rename spec_line to spec_plot
diff --git a/man/spec_plot.Rd b/man/spec_plot.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1917de1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/spec_plot.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/mini_plots.R
+\title{Helper functions to generate inline sparklines}
+  x,
+  y = NULL,
+  width = 200,
+  height = 50,
+  res = 300,
+  same_lim = TRUE,
+  xlim = NULL,
+  ylim = NULL,
+  xaxt = "n",
+  yaxt = "n",
+  ann = FALSE,
+  col = "lightgray",
+  border = NULL,
+  frame.plot = FALSE,
+  lwd = 2,
+  pch = ".",
+  cex = 2,
+  type = "l",
+  polymin = NA,
+  minmax = list(pch = ".", cex = cex, col = "red"),
+  min = minmax,
+  max = minmax,
+  dir = if (is_latex()) rmd_files_dir() else tempdir(),
+  file = NULL,
+  file_type = if (is_latex()) "png" else "svg",
+  ...
+\item{x, y}{Vector of values or List of vectors of values. y is optional.}
+\item{width}{The width of the plot in pixel}
+\item{height}{The height of the plot in pixel}
+\item{res}{The resolution of the plot. Default is 300.}
+\item{same_lim}{T/F. If x is a list of vectors, should all the plots be
+plotted in the same range? Default is True.}
+\item{xlim, ylim}{Manually specify plotting range in the form of
+\code{c(0, 10)}.}
+\item{xaxt}{On/Off for xaxis text}
+\item{yaxt}{On/Off for yaxis text}
+\item{ann}{On/Off for annotations (titles and axis titles)}
+\item{col}{Color for the fill of the histogram bar/boxplot box.}
+\item{border}{Color for the border.}
+\item{frame.plot}{On/Off for surrounding box (\code{spec_plot} only). Default
+is False.}
+\item{lwd}{Line width for \code{spec_plot}; within \code{spec_plot}, the \code{minmax}
+argument defaults to use this value for \code{cex} for points. Default is 2.}
+\item{pch, cex}{Shape and size for points (if type is other than "l").}
+\item{type}{Passed to \code{plot}, often one of "l", "p", or "b", see
+\code{\link[graphics:plot.default]{graphics::plot.default()}} for more details. Ignored when 'polymin' is
+not 'NA'.}
+\item{polymin}{Special argument that converts a "line" to a polygon,
+where the flat portion is this value, and the other side of the polygon
+is the 'y' value ('x' if no 'y' provided). If 'NA' (the default), then
+this is ignored; otherwise if this is numeric then a polygon is
+created (and 'type' is ignored). Note that if 'polymin' is in the middle
+of the 'y' values, it will generate up/down polygons around this value.}
+\item{minmax, min, max}{Arguments passed to \code{points} to highlight minimum
+and maximum values in \code{spec_plot}. If \code{min} or \code{max} are \code{NULL}, they
+default to the value of \code{minmax}. Set to an empty \code{list()} to disable.}
+\item{dir}{Directory of where the images will be saved.}
+\item{file}{File name. If not provided, a random name will be used}
+\item{file_type}{Graphic device. Support \code{png} or \code{svg}. SVG is recommended
+for HTML output.}
+\item{...}{extra parameters passing to \code{plot}}
+These functions helps you quickly generate sets of sparkline
+style plots using base R plotting system. Currently, we support histogram,
+boxplot, and line. You can use them together with \code{column_spec} to
+generate inline plot in tables. By default, this function will save images
+in a folder called "kableExtra" and return the address of the file.