Add htmlTable_styling; Improve old functions
diff --git a/R/footnote.R b/R/footnote.R
index 73d18f5..eeb55e6 100644
--- a/R/footnote.R
+++ b/R/footnote.R
@@ -15,54 +15,18 @@
#' @param threeparttable Boolean value indicating if a \href{}{threeparttable} scheme should be used.
#' @export
-add_footnote <- function(input, label = NULL, notation = "number",
+add_footnote <- function(input, label = NULL,
+ notation = c("alphabet", "number", "symbol"),
threeparttable = FALSE) {
- if (is.null(label)){return(input)}
+ if (is.null(label)) return(input)
- # Define available id list
- if (!notation %in% c("number", "alphabet", "symbol")){
- warning('Please select your notation within "number", "alphabet" and ',
- '"symbol". Now add_footnote is using "alphabet" as default.')
+ notation <- match.arg(notation)
+ if (notation == "symbol") {
+ notation <- paste0(notation, ".", attr(input, "format"))
- if (notation == "symbol") {notation = paste0(notation, ".", attr(input, "format"))}
- ids.ops <- data.frame(
- number = as.character(1:20),
- alphabet = letters[1:20],
- symbol.latex = c(
- "*", "\\\\dag", "\\\\ddag", "\\\\S", "\\\\P",
- "**", "\\\\dag\\\\dag", "\\\\ddag\\\\ddag", "\\\\S\\\\S", "\\\\P\\\\P",
- "***", "\\\\dag\\\\dag\\\\dag", "\\\\ddag\\\\ddag\\\\ddag",
- "\\\\S\\\\S\\\\S", "\\\\P\\\\P\\\\P",
- "****", "\\\\dag\\\\dag\\\\dag\\\\dag", "\\\\ddag\\\\ddag\\\\ddag\\\\ddag",
- "\\\\S\\\\S\\\\S\\\\S", "\\\\P\\\\P\\\\P\\\\P"
- ),
- symbol.html = c(
- "*", "†", "‡", "§", "¶",
- "**", "††", "‡‡", "§§", "¶¶",
- "***", "†††", "‡‡‡",
- "§§§", "¶¶¶",
- "****", "††††", "‡‡‡‡",
- "§§§§", "¶¶¶¶"
- ),
- symbol.markdown = c(
- "\\*", "\u2020", "\u2021", "\u00A7", "\u00B6",
- "\\*\\*", "\u2020\u2020", "\u2021\u2021", "\u00A7\u00A7", "\u00B6\u00B6",
- "\\*\\*\\*", "\u2020\u2020\u2020", "\u2021\u2021\u2021",
- "\u00A7\u00A7\u00A7", "\u00B6\u00B6\u00B6",
- "\\*\\*\\*\\*", "\u2020\u2020\u2020\u2020", "\u2021\u2021\u2021\u2021",
- "\u00A7\u00A7\u00A7\u00A7", "\u00B6\u00B6\u00B6\u00B6"
- ),
- symbol.pandoc = c(
- "\\*", "\u2020", "\u2021", "\u00A7", "\u00B6",
- "\\*\\*", "\u2020\u2020", "\u2021\u2021", "\u00A7\u00A7", "\u00B6\u00B6",
- "\\*\\*\\*", "\u2020\u2020\u2020", "\u2021\u2021\u2021",
- "\u00A7\u00A7\u00A7", "\u00B6\u00B6\u00B6",
- "\\*\\*\\*\\*", "\u2020\u2020\u2020\u2020", "\u2021\u2021\u2021\u2021",
- "\u00A7\u00A7\u00A7\u00A7", "\u00B6\u00B6\u00B6\u00B6"
- )
- )
- ids <- ids.ops[,notation]
- # pandoc cannot recognize ^*^ as * is a special character. We have to use ^\*^
+ ids.ops <- read.csv(system.file("symbol_index.csv", package = "kableExtra"))
+ ids <- ids.ops[, notation]
ids.intable <- gsub("\\*", "\\\\*", ids)
ids.simple <- c(
"*", "\u2020", "\u2021", "\u00A7", "\u00B6",
@@ -74,11 +38,11 @@
#count the number of items in label and intable notation
- count.label = length(label)
- count.intablenoot = sum(str_count(input, "\\[note\\]"))
- if (count.intablenoot != 0 & count.label != count.intablenoot){
+ count.label <- length(label)
+ count.intablenote <- sum(str_count(input, "\\[note\\]"))
+ if (count.intablenote != 0 & count.label != count.intablenote){
warning(paste("You entered", count.label, "labels but you put",
- count.intablenoot, "[note] in your table."))
+ count.intablenote, "[note] in your table."))
export <- input
@@ -96,15 +60,17 @@
# Footnote solution for markdown and pandoc. It is not perfect as
# markdown doesn't support complex table formats but this solution
# should be able to satisfy people who don't want to spend extra
- # time to define their `kable` output.
- if(!attr(input, "format") %in% c("html", "latex")){
+ # time to define their `kable` format.
+ if (!attr(input, "format") %in% c("html", "latex")) {
# In table notation
- if(count.intablenoot != 0){
- for(i in 1:count.intablenoot){
+ if (count.intablenote != 0) {
+ for (i in 1:count.intablenote) {
+ replace_note <- paste0("^", ids.intable[i], "^",
+ paste0(rep(" ", 4 - ceiling(i/5)), collapse = ""))
export[which(str_detect(export, "\\[note\\]"))[1]] <-
- sub("\\[note\\]", paste0("^", ids.intable[i], "^",
- paste0(rep(" ", 4 - ceiling(i/5)),
- collapse = "")), export[which(str_detect(export, "\\[note\\]"))[1]])
+ sub("\\[note\\]", replace_note,
+ export[which(str_detect(export, "\\[note\\]"))[1]])
# Fix extra in table notation
@@ -163,7 +129,7 @@
paste0("\\\\hline\n", caption.footnote), export)
- for(i in ( + 1):count.intablenoot){
+ for(i in ( + 1):count.intablenote){
export <- sub("\\[note\\]",
paste0("\\\\footnote[", i, "]{", label[i], "}"), export)
@@ -174,7 +140,7 @@
# Replace in-table notation with appropriate symbol
- for(i in 1:count.intablenoot){
+ for(i in 1:count.intablenote){
export <- sub("\\[note\\]", paste0("\\\\textsuperscript{", ids.intable[i], "}"), export)
@@ -232,7 +198,7 @@
label <- knitr:::escape_html(label)
# Replace in-table notation with appropriate symbol
- for(i in 1:count.intablenoot){
+ for(i in 1:count.intablenote){
export <- sub("\\[note\\]", paste0("<sup>", ids.intable[i], "</sup>"), export)