fix checks & update vignette
diff --git a/docs/use_kableExtra_with_formattable.Rmd b/docs/use_kableExtra_with_formattable.Rmd
index 99f8c2f..e19dd2f 100644
--- a/docs/use_kableExtra_with_formattable.Rmd
+++ b/docs/use_kableExtra_with_formattable.Rmd
@@ -37,19 +37,24 @@
 Also, if you are using it in this way, make sure you put `escape = F` in `kable`. 
-On the other hand, `cell_spec()` is a new function in `kableExtra()` to format cells _**before you pipe the table into `kable`**_. Note that you can either specify format (`html` or `latex`) in function or do that via `options(knitr.table.format)` so you don't need to do it everytime. 
+On the other hand, `cell_spec()` is a new function in `kableExtra()` to format cells _**before you pipe the table into `kable`**_. Note that you can either specify format (`html` or `latex`) in function or do that via `options(knitr.table.format)` so you don't need to do it everytime. Please refer to the package vignette for details. 
-I also added a few helper functions to use together with cell_spec. One good example is `spec_color`, which gives you the ability to use viridis color map in your table. Others include `spec_font_size` and `spec_angle`. 
+    $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); 
 iris[1:10, ] %>%
+  mutate(
+    Species = cell_spec(Species, color = spec_color(1:10, option = "A"), link = "#",
+                        tooltip = paste0("Sepal Length: ", Sepal.Length))
+  ) %>%
   mutate_if(is.numeric, function(x){
-    cell_spec(x, "html", color = spec_color(x), bold = T)
+    cell_spec(x, "html", color = spec_color(x), font_size = spec_font_size(x), bold = T)
   }) %>%
-  mutate(Species = cell_spec(Species, background = "red")) %>%
-  kable("html", col.names = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "DDDDDDDDDDD"), escape = F, align = "c") %>%
+  kable("html", escape = F, align = "c") %>%
   kable_styling("condensed", full_width = F)