diff --git a/i5CorpusHeaderSkeleton.i5.xml b/i5CorpusHeaderSkeleton.i5.xml
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index 0000000..67288e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i5CorpusHeaderSkeleton.i5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
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+ <korpusSigle>[$KKK]</korpusSigle>
+ <c.title>[$Aamulehti2021] from [klk-fi-v2-vrt for] EuReCo</c.title>
+ </titleStmt>
+ <publicationStmt>
+ <distributor>NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION - to be used locally in EuReCo</distributor>
+ <pubAddress>CSC Espoo, Finland</pubAddress>
+ <availability region="world">CLARIN-RES</availability>
+ <pubDate>[$YEAR]</pubDate>
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+ <samplingDecl>OCR by National Library of Finland</samplingDecl>
+ <editorialDecl>
+ <transduction n="1">VRT version by Kielipankki, klk-fi-v2-vrt, 2021</transduction>
+ <transduction n="2">I5 version by EuReCo using [$CURRENTDATE]</transduction>
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