add all_cols to add_indent
diff --git a/man/add_footnote.Rd b/man/add_footnote.Rd
index 79eff3b..525ce26 100644
--- a/man/add_footnote.Rd
+++ b/man/add_footnote.Rd
@@ -4,8 +4,13 @@
 \title{Add footnote}
-add_footnote(input, label = NULL, notation = "alphabet",
-  threeparttable = FALSE, escape = TRUE)
+  input,
+  label = NULL,
+  notation = "alphabet",
+  threeparttable = FALSE,
+  escape = TRUE
 \item{input}{The direct output of your \code{kable} function or your last
diff --git a/man/add_header_above.Rd b/man/add_header_above.Rd
index 5174db8..2f0d133 100644
--- a/man/add_header_above.Rd
+++ b/man/add_header_above.Rd
@@ -4,11 +4,27 @@
 \title{Add a header row on top of current header}
-add_header_above(kable_input, header = NULL, bold = FALSE,
-  italic = FALSE, monospace = FALSE, underline = FALSE,
-  strikeout = FALSE, align = "c", color = NULL, background = NULL,
-  font_size = NULL, angle = NULL, escape = TRUE, line = TRUE,
-  line_sep = 3, extra_css = NULL, include_empty = FALSE)
+  kable_input,
+  header = NULL,
+  bold = FALSE,
+  italic = FALSE,
+  monospace = FALSE,
+  underline = FALSE,
+  strikeout = FALSE,
+  align = "c",
+  color = NULL,
+  background = NULL,
+  font_size = NULL,
+  angle = NULL,
+  escape = TRUE,
+  line = TRUE,
+  line_sep = 3,
+  extra_css = NULL,
+  include_empty = FALSE,
+  border_left = FALSE,
+  border_right = FALSE
 \item{kable_input}{Output of \code{knitr::kable()} with \code{format} specified}
@@ -16,7 +32,7 @@
 \item{header}{A (named) character vector with \code{colspan} as values. For
 example, \code{c(" " = 1, "title" = 2)} can be used to create a new header row
 for a 3-column table with "title" spanning across column 2 and 3. For
-convenience, when \code{colspan} equals to 1, users can drop the \code{ = 1} part.
+convenience, when \code{colspan} equals to 1, users can drop the \verb{ = 1} part.
 As a result, \code{c(" ", "title" = 2)} is the same as \code{c(" " = 1, "title" = 2)}.}
 \item{bold}{A T/F value to control whether the text should be bolded.}
@@ -64,6 +80,10 @@
 \item{include_empty}{Whether empty cells in HTML should also be styled.
 Default is FALSE.}
+\item{border_left}{T/F option for border on the left side in latex.}
+\item{border_right}{T/F option for border on the right side in latex.}
 Tables with multiple rows of header rows are extremely useful
diff --git a/man/add_indent.Rd b/man/add_indent.Rd
index 439fd29..6145d01 100644
--- a/man/add_indent.Rd
+++ b/man/add_indent.Rd
@@ -4,13 +4,15 @@
 \title{Add indentations to row headers}
-add_indent(kable_input, positions)
+add_indent(kable_input, positions, level_of_indent = 1, all_cols = F)
 \item{kable_input}{Output of \code{knitr::kable()} with \code{format} specified}
 \item{positions}{A vector of numeric row numbers for the rows that need to
 be indented.}
+\item{level_of_indent}{a numeric value for the indent level. Default is 1.}
 Add indentations to row headers
@@ -18,6 +20,6 @@
 x <- knitr::kable(head(mtcars), "html")
 # Add indentations to the 2nd & 4th row
-add_indent(x, c(2, 4))
+add_indent(x, c(2, 4), level_of_indent = 1)
diff --git a/man/as_image.Rd b/man/as_image.Rd
index 1d1688a..1219ff8 100644
--- a/man/as_image.Rd
+++ b/man/as_image.Rd
@@ -25,3 +25,13 @@
 and then try to put it in an rmarkdown document using
+kable(mtcars, "latex", booktabs = T) \%>\%
+kable_styling(latex_options = c("striped", "scale_down")) \%>\%
+row_spec(1, color = "red") \%>\%
diff --git a/man/cell_spec.Rd b/man/cell_spec.Rd
index f8d09af..61ff27c 100644
--- a/man/cell_spec.Rd
+++ b/man/cell_spec.Rd
@@ -5,19 +5,49 @@
 \title{Specify Cell/Text format}
-cell_spec(x, format, bold = FALSE, italic = FALSE, monospace = FALSE,
-  underline = FALSE, strikeout = FALSE, color = NULL,
-  background = NULL, align = NULL, font_size = NULL, angle = NULL,
-  tooltip = NULL, popover = NULL, link = NULL, extra_css = NULL,
-  escape = TRUE, background_as_tile = TRUE,
-  latex_background_in_cell = TRUE)
+  x,
+  format,
+  bold = FALSE,
+  italic = FALSE,
+  monospace = FALSE,
+  underline = FALSE,
+  strikeout = FALSE,
+  color = NULL,
+  background = NULL,
+  align = NULL,
+  font_size = NULL,
+  angle = NULL,
+  tooltip = NULL,
+  popover = NULL,
+  link = NULL,
+  extra_css = NULL,
+  escape = TRUE,
+  background_as_tile = TRUE,
+  latex_background_in_cell = TRUE
-text_spec(x, format, bold = FALSE, italic = FALSE, monospace = FALSE,
-  underline = FALSE, strikeout = FALSE, color = NULL,
-  background = NULL, align = NULL, font_size = NULL, angle = NULL,
-  tooltip = NULL, popover = NULL, link = NULL, extra_css = NULL,
-  escape = TRUE, background_as_tile = TRUE,
-  latex_background_in_cell = FALSE)
+  x,
+  format,
+  bold = FALSE,
+  italic = FALSE,
+  monospace = FALSE,
+  underline = FALSE,
+  strikeout = FALSE,
+  color = NULL,
+  background = NULL,
+  align = NULL,
+  font_size = NULL,
+  angle = NULL,
+  tooltip = NULL,
+  popover = NULL,
+  link = NULL,
+  extra_css = NULL,
+  escape = TRUE,
+  background_as_tile = TRUE,
+  latex_background_in_cell = FALSE
 \item{x}{Things to be formated. It could be a vector of numbers or strings.}
diff --git a/man/collapse_rows.Rd b/man/collapse_rows.Rd
index 4752d80..51aa7fd 100644
--- a/man/collapse_rows.Rd
+++ b/man/collapse_rows.Rd
@@ -4,11 +4,16 @@
 \title{Collapse repeated rows to multirow cell}
-collapse_rows(kable_input, columns = NULL, valign = c("middle", "top",
-  "bottom"), latex_hline = c("full", "major", "none", "custom"),
+  kable_input,
+  columns = NULL,
+  valign = c("middle", "top", "bottom"),
+  latex_hline = c("full", "major", "none", "custom"),
   row_group_label_position = c("identity", "stack"),
-  custom_latex_hline = NULL, row_group_label_fonts = NULL,
-  headers_to_remove = NULL)
+  custom_latex_hline = NULL,
+  row_group_label_fonts = NULL,
+  headers_to_remove = NULL
 \item{kable_input}{Output of \code{knitr::kable()} with \code{format} specified}
diff --git a/man/column_spec.Rd b/man/column_spec.Rd
index b611fad..0857f4d 100644
--- a/man/column_spec.Rd
+++ b/man/column_spec.Rd
@@ -4,12 +4,25 @@
 \title{Specify the look of the selected column}
-column_spec(kable_input, column, width = NULL, bold = FALSE,
-  italic = FALSE, monospace = FALSE, underline = FALSE,
-  strikeout = FALSE, color = NULL, background = NULL,
-  border_left = FALSE, border_right = FALSE, width_min = NULL,
-  width_max = NULL, extra_css = NULL, include_thead = FALSE,
-  latex_column_spec = NULL)
+  kable_input,
+  column,
+  width = NULL,
+  bold = FALSE,
+  italic = FALSE,
+  monospace = FALSE,
+  underline = FALSE,
+  strikeout = FALSE,
+  color = NULL,
+  background = NULL,
+  border_left = FALSE,
+  border_right = FALSE,
+  width_min = NULL,
+  width_max = NULL,
+  extra_css = NULL,
+  include_thead = FALSE,
+  latex_column_spec = NULL
 \item{kable_input}{Output of \code{knitr::kable()} with \code{format} specified}
diff --git a/man/dummy_html_tbl.Rd b/man/dummy_html_tbl.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..983f1fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/dummy_html_tbl.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/dummy_table.R
+\title{Dummy html table for testing}
+Create dummy table for testing in kE
diff --git a/man/dummy_latex_tbl.Rd b/man/dummy_latex_tbl.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84cc9ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/dummy_latex_tbl.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/dummy_table.R
+\title{Dummy latex table for testing}
+dummy_latex_tbl(booktabs = T)
+Create dummy table for testing in kE
diff --git a/man/footnote.Rd b/man/footnote.Rd
index 063ca3c..90a5b80 100644
--- a/man/footnote.Rd
+++ b/man/footnote.Rd
@@ -4,12 +4,24 @@
 \title{Add footnote (new)}
-footnote(kable_input, general = NULL, number = NULL, alphabet = NULL,
-  symbol = NULL, footnote_order = c("general", "number", "alphabet",
-  "symbol"), footnote_as_chunk = FALSE, escape = TRUE,
-  threeparttable = FALSE, fixed_small_size = FALSE,
-  general_title = "Note: ", number_title = "", alphabet_title = "",
-  symbol_title = "", title_format = "italic", symbol_manual = NULL)
+  kable_input,
+  general = NULL,
+  number = NULL,
+  alphabet = NULL,
+  symbol = NULL,
+  footnote_order = c("general", "number", "alphabet", "symbol"),
+  footnote_as_chunk = FALSE,
+  escape = TRUE,
+  threeparttable = FALSE,
+  fixed_small_size = FALSE,
+  general_title = "Note: ",
+  number_title = "",
+  alphabet_title = "",
+  symbol_title = "",
+  title_format = "italic",
+  symbol_manual = NULL
 \item{kable_input}{HTML or LaTeX table generated by \code{knitr::kable}}
@@ -57,7 +69,7 @@
 Multiple options are possible.}
 \item{symbol_manual}{User can manually supply a vector of either html or
-latex symbols. For example, \code{symbol_manual = c('*', '\\\\dag', '\\\\ddag')}.`}
+latex symbols. For example, \code{symbol_manual = c('*', '\\\\\\\\dag', '\\\\\\\\ddag')}.`}
 \code{footnote} provides a more flexible way to add footnote. You
diff --git a/man/footnote_marker_number.Rd b/man/footnote_marker_number.Rd
index 599f284..94b2e4d 100644
--- a/man/footnote_marker_number.Rd
+++ b/man/footnote_marker_number.Rd
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 default value from global option \code{knitr.table.format}.}
 \item{double_escape}{T/F if output is in LaTeX, whether it should be double
-escaped. If you are using footnote_marker in \code{group_rows`` labeling row or }add_header_above\code{, you need to set this to be }TRUE`.}
+escaped. If you are using footnote_marker in \verb{group_rows`` labeling row or }add_header_above\verb{, you need to set this to be }TRUE`.}
 Put footnote mark in superscription in table. Unless you are
diff --git a/man/group_rows.Rd b/man/group_rows.Rd
index db032f5..d39d0d2 100644
--- a/man/group_rows.Rd
+++ b/man/group_rows.Rd
@@ -5,19 +5,45 @@
 \title{Put a few rows of a table into one category}
-group_rows(kable_input, group_label = NULL, start_row = NULL,
-  end_row = NULL, index = NULL,
+  kable_input,
+  group_label = NULL,
+  start_row = NULL,
+  end_row = NULL,
+  index = NULL,
   label_row_css = "border-bottom: 1px solid;",
-  latex_gap_space = "0.3em", escape = TRUE, latex_align = "l",
-  colnum = NULL, bold = TRUE, italic = FALSE, hline_before = FALSE,
-  hline_after = FALSE, extra_latex_after = NULL, indent = TRUE)
+  latex_gap_space = "0.3em",
+  escape = TRUE,
+  latex_align = "l",
+  latex_wrap_text = FALSE,
+  colnum = NULL,
+  bold = TRUE,
+  italic = FALSE,
+  hline_before = FALSE,
+  hline_after = FALSE,
+  extra_latex_after = NULL,
+  indent = TRUE
-pack_rows(kable_input, group_label = NULL, start_row = NULL,
-  end_row = NULL, index = NULL,
+  kable_input,
+  group_label = NULL,
+  start_row = NULL,
+  end_row = NULL,
+  index = NULL,
   label_row_css = "border-bottom: 1px solid;",
-  latex_gap_space = "0.3em", escape = TRUE, latex_align = "l",
-  colnum = NULL, bold = TRUE, italic = FALSE, hline_before = FALSE,
-  hline_after = FALSE, extra_latex_after = NULL, indent = TRUE)
+  latex_gap_space = "0.3em",
+  escape = TRUE,
+  latex_align = "l",
+  latex_wrap_text = FALSE,
+  colnum = NULL,
+  bold = TRUE,
+  italic = FALSE,
+  hline_before = FALSE,
+  hline_after = FALSE,
+  extra_latex_after = NULL,
+  indent = TRUE
 \item{kable_input}{Output of \code{knitr::kable()} with \code{format} specified}
@@ -50,6 +76,10 @@
 Value is "l"  If using html, the alignment can be set by using the label_row_css
+\item{latex_wrap_text}{T/F for wrapping long text. Default is off. Whenever
+it is turned on, the table will take up the entire line. It's recommended
+to use this with full_width in kable_styling.}
 \item{colnum}{A numeric that determines how many columns the text should span.
 The default setting will have the text span the entire length.}
diff --git a/man/kableExtra-package.Rd b/man/kableExtra-package.Rd
index f22e66c..4fba68e 100644
--- a/man/kableExtra-package.Rd
+++ b/man/kableExtra-package.Rd
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 When we are talking about table generators in R,
 \href{}{knitr}'s \code{kable()} function wins lots of flavor
 by its ultimate simplicity. Unlike those powerful table rendering engines
-such as \href{}{xtable}, the philosophy
-behind \href{}{knitr::kable()} is to
+such as \href{}{\code{xtable}}, the philosophy
+behind \href{}{\code{knitr::kable()}} is to
 make it easy for programmers to use. Just as it claimed in its
 function description, "this is a very simple table generator. It is simple
 by design. It is not intended to replace any other R packages for making
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
 \item Use default base \code{kable()} (Or a good alternative for markdown tables is
 \code{pander::pander()}) for all simple tables
-\item Use \code{kable()} with \code{kableExtra} to generate 90 % of complex/advanced
+\item Use \code{kable()} with \code{kableExtra} to generate 90 \% of complex/advanced
 tables in either HTML or LaTeX
-\item Only have to mess with raw HTML/LaTeX in the last 10% cases where
+\item Only have to mess with raw HTML/LaTeX in the last 10\% cases where
 \code{kableExtra} cannot solve the problem
diff --git a/man/kable_as_image.Rd b/man/kable_as_image.Rd
index e28247a..d127e5e 100644
--- a/man/kable_as_image.Rd
+++ b/man/kable_as_image.Rd
@@ -4,9 +4,15 @@
-kable_as_image(kable_input, filename = NULL, file_format = "png",
-  latex_header_includes = NULL, keep_pdf = FALSE, density = 300,
-  keep_tex = FALSE)
+  kable_input,
+  filename = NULL,
+  file_format = "png",
+  latex_header_includes = NULL,
+  keep_pdf = FALSE,
+  density = 300,
+  keep_tex = FALSE
 \item{kable_input}{Raw LaTeX code to generate a table. It doesn't have to
@@ -21,9 +27,9 @@
 \item{latex_header_includes}{A character vector of extra LaTeX header stuff.
 Each element is a row. You can have things like
-\code{c("\\\\usepackage{threeparttable}", "\\\\usepackage{icons}")}  You could
+\code{c("\\\\\\\\usepackage{threeparttable}", "\\\\\\\\usepackage{icons}")}  You could
 probably add your language package here if you use non-English text in your
-table, such as \code{\\\\usepackage[magyar]{babel}}.}
+table, such as \verb{\\\\\\\\usepackage[magyar]\{babel\}}.}
 \item{keep_pdf}{A T/F option to control if the mid-way standalone pdf should
 be kept. Default is \code{FALSE}.}
@@ -37,18 +43,3 @@
-kable(mtcars[1:5, ], "html") \%>\%
-  kable_styling("striped") \%>\%
-  row_spec(1, color = "red") \%>\%
-  save_kable("inst/test.pdf")
-kable(mtcars, "latex", booktabs = T) \%>\%
-kable_styling(latex_options = c("striped", "scale_down")) \%>\%
-row_spec(1, color = "red") \%>\%
diff --git a/man/kable_styling.Rd b/man/kable_styling.Rd
index ee6de44..f21be79 100644
--- a/man/kable_styling.Rd
+++ b/man/kable_styling.Rd
@@ -4,14 +4,24 @@
 \title{HTML table attributes}
-kable_styling(kable_input, bootstrap_options = "basic",
-  latex_options = "basic", full_width = NULL, position = "center",
-  font_size = NULL, row_label_position = "l",
+  kable_input,
+  bootstrap_options = "basic",
+  latex_options = "basic",
+  full_width = NULL,
+  position = "center",
+  font_size = NULL,
+  row_label_position = "l",
   repeat_header_text = "\\\\textit{(continued)}",
   repeat_header_method = c("append", "replace"),
-  repeat_header_continued = FALSE, stripe_color = "gray!6",
-  stripe_index = NULL, latex_table_env = NULL, protect_latex = TRUE,
-  table.envir = "table", fixed_thead = FALSE)
+  repeat_header_continued = FALSE,
+  stripe_color = "gray!6",
+  stripe_index = NULL,
+  latex_table_env = NULL,
+  protect_latex = TRUE,
+  table.envir = "table",
+  fixed_thead = FALSE
 \item{kable_input}{Output of \code{knitr::kable()} with \code{format} specified}
@@ -30,14 +40,14 @@
 table to the exact position. It is useful when the \code{LaTeX} table is contained
 in a \code{table} environment after you specified captions in \code{kable()}. It will
 force the table to stay in the position where it was created in the document.
-A stronger version: \code{HOLD_position} requires the \code{float} package and specifies \code{[H]}.
+A stronger version: \code{HOLD_position} requires the \code{float} package and specifies \verb{[H]}.
 \code{scale_down} is useful for super wide table. It will automatically adjust
 the table to page width. \code{repeat_header} in only meaningful in a longtable
 environment. It will let the header row repeat on every page in that long
 \item{full_width}{A \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} variable controlling whether the HTML
-table should have 100\% width. Since HTML and pdf have different flavors on
+table should have 100\\% width. Since HTML and pdf have different flavors on
 the preferable format for \code{full_width}. If not specified, a HTML table will
 have full width by default but this option will be set to \code{FALSE} for a
 LaTeX table}
@@ -45,7 +55,7 @@
 \item{position}{A character string determining how to position the table
 on a page. Possible values include \code{left}, \code{center}, \code{right}, \code{float_left}
 and \code{float_right}. Please see the package doc site for demonstrations. For
-a \code{LaTeX} table, if \code{float_*} is selected, \code{LaTeX} package \code{wrapfig} will be
+a \code{LaTeX} table, if \verb{float_*} is selected, \code{LaTeX} package \code{wrapfig} will be
 \item{font_size}{A numeric input for table font size}
@@ -79,7 +89,7 @@
 \item{table.envir}{LaTeX floating table environment. \code{kable_style} will put
 a plain no-caption table in a \code{table} environment in order to center the
-table. You can specify this option to things like \code{table*} or \code{float*} based
+table. You can specify this option to things like \verb{table*} or \verb{float*} based
 on your need.}
 \item{fixed_thead}{HTML table option so table header row is fixed at top.
diff --git a/man/linebreak.Rd b/man/linebreak.Rd
index 01ab847..55adc0a 100644
--- a/man/linebreak.Rd
+++ b/man/linebreak.Rd
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
 \title{Make linebreak in LaTeX Table cells}
-linebreak(x, align = c("l", "c", "r"), double_escape = F,
-  linebreaker = "\\n")
+linebreak(x, align = c("l", "c", "r"), double_escape = F, linebreaker = "\\n")
 \item{x}{A character vector}
@@ -15,7 +14,7 @@
 \item{double_escape}{Whether special character should be double escaped.
 Default is FALSE.}
-\item{linebreaker}{Symbol for linebreaks to replace. Default is \code{\\n}.}
+\item{linebreaker}{Symbol for linebreaks to replace. Default is \verb{\\\\n}.}
 This function generate LaTeX code of \code{makecell} so that users
diff --git a/man/reexports.Rd b/man/reexports.Rd
index 87b7db4..69a8477 100644
--- a/man/reexports.Rd
+++ b/man/reexports.Rd
@@ -14,6 +14,6 @@
-  \item{magrittr}{\code{\link[magrittr]{\%>\%}}}
+  \item{magrittr}{\code{\link[magrittr:pipe]{\%>\%}}}
diff --git a/man/row_spec.Rd b/man/row_spec.Rd
index c65aede..09f61a2 100644
--- a/man/row_spec.Rd
+++ b/man/row_spec.Rd
@@ -4,11 +4,23 @@
 \title{Specify the look of the selected row}
-row_spec(kable_input, row, bold = FALSE, italic = FALSE,
-  monospace = FALSE, underline = FALSE, strikeout = FALSE,
-  color = NULL, background = NULL, align = NULL, font_size = NULL,
-  angle = NULL, extra_css = NULL, hline_after = FALSE,
-  extra_latex_after = NULL)
+  kable_input,
+  row,
+  bold = FALSE,
+  italic = FALSE,
+  monospace = FALSE,
+  underline = FALSE,
+  strikeout = FALSE,
+  color = NULL,
+  background = NULL,
+  align = NULL,
+  font_size = NULL,
+  angle = NULL,
+  extra_css = NULL,
+  hline_after = FALSE,
+  extra_latex_after = NULL
 \item{kable_input}{Output of \code{knitr::kable()} with \code{format} specified}
diff --git a/man/save_kable.Rd b/man/save_kable.Rd
index 562ac79..76c144c 100644
--- a/man/save_kable.Rd
+++ b/man/save_kable.Rd
@@ -4,9 +4,16 @@
 \title{Save kable to files}
-save_kable(x, file, bs_theme = "simplex", self_contained = TRUE,
-  extra_dependencies = NULL, ..., latex_header_includes = NULL,
-  keep_tex = FALSE)
+  x,
+  file,
+  bs_theme = "simplex",
+  self_contained = TRUE,
+  extra_dependencies = NULL,
+  ...,
+  latex_header_includes = NULL,
+  keep_tex = FALSE
 \item{x}{A piece of HTML code for tables, usually generated by kable and
@@ -21,16 +28,16 @@
 \item{self_contained}{Will the files be self-contained?}
 \item{extra_dependencies}{Additional HTML dependencies. For example,
 \item{...}{Additional variables being passed to \code{webshot::webshot}. This
 is for HTML only.}
 \item{latex_header_includes}{A character vector of extra LaTeX header stuff.
 Each element is a row. You can have things like
-\code{c("\\\\usepackage{threeparttable}", "\\\\usepackage{icons}")}  You could
+\code{c("\\\\\\\\usepackage{threeparttable}", "\\\\\\\\usepackage{icons}")}  You could
 probably add your language package here if you use non-English text in your
-table, such as \code{\\\\usepackage[magyar]{babel}}.}
+table, such as \verb{\\\\\\\\usepackage[magyar]\{babel\}}.}
 \item{keep_tex}{A T/F option to control if the latex file that is initially created
 should be kept. Default is \code{FALSE}.}
@@ -38,3 +45,13 @@
 Save kable to files
+kable(mtcars[1:5, ], "html") \%>\%
+  kable_styling("striped") \%>\%
+  row_spec(1, color = "red") \%>\%
+  save_kable("inst/test.pdf")
diff --git a/man/scroll_box.Rd b/man/scroll_box.Rd
index 5d4b3af..65f385d 100644
--- a/man/scroll_box.Rd
+++ b/man/scroll_box.Rd
@@ -4,9 +4,14 @@
 \title{Put a HTML table into a scrollable box}
-scroll_box(kable_input, height = NULL, width = NULL,
-  box_css = "border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 5px; ", extra_css = NULL,
-  fixed_thead = TRUE)
+  kable_input,
+  height = NULL,
+  width = NULL,
+  box_css = "border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 5px; ",
+  extra_css = NULL,
+  fixed_thead = TRUE
 \item{kable_input}{A HTML kable object}
diff --git a/man/spec_color.Rd b/man/spec_color.Rd
index 539b623..74cdd1d 100644
--- a/man/spec_color.Rd
+++ b/man/spec_color.Rd
@@ -4,8 +4,16 @@
 \title{Generate viridis Color code for continuous values}
-spec_color(x, alpha = 1, begin = 0, end = 1, direction = 1,
-  option = "D", na_color = "#BBBBBB", scale_from = NULL)
+  x,
+  alpha = 1,
+  begin = 0,
+  end = 1,
+  direction = 1,
+  option = "D",
+  na_color = "#BBBBBB",
+  scale_from = NULL
 \item{x}{continuous vectors of values}
diff --git a/man/spec_font_size.Rd b/man/spec_font_size.Rd
index cdd7465..7d6cea3 100644
--- a/man/spec_font_size.Rd
+++ b/man/spec_font_size.Rd
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
 \title{Generate common font size for continuous values}
-spec_font_size(x, begin = 8, end = 16, na_font_size = 12,
-  scale_from = NULL)
+spec_font_size(x, begin = 8, end = 16, na_font_size = 12, scale_from = NULL)
 \item{x}{continuous vectors of values}
diff --git a/man/spec_popover.Rd b/man/spec_popover.Rd
index c9565d7..e182f59 100644
--- a/man/spec_popover.Rd
+++ b/man/spec_popover.Rd
@@ -4,8 +4,12 @@
 \title{Setup bootstrap popover}
-spec_popover(content = NULL, title = NULL, trigger = "hover",
-  position = "right")
+  content = NULL,
+  title = NULL,
+  trigger = "hover",
+  position = "right"
 \item{content}{content for pop-over message}
diff --git a/man/usepackage_latex.Rd b/man/usepackage_latex.Rd
index ab2e09c..91daccd 100644
--- a/man/usepackage_latex.Rd
+++ b/man/usepackage_latex.Rd
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 \item{options}{The LaTeX options for the package}
-Load a LaTeX package using R code. Just like \code{\\usepackage{}}
+Load a LaTeX package using R code. Just like \verb{\\\\usepackage\{\}}
 in LaTeX