update readme
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f39959f..319c5d2 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 - If you are using the CRAN version, when you run rmarkdown from console using RScript, you need to include `library(methods)` at the begining due to a `rvest` issue. By default, `library(methods)` is loaded in R GUI and RStudio. I eliminated the step requires `rvest` in current github version since it doesn't provide a very useful feature. See [this SO post for details](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35351443/rvest-html-nodes-error-cannot-coerce-type-environment-to-vector-of-type-l). Thanks twitter user @Gimperion for reporting. 
 ## To-do
-- A function to insert a gap row (or group title row in the middle of a table)
-- A function to easily add title column indent
-- Some ways to change text/background color of cells
-- Find a way to let align table caption.
+[x] A function to insert a gap row (or group title row in the middle of a table)
+[x] A function to easily add title column indent
+[ ] Some ways to change text/background color of cells
+[ ] Find a way to let align table caption.