TRUE
+ ) %>%
+ show_table()
+### (Z)robić
+```{r robic, echo=TRUE}
+ nkjp,
+ 'focus({[nkjp/l="z?robić"] []{,5}} [nkjp/p=subst])',
+ leftContextSize = 0,
+ rightContextSize = 1, # relative to { ... } in focus(),
+ minOccur = 5,
+ addExamples = TRUE
+ ) %>%
+ show_table()
+```{r brac, echo=TRUE}
+ nkjp,
+ 'focus({[nkjp/l="brać" | nkjp/l="wziąć"] []{,5}} [nkjp/p=subst])',
+ leftContextSize = 0,
+ rightContextSize = 1, # relative to { ... } in focus(),
+ minOccur = 5,
+ addExamples = TRUE
+ ) %>%
+ show_table()