Improve wording and fix typos

Change-Id: Iaa386162fa31dc965ddcfd7a093351d00357f445
diff --git a/R/poster.Rmd b/R/poster.Rmd
index bce56fd..6acc693 100644
--- a/R/poster.Rmd
+++ b/R/poster.Rmd
@@ -83,22 +83,21 @@
 ```{r setup, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
-knitr::opts_chunk$set(dev = 'svg', echo = FALSE, warnings = FALSE)
+knitr::opts_chunk$set(dev = 'svg', echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, warnings = FALSE)
-# ICC aims & charcteristics
+# ICC aims & characteristics
 * make available comparable corpora  of many languages for contrastive linguistic research [@kirk_ice_2017]
 * mostly based on existing corpora
-* ICC has a pre-defined “balanced” composition
-  * based on the one of the ICE [@greenbaum_comparing_1996]
+* small corpora with 1M words (400K written)
+* pre-defined “balanced” composition
+  * inspired by the one of the ICE [@greenbaum_comparing_1996]
 # Current launch of ICC written
-* written parts for Chinese, Czech, English, German, Irish (partly), Norwegian publicly available
+* written parts for Chinese, Czech, English (mostly), German, Irish (partly), Norwegian publicly available
   * partially including UDPipe 2.0 annotations [@straka_udpipe_2018]
-  * via Corpus Workbench or KorAP [@diewald_korap_2016]
   * usable via Corpus Workbench or KorAP [@diewald_korap_2016]
 ```{r korap-query, fig.cap="KorAP UI for ICC-GER and ICC-NOR, showing annotation queries and layers, as well as a virtual corpus definition, based on ICC genre and publication date metadata."}
@@ -179,7 +178,7 @@
-```{r take-icc, fig.cap="R code and results of a co-occurrence analysis of *take* + NOUN in ICC-ENG, using the RKorAPClient package for R."}
+```{r take-icc, fig.cap="R code for, and results of a co-occurrence analysis of *take* + NOUN in ICC-ENG, using the RKorAPClient package for R."}
 take_ca_icc <-
@@ -203,12 +202,12 @@
 # Summary & Outlook
-* we have made corpora of 4+ languages available for contrastive research
+* we have made comparable corpora of 4+ languages available, radily usable for contrastive research
 * however, even for fairly frequent phenomena, the results on the small corpora should be treated with caution
   * typically, they need to be verified on larger monolingual corpora
   * this also and especially concerns recall
 * nevertheless ICC can serve as a useful basis for contrastive studies
-  * with a uniform UI and API that leverage query and analysis
+  * with a uniform UI and API that facilitate query and analysis
 * in addition, ICC also serves as a crystallisation point
   * for more ICC corpora and spoken parts to come
   * for larger corpora and complementary approaches, such as EuReCo