Initial import
Change-Id: I59748a78b35a3e14013333912966971a02dd19b4
diff --git a/R/highcharter-themes.R b/R/highcharter-themes.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cafeb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/highcharter-themes.R
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+#' Dark IDS theme for \link[highcharter]{highcharter}
+#' @param fontFamily font family
+#' @param fontSize default font size
+#' @param textColor default text color
+#' @param lowContrastColor color with low contrast to background
+#' @param highContrastColor color with high contrast to background
+#' @param palette array of colors to be used for different series
+#' @param backgroundColor background color
+#' @param titleColor color of the title text
+#' @param subtitleColor color of the subtitle text
+#' @param gridLineColor color of grid lines
+#' @param axisLabelColor color of the axis labels
+#' @param axisLineColor color of the axis lines
+#' @param minorGridLineColor color of minor grid lines
+#' @param tickColor color of axis ticks
+#' @param axisTitleColor color of axis titles
+#' @param tooltipBackgroundColor background color for tool tips
+#' @param tooltipColor foreground color for tool tips
+#' @param dataLabelColor color of data point labels
+#' @param boxplotFillColor color for box plot fills
+#' @param candlestickColor color the candle stick part of error bars
+#' @param errorbarColor error bar color
+#' @param legendColor series legend label color
+#' @param legendHoverColor mouse over series legend label color
+#' @param legendHiddenColor hidden series legend label color
+#' @param creditsColor color of the credits
+#' @param burgerMenuBackground burger menu background color
+#' @param ... named arguments to modify the theme
+#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
+#' @import tidyverse
+#' @import highcharter
+#' @examples
+#' library(tidyverse)
+#' library(highcharter)
+#' highcharts_demo() %>%
+#' hc_add_theme(hc_theme_ids_dark())
+#' @export
+hc_theme_ids_dark <-
+ function(fontFamily = "Fira Sans Condensed",
+ fontSize = "medium",
+ textColor = "#E0E0E3",
+ lowContrastColor = "#707073",
+ highContrastColor = "#F0F0F3",
+ palette = c(
+ '#EB7C31',
+ "#1F77B4",
+ "#2CA02C",
+ "#D62728",
+ "#9467BD",
+ "#8C564B",
+ "#E377C2",
+ "#7F7F7F",
+ "#BCBD22",
+ "#17BECF",
+ "#AEC7E8",
+ "#FFBB78",
+ "#98DF8A",
+ "#FF9896",
+ "#C5B0D5",
+ "#C49C94",
+ "#F7B6D2",
+ "#C7C7C7",
+ "#DBDB8D",
+ "#9EDAE5"
+ ),
+ backgroundColor = list(linearGradient = list(
+ x1 = 0,
+ y1 = 1,
+ x2 = 1,
+ y2 = 0
+ ),
+ stops = list(list(0, "#2a2a2b"),
+ list(1, "#3e3e3e"))),
+ titleColor = textColor,
+ subtitleColor = titleColor,
+ gridLineColor = lowContrastColor,
+ axisLabelColor = textColor,
+ axisLineColor = lowContrastColor,
+ minorGridLineColor = "#505053",
+ tickColor = lowContrastColor,
+ axisTitleColor = axisLabelColor,
+ tooltipBackgroundColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)",
+ tooltipColor = textColor,
+ dataLabelColor = textColor,
+ boxplotFillColor = "#505053",
+ candlestickColor = highContrastColor,
+ errorbarColor = candlestickColor,
+ legendColor = textColor,
+ legendHoverColor = highContrastColor,
+ legendHiddenColor = lowContrastColor,
+ creditsColor = lowContrastColor,
+ burgerMenuBackground = backgroundColor,
+ ...) {
+ theme <-
+ list(
+ colors = palette,
+ chart = list(
+ backgroundColor = backgroundColor,
+ style = list(fontFamily = fontFamily,
+ fontSize = fontSize),
+ plotBorderColor = "#606063"
+ ),
+ title = list(style = list(color = titleColor,
+ fontWeight = "600",
+ fontSize = "x-large")),
+ subtitle = list(style = list(color = subtitleColor,
+ fontSize = "large")),
+ xAxis = list(
+ gridLineColor = gridLineColor,
+ labels = list(style = list(color = axisLabelColor,
+ fontSize = "medium")),
+ lineColor = axisLineColor,
+ minorGridLineColor = minorGridLineColor,
+ tickColor = tickColor,
+ title = list(style = list(color = axisTitleColor,
+ fontSize = "medium"))
+ ),
+ yAxis = list(
+ gridLineColor = gridLineColor,
+ labels = list(style = list(color = axisLabelColor,
+ fontSize = "medium")),
+ lineColor = axisLineColor,
+ minorGridLineColor = minorGridLineColor,
+ tickColor = tickColor,
+ tickWidth = 1,
+ title = list(style = list(color = axisTitleColor,
+ fontSize = "medium"))
+ ),
+ tooltip = list(
+ backgroundColor = tooltipBackgroundColor,
+ style = list(color = tooltipColor,
+ fontSize = "medium")
+ ),
+ plotOptions = list(
+ series = list(
+ dataLabels = list(color = dataLabelColor,
+ fontSize = "medium"),
+ marker = list(lineColor = "#333")
+ ),
+ boxplot = list(fillColor = boxplotFillColor),
+ candlestick = list(lineColor = candlestickColor),
+ errorbar = list(color = errorbarColor)
+ ),
+ legend = list(
+ itemStyle = list(fontSize = "medium",
+ color = legendColor),
+ itemHoverStyle = list(color = legendHoverColor),
+ itemHiddenStyle = list(color = legendHiddenColor)
+ ),
+ credits = list(style = list(color = creditsColor)),
+ labels = list(style = list(color = "#707073")),
+ drilldown = list(
+ activeAxisLabelStyle = list(color = "#F0F0F3"),
+ activeDataLabelStyle = list(color = "#F0F0F3")
+ ),
+ navigation = list(buttonOptions = list(
+ symbolStroke = "#DDDDDD",
+ theme = list(fill = burgerMenuBackground)
+ )),
+ rangeSelector = list(
+ buttonTheme = list(
+ fill = "#505053",
+ stroke = "#000000",
+ style = list(color = "#CCC"),
+ states = list(
+ hover = list(
+ fill = "#707073",
+ stroke = "#000000",
+ style = list(color = "white")
+ ),
+ select = list(
+ fill = "#000003",
+ stroke = "#000000",
+ style = list(color = "white")
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ inputBoxBorderColor = "#505053",
+ inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#333",
+ color = "silver"),
+ labelStyle = list(color = "silver")
+ ),
+ navigator = list(
+ handles = list(backgroundColor = "#666",
+ borderColor = "#AAA"),
+ maskFill = "rgba(255,255,255,0.1)",
+ series = list(color = "#7798BF",
+ lineColor = "#A6C7ED"),
+ xAxis = list(gridLineColor = "#505053")
+ ),
+ scrollbar = list(
+ barBackgroundColor = "#808083",
+ barBorderColor = "#808083",
+ buttonArrowColor = "#CCC",
+ buttonBackgroundColor = "#606063",
+ buttonBorderColor = "#606063",
+ rifleColor = "#FFF",
+ trackBackgroundColor = "#404043",
+ trackBorderColor = "#404043"
+ ),
+ legendBackgroundColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",
+ background2 = "#233238",
+ dataLabelsColor = "#233238",
+ textColor = "#34495e",
+ maskColor = "rgba(255,255,255,0.3)",
+ contrastTextColor = highContrastColor
+ )
+ theme <- structure(theme, class = "hc_theme")
+ if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
+ theme <- hc_theme_merge(theme,
+ hc_theme(...))
+ }
+ theme
+ }
+#' Light IDS theme for \link[highcharter]{highcharter}
+#' See \code{\link{hc_theme_ids_dark}} for further documentation.
+#' @param ... named arguments to modify the theme
+#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
+#' @import tidyverse
+#' @import highcharter
+#' @examples
+#' library(tidyverse)
+#' library(highcharter)
+#' highcharts_demo() %>%
+#' hc_add_theme(hc_theme_ids_light())
+#' @export
+hc_theme_ids_light <- function(...) {
+ hc_theme_ids_dark(
+ backgroundColor = "#ffffff",
+ textColor = "#383838",
+ highContrastColor = "#101013",
+ lowContrastColor = "#E0E0E3",
+ tooltipBackgroundColor = "#ffffffe0",
+ boxplotFillColor = "#505053",
+ candlestickColor = "black",
+ errorbarColor = "black"
+ )
+#' Monochrome IDS theme for \link[highcharter]{highcharter}
+#' See \code{\link{hc_theme_ids_dark}} for further documentation.
+#' @param ... named arguments to modify the theme
+#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
+#' @import tidyverse
+#' @import highcharter
+#' @examples
+#' library(tidyverse)
+#' library(highcharter)
+#' highcharts_demo() %>%
+#' hc_add_theme(hc_theme_ids_mono())
+#' @export
+hc_theme_ids_mono <- function(...) {
+ hc_theme_ids_dark(
+ palette = c(
+ "#000000", "#B2B0AD", "#737373", "#D8D7D6", "#B2B0AD", "#8C8984"
+ ),
+ backgroundColor = "white",
+ textColor = "black",
+ highContrastColor = "black",
+ lowContrastColor = "#A0A0A3",
+ tooltipBackgroundColor = "white",
+ boxplotFillColor = "#505053",
+ candlestickColor = "grey",
+ errorbarColor = "grey"
+ )