Adding lightable theme
diff --git a/man/add_header_above.Rd b/man/add_header_above.Rd
index 2f0d133..99e6931 100644
--- a/man/add_header_above.Rd
+++ b/man/add_header_above.Rd
@@ -33,7 +33,11 @@
 example, \code{c(" " = 1, "title" = 2)} can be used to create a new header row
 for a 3-column table with "title" spanning across column 2 and 3. For
 convenience, when \code{colspan} equals to 1, users can drop the \verb{ = 1} part.
-As a result, \code{c(" ", "title" = 2)} is the same as \code{c(" " = 1, "title" = 2)}.}
+As a result, \code{c(" ", "title" = 2)} is the same as \code{c(" " = 1, "title" = 2)}.
+Alternatively, a data frame with two columns can be provided: The first
+column should contain the header names (character vector) and the second
+column should contain the colspan (numeric vector). This input can be used
+if there are problems with unicode characters in the headers.}
 \item{bold}{A T/F value to control whether the text should be bolded.}