Merge pull request #342 from ghaarsma/master
Fix deletion/unlink of lib directories and html files in save_kable
diff --git a/R/save_kable.R b/R/save_kable.R
index ebad3d3..35e805a 100644
--- a/R/save_kable.R
+++ b/R/save_kable.R
@@ -46,37 +46,59 @@
html_table <- htmltools::HTML(as.character(x))
html_result <- htmltools::tagList(html_header, html_table)
- # Use webshot if necessary
+ # Check if we are generating an image and use webshot to do that
if (tools::file_ext(file) %in% c("png", "jpg", "jpeg", "pdf")) {
- file_html <- paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(file), ".html")
- file.create(file_html)
- file_html <- normalizePath(file_html)
- file <- paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(file_html), ".",
- tools::file_ext(file))
- htmltools::save_html(html_result, file = file_html)
- webshot::webshot(file_html, file, ...)
- if (tools::file_ext(file) == "pdf") {
- message("Note that HTML color may not be displayed on PDF properly.")
- }
- unlink(file_html)
- unlink(file.path(dirname(file_html), "lib"), recursive = TRUE)
- if (requireNamespace("magick", quietly = TRUE)) {
- img_rework <- magick::image_read(file)
- img_rework <- magick::image_trim(img_rework)
- img_info <- magick::image_info(img_rework)
- magick::image_write(img_rework, file)
- attr(file, "info") <- img_info
+ file_temp_html <- tempfile(pattern = tools::file_path_sans_ext(file), tmpdir = '.', fileext = ".html")
+ file.create(file_temp_html)
+ file_temp_html <- normalizePath(file_temp_html)
+ file.create(file)
+ file <- normalizePath(file)
+ # Generate a random temp lib directory. The sub is to remove any back or forward slash at the beginning of the temp_dir
+ temp_dir <- sub(pattern = '^[\\\\/]{1,2}', replacement = '', tempfile(pattern = 'lib', tmpdir = '' , fileext = ''))
+ htmltools::save_html(html_result, file = file_temp_html, libdir = temp_dir)
+ result <- webshot::webshot(file_temp_html, file, ...)
+ if (is.null(result)) {
+ # A webshot could not be created. Delete newly created files and issue msg
+ file.remove(file)
+ file.remove(file_temp_html)
+ message('save_kable could not create image with webshot package. Please check for any webshot messages')
} else {
- message("save_kable will have the best result with magick installed. ")
+ if (tools::file_ext(file) == "pdf") {
+ message("Note that HTML color may not be displayed on PDF properly.")
+ }
+ # Remove temp html file and temp lib directory
+ file.remove(file_temp_html)
+ unlink(file.path(dirname(file_temp_html), temp_dir), recursive = TRUE)
+ if (requireNamespace("magick", quietly = TRUE)) {
+ img_rework <- magick::image_read(file)
+ img_rework <- magick::image_trim(img_rework)
+ img_info <- magick::image_info(img_rework)
+ magick::image_write(img_rework, file)
+ attr(file, "info") <- img_info
+ } else {
+ message("save_kable will have the best result with magick installed. ")
+ }
} else {
file <- normalizePath(file)
- htmltools::save_html(html_result, file = file)
if (self_contained) {
- remove_html_doc(file)
+ # Generate a random temp lib directory. The sub is to remove any back or forward slash at the beginning of the temp_dir
+ temp_dir <- sub(pattern = '^[\\\\/]{1,2}', replacement = '', tempfile(pattern = 'lib', tmpdir = '' , fileext = ''))
+ htmltools::save_html(html_result, file = file, libdir = temp_dir)
+ #remove_html_doc(file)
rmarkdown::pandoc_self_contained_html(file, file)
- unlink(file.path(dirname(file), "lib"), recursive = TRUE)
+ unlink(file.path(dirname(file), temp_dir), recursive = TRUE)
+ } else {
+ # Simply use the htmltools::save_html to write out the files. Dependencies go to the standard lib folder
+ htmltools::save_html(html_result, file = file)