posterdown_memoir phased to posterdown_pdf

Fully-ish customised sizing of the poster and colours :partly_sunny:
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/441ADA46/sources/per/t/FA0F97ED-contents b/.Rproj.user/441ADA46/sources/per/t/FA0F97ED-contents
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87ae68e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.Rproj.user/441ADA46/sources/per/t/FA0F97ED-contents
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+%brent's poster layout :)
+%utf-8 seems to be important
+%For kable extra package :)
+    colorlinks=true,
+    linkcolor=$link_col$,
+    citecolor=$cite_col$,
+    filecolor=magenta,
+    urlcolor=$url_col$,
+%Maybe Define a department param in the YAML
+\def\department#1{\gdef \@department{#1}}
+%For figure and table placement
+%spacing between figure/ table and caption
+%define column options
+\setsubsubsecheadstyle{\small\color{$header_textcol$}\textbf}% Set \section style
+%biblatex options
+  \renewcommand{\bibname}{References}
+%bring in the users information
+%define column spacing
+%spacing after section head title
+  backgroundcolor=myframecolour,
+  linecolor= $columnline_col$,
+  topline=false,
+  leftline=false,
+  rightline=false,
+  linewidth=2mm,
+  settings={\definecolor{linkcolor}{RGB}{255,255,255}}}
+%Footnote to white
+% see
+%begin the document
+%sets footnote to be white hopefully
+% group which adds title author and other infor
+% Used instead of \maketitle for better spacing options
+  \centering
+  \color{$title_textcol$}
+  \Huge{$title$} \\[0.3in]
+  \color{cyan} \Large{$author$} \\[0.2in]
+  \color{white} \large{$department$} \par
+  \vspace{0.2in}
+% end title section -------------------
+  \endgroup
+% Brgin body of poster
+%end the poster