Fix #430
diff --git a/docs/awesome_table_in_html.Rmd b/docs/awesome_table_in_html.Rmd
index e7571b5..7ae49b6 100644
--- a/docs/awesome_table_in_html.Rmd
+++ b/docs/awesome_table_in_html.Rmd
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
# Overview
The goal of `kableExtra` is to help you build common complex tables and manipulate table styles. It imports the pipe `%>%` symbol from `magrittr` and verbalize all the functions, so basically you can add "layers" to a kable output in a way that is similar with `ggplot2` and `plotly`.
+For users who are not very familiar with the pipe operator `%>%` in R, it is the R version of the [fluent interface]( The ides is to pass the result along the chain for a more literal coding experience. Basically when we say `A %>% B`, technically it means sending the results of A to B as B's first argument.
To learn how to generate complex tables in LaTeX, please visit [](
There is also a Chinese version of this vignette. You can find it [here](