Add more info about the launched corpora
Change-Id: If826b20c8c3817a13988cd4f22ca11a0b4d5aad3
diff --git a/R/poster.Rmd b/R/poster.Rmd
index f75e2bf..ff397d7 100644
--- a/R/poster.Rmd
+++ b/R/poster.Rmd
@@ -90,9 +90,15 @@
* ICC has a pre-defined “balanced” composition
* based on the one of the ICE [@greenbaum_comparing_1996]
-# Current alpha launch
+# Current launch of ICC written
-## Composition of parts
+* written parts for Chinese, Czech, English, German, Irish (partly), Norwegian publicly available
+ * partially including UDPipe 2.0 annotations [@straka_udpipe_2018]
+ * via Corpus Workbench or KorAP [@diewald_korap_2016]
+## Composition of the ICC parts
### By ICC genre
```{r composition_by_genre, message = FALSE, fig.width=14, fig.height=10, out.width = "100%"}