clean up kable_as_image documentation
diff --git a/man/kable_as_image.Rd b/man/kable_as_image.Rd
index 4492fff..688f59b 100644
--- a/man/kable_as_image.Rd
+++ b/man/kable_as_image.Rd
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 rmarkdown environment. It is a "better than nothing" solution to print high
 quality tables in rmarkdown Word document. By using this, you need to take
 the responsibility of explaining to your collaborators why they can't make
-edits to the tables in Word. 😂
+edits to the tables in Word.
 Also, if a filename is provided, user has the option to "save" the table to
 an image file like \code{ggplot2::ggsave()}.
@@ -41,7 +41,3 @@
 The approach was learned and adopted from the \href{}{texpreview}
 package, which allows you to preview the results of TeX code in the Viewer panel.
-kable_as_image(knitr::kable(mtcars, "latex", booktabs = TRUE), "mtcars")