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+# R client library to access the Matomo web service API
+## Description
+The package provides client access to the web service API of the web analytics platform [Matomo](
+## Installation
+## Documentation
+See matomo [Reporting API Reference]( for details.
+### Usage
+ matomoUrl,
+ siteId,
+ period = "month",
+ date = "last16",
+ filter_limit = 100,
+ removeFirst = FALSE,
+ removeLast = FALSE,
+ accessToken = getAccessToken(matomoUrl)
+### Arguments
+Argument | Description
+---------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+matomoUrl| base URL of your matomo instance
+siteId | matomo site id or vector of site ids
+period | day, week, month or year
+date | date range (see [matomo API reference](
+filter_limit | defines the maximum number of rows to be returned
+removeFirst |logical that determines whether the first row of each site should be removed (to account for incomplete periods)
+removeLast | logical that determines whether the last row of each site should be removed (to account for incomplete periods) and pass it here, or you can make it persistent with persistAccessToken.|
+accessToken | API Authentication Token - you can get this in your matomo interface under Settings -> Personal -> Settings -> API Authentication Token
+## Examples
+### ggplot
+# persistAccessToken("", "ad7609a669179c4ebca7c995342f7e09")
+getVisitsSummary("", siteId = c(13,14), period="day", date="last60") %>%
+ mutate(service = case_when(site_id == 13 ~ "A", site_id == 14 ~ "B")) %>%
+ ggplot(aes(date, nb_actions, color=service)) +
+ scale_color_discrete() +
+ geom_smooth(span=.25, se=FALSE)
+<!-- -->
+### highcharter
+# persistAccessToken("", "ad7609a669179c4ebca7c995342f7e09")
+getVisitsSummary("", siteId = c(13,14), period="month", date="last16") %>%
+ mutate(service = case_when(site_id == 13 ~ "A", site_id == 14 ~ "B")) %>%
+ hchart("spline", hcaes(date, nb_actions, group=service)) %>%
+ hc_add_theme(hc_theme_ids_light())
+<!-- -->
+## Development and License
+**Authors**: [Marc Kupietz](
+Copyright (c) 2020, [Leibniz Institute for the German Language](, Mannheim, Germany
+This package is developed as part of the [KorAP](
+Corpus Analysis Platform at the Leibniz Institute for German Language
+It is published under the
+[BSD-2 License](
+## Contributions
+Contributions are very welcome!
+Your contributions should ideally be committed via our [Gerrit server](
+to facilitate reviewing (see [Gerrit Code Review - A Quick Introduction](
+if you are not familiar with Gerrit). However, we are also happy to accept comments and pull requests
+via GitHub.
+Please note that unless you explicitly state otherwise any
+contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion into this software shall –
+as this software itself – be under the [BSD-2 License](
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