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Change-Id: I61b2cb87bdef08908b376cf9b09bee6a313c6e35
diff --git a/R/poster.Rmd b/R/poster.Rmd
index b42cbcb..8cc2574 100644
--- a/R/poster.Rmd
+++ b/R/poster.Rmd
@@ -165,7 +165,21 @@
 * using RKorapClient [@kupietz_rkorapclient_2020] to access corpora and get reproducible results of the collocation analysis
-```{r take-icc, echo=TRUE, fig.cap="Collocation analysis of *take* using the RKorAPClient package for R"}
+```{r take-icc-code, results='hide', echo=TRUE}
+    KorAPUrl = "",
+    accessToken = Sys.getenv("KORAP_ICC_TOKEN_eng")) %>%
+    "focus({[ud/l=take]} [ud/p=NOUN])",
+    leftContextSize = 0,
+    rightContextSize = 1,
+    minOccur = 2,
+    addExamples = T
+```{r take-icc, fig.cap="R code and results of a co-occurrence analysis of *take* + NOUN in ICC-ENG, using the RKorAPClient package for R."}
 take_ca_icc <-