Add the examples to kable_as_image.R from, and update the help document.
diff --git a/R/kable_as_image.R b/R/kable_as_image.R
index ffe18be..b81d102 100644
--- a/R/kable_as_image.R
+++ b/R/kable_as_image.R
@@ -21,6 +21,20 @@
 #' @param keep_tex A T/F option to control if the latex file that is initially created
 #' should be kept. Default is `FALSE`.
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' library(kableExtra)
+#' kable(mtcars[1:5, ], "html") %>%
+#'   kable_styling("striped") %>%
+#'   row_spec(1, color = "red") %>%
+#'   save_kable("inst/test.pdf")
+#' kable(mtcars, "latex", booktabs = T) %>%
+#' kable_styling(latex_options = c("striped", "scale_down")) %>%
+#' row_spec(1, color = "red") %>%
+#' as_image()
+#' }
 #' @export
 kable_as_image <- function(kable_input, filename = NULL,
                            file_format = "png",