Merge pull request #28 from brentthorne/daily-dev
Daily dev
diff --git a/code_pic.png b/Images/code_pic.png
similarity index 100%
rename from code_pic.png
rename to Images/code_pic.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from example_poster.png
rename to Images/example_poster.png
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Images/example_poster1.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/posterdown_hexlogo1.png b/Images/posterdown_hexlogo1.png
similarity index 100%
rename from posterdown_hexlogo1.png
rename to Images/posterdown_hexlogo1.png
Binary files differ
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similarity index 100%
rename from posterdown_picture.png
rename to Images/posterdown_picture.png
Binary files differ
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Images/skeleton.pdf
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index d08509e..f33500f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
# posterdown
-<img src="posterdown_hexlogo1.png" alt="poster logo" align="right" width = "25%" height="25%"/>
+<img src="Images/posterdown_hexlogo1.png" alt="poster logo" align="right" width = "25%" height="25%"/>
As a graduate student, I found that it is almost a rite of passage to take early research and analysis and generate a conference poster allowing for critical feedback. This is also important for facilitating meeting the people in your field at poster sessions at academic meetings. I have also noticed that while many of my fellow graduate students use R and are getting their feet wet with RMarkdown :blush:, we always had to go back to using MS Powerpoint or Keynote or Adobe Illustrator for generating conference posters :unamused:. Posterdown was created as a proof-of-concept (to myself) that it is possible to make a beautiful poster using open source reproducible code.
From this:
-<img src="code_pic.png" width="50%" height="50%">
+<img src="Images/code_pic.png" width="50%" height="50%">
To this:
-<img src="example_poster.png" width="50%" height="50%">
+<img src="Images/example_poster1.png" width="50%" height="50%">
Please feel free to give me feedback or requests for changes in the [issues]( page. I am currently finishing up my Master's degree so I will have limited time to work on updating this package in the next few months but nevertheless I will do what I can! :smile:
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
3. Use the **File / New File / R Markdown.. / From Template / Posterdown PDF** dialog pathway to create a conference poster from the _Posterdown PDF_ template provided.
_**NOTE** If you do not see the **Posterdown PDF** template in this dialogue box, restart the R session or close and re-open RStudio._
@@ -137,4 +137,4 @@
- [ ] Toggle citation section on/off as per user's choice
- [x] ~~Make colour options standardized (probably hex colours if possible)~~
- [ ] Allow users to choose colour options from a palette??
-- [ ] Fill/style Section headings if user wishes
+- [x] ~~Fill/style Section headings if user wishes~~
diff --git a/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/resources/template.tex b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/resources/template.tex
index 7f3ea7b..962fa02 100644
--- a/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/resources/template.tex
+++ b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/resources/template.tex
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
%For kable extra package :)
@@ -49,6 +51,7 @@
% Text Colours
@@ -85,11 +88,25 @@
+%define section header title features
\setsubsubsecheadstyle{\small\color{headertextcol}\textbf}% Set \section style
+%tcolorbox magic from my stack exchange question
+\newtcolorbox{myboxstuff}[1][]{code={\parindent=0em},colframe=headerbordercol,left skip=0pt,valign=center,halign=center,fontupper=\Large\bfseries,colupper=headertextcol,boxrule=$header_borderwidth$,$header_boxshape$,colback=headerbgcol, #1}
+\strut #1
+ \setsecheadstyle{\mybox}
@@ -111,9 +128,11 @@
diff --git a/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton.Rmd b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton.Rmd
index cb9f42e..7e8d11d 100644
--- a/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton.Rmd
+++ b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton.Rmd
@@ -23,27 +23,33 @@
cite_col: "CC0000" #colour of ciation elements
url_col: "008080" #colour of url links
link_col: "008080" #colour of other links within the poster
-columnline_col: "0b4545" #colour
-header_bgcol: "008080"
+columnline_col: "ffffff" #colour
#Text Colours
title_textcol: "ffffff" #colour of title text
author_textcol: "008080" # Colour of author text
affiliation_textcol: "FFFFFF" # Colour of affiliation text
body_textcol: "000000" # Colour of main text in the body of poster
-header_textcol: "CC0000" # Colour of the poster header titles
-footnote_textcol: "FFFFFF" # Colour of footnote text if used
+footnote_textcol: "ffffff" # Colour of footnote text if used
-poster_height: "38in" # height in inches of poster
+poster_height: "39in" # height in inches of poster
poster_width: "45in" # width in inches of poster
-column_numbers: 3 # Number of columns that the poster has
-column_margins: "10mm" # Margin spacing for columns
+column_numbers: 4 # Number of columns that the poster has
+column_margins: "5mm" # Margin spacing for columns
+#---- Section Titles Styling ----#
+header_textcol: "ffffff" # Colour of the poster header titles
+header_bgcol: "0b4545" # Colour of the header title box
+header_bordercol: "0b4545" # Colour of the border around the box (if you dont want one then set border size to 0)
+header_borderwidth: "6pt" # Thicknes of the header box border
+header_boxshape: "sharp corners" # Lots of options can be used for this. Another example is "rounded corners". I will make a list soon!
bibliography: MyLibrary # name of the .bib file used for referencing
bibliography_spacing: 0.8 # sets the multiplier for line spacing of bibliography spacing (between 0 and 1)
output: posterdown::posterdown_pdf
```{r, include=FALSE}
@@ -95,10 +101,14 @@
This package uses the same workflow approach as the `RMarkdown` you know and love. Basically it goes from RMarkdown > Knitr > Markdown > Pandoc > Latex > PDF
# Results
Usually you want to have a nice table displaying some important results that you have calcualated. In posterdown this is as easy as using the `kable` table formatting you are probably use to as per typical `RMarkdown` formatting. I suggesting checking out the `kableExtra` package and its in depth documentation on customizing these tables found [here](
@@ -110,8 +120,6 @@
```{r, out.width='75%', fig.width=4, fig.height=3, fig.cap='A typical plot using ggplot using the classic iris dataset.'}
@@ -125,7 +133,6 @@
```{r, out.width='85%', fig.width=4.5, fig.height=4, fig.cap='Another typical plot using ggplot, this time with a different theme and r code chunk options for fig.width and fig.height.'}
@@ -140,7 +147,7 @@
```{r, out.width='80%', fig.width=4.5, fig.align='center', echo=TRUE, fig.height=5, fig.cap='Another figure showing how base R plots might look on this poster!'}
@@ -159,6 +166,7 @@
# Next Steps
@@ -171,6 +179,6 @@
- Include References section only if initiated by the user like in RMarkdown.
<!--- Here you can set the size of the citation text as well as remove the "References" section if you choose not to have one for some reason :) -->
diff --git a/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton.pdf b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0324086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton.tex b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5fcefa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+%% %% Posterdown PDF class for LaTeX files 08-JAN-2019
+%% %% For any information please send an e-mail to:
+%% %% (Brent Thorne)
+%% %%
+%% %% Initial class provided by:
+%% %% Brent Thorne
+%utf-8 seems to be important
+%For kable extra package :)
+%%%%%%%%% COLOURS %%%%%%%%
+%Fill/ Line Colours
+% Text Colours
+ colorlinks=true,
+ linkcolor=linkcol,
+ citecolor=citecol,
+ filecolor=magenta,
+ urlcolor=urlcol,
+%For figure and table placement
+%spacing between figure/ table and caption
+%define column options
+%define section header title features
+\setsubsubsecheadstyle{\small\color{headertextcol}\textbf}% Set \section style
+%tcolorbox magic from my stack exchange question
+\newtcolorbox{myboxstuff}[1][]{code={\parindent=0em},colframe=headerbordercol,left skip=0pt,valign=center,halign=center,fontupper=\Large\bfseries,colupper=headertextcol,boxrule=6pt,sharp corners,colback=headerbgcol, #1}
+\strut #1
+ \setsecheadstyle{\mybox}
+%biblatex options
+ \renewcommand{\bibname}{References}
+%bring in the users information
+\author{Author One\textsuperscript{1} Author Two\textsuperscript{2}}
+\title{\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont Using posterdown to generate reproducible
+conference posters via RMarkdown \textgreater{} Knitr \textgreater{}
+Markdown \textgreater{} Pandoc \textgreater{} Latex \textgreater{} PDF
+%define column spacing
+%spacing after section head title
+ backgroundcolor=titlebgcol,
+ linecolor=columnlinecol,
+ topline=false,
+ leftline=false,
+ rightline=false,
+ linewidth=2mm}
+%Footnote to white
+% see
+% Add ',fontsize=\small' for more characters per line
+% choose font family
+%begin the document
+%sets footnote to be white hopefully
+% group which adds title author and other infor
+% Used instead of \maketitle for better spacing options
+ \centering
+ \color{titletextcol}
+ \Huge{\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont Using posterdown to generate reproducible
+conference posters via RMarkdown \textgreater{} Knitr \textgreater{}
+Markdown \textgreater{} Pandoc \textgreater{} Latex \textgreater{} PDF
+workflow} \\[0.3in]
+ \color{authortextcol} \Large{Author One\textsuperscript{1} Author Two\textsuperscript{2}} \\[0.2in]
+ \color{affiliationtextcol} \large{\textsuperscript{1}Department of Poster Layouts, University of Markdown;
+\textsuperscript{2}Deparment of Another Institution, Institution
+ \vspace{0.2in}
+% end title section -------------------
+ \endgroup
+% Brgin body of poster
+Welcome to \texttt{posterdown} ! This is my attempt to provide a
+semi-smooth workflow for those who wish to take their \texttt{RMarkdown}
+skills to the conference world. Many creature comforts from
+\texttt{RMarkdown} are available in this package such as
+\texttt{Markdown} section notation, figure captioning, and even
+citations like this one \autocite{holden_identifying_2012} The rest of
+this example poster will show how you can insert typical conference
+poster features into your own document.
+\section{Study Site}\label{study-site}
+Here is a map made to show the study site using \texttt{ggplot2},
+\texttt{ggspatial}, and \texttt{sf}. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
+\autocite{middleton_geological_nodate} consectetur adipiscing elit, sed
+do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Phasellus
+vestibulum lorem sed risus ultricies tristique nulla. Mauris vitae
+ultricies leo integer malesuada nunc vel risus commodo. Suspendisse
+potenti nullam ac tortor vitae. Enim nunc faucibus a pellentesque sit
+amet porttitor eget.
+{\centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{skeleton_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-2-1}
+\caption{This is a map of Canada, the ggspatial package is great for GIS folks in R!}\label{fig:unnamed-chunk-2}
+ Easy to use reproducible poster design.
+ Integration with \texttt{RMarkdown}.
+ Easy transition from \texttt{posterdown} to \texttt{thesisdown} or
+ \texttt{rticles}
+This package uses the same workflow approach as the \texttt{RMarkdown}
+you know and love. Basically it goes from RMarkdown \textgreater{} Knitr
+\textgreater{} Markdown \textgreater{} Pandoc \textgreater{} Latex
+\textgreater{} PDF
+Usually you want to have a nice table displaying some important results
+that you have calcualated. In posterdown this is as easy as using the
+\texttt{kable} table formatting you are probably use to as per typical
+\texttt{RMarkdown} formatting. I suggesting checking out the
+\texttt{kableExtra} package and its in depth documentation on
+customizing these tables found
+\caption{\label{tab:unnamed-chunk-3}Tables are a breeze with Kable and Kable extra package!}
+\begin{tabu} to \linewidth {>{\centering}X>{\centering}X>{\centering}X>{\centering}X>{\centering}X}
+Sepal.Length & Sepal.Width & Petal.Length & Petal.Width & Species\\
+\rowcolor{gray!6} 5.1 & 3.5 & 1.4 & 0.2 & setosa\\
+4.9 & 3.0 & 1.4 & 0.2 & setosa\\
+\rowcolor{gray!6} 4.7 & 3.2 & 1.3 & 0.2 & setosa\\
+4.6 & 3.1 & 1.5 & 0.2 & setosa\\
+{\centering \includegraphics[width=0.75\linewidth]{skeleton_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-4-1}
+\caption{A typical plot using ggplot using the classic iris dataset.}\label{fig:unnamed-chunk-4}
+{\centering \includegraphics[width=0.85\linewidth]{skeleton_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-5-1}
+\caption{Another typical plot using ggplot, this time with a different theme and r code chunk options for fig.width and fig.height.}\label{fig:unnamed-chunk-5}
+\CommentTok{# Here is some code for people}
+\CommentTok{# to look at and be in awe of!!!!}
+ \KeywordTok{aes}\NormalTok{(}\DataTypeTok{x =}\NormalTok{ Sepal.Width,}
+ \DataTypeTok{y =}\NormalTok{ Sepal.Length,}
+ \DataTypeTok{colour =}\NormalTok{ Species)) }\OperatorTok{+}
+\StringTok{ }\KeywordTok{geom_point}\NormalTok{() }\OperatorTok{+}
+\StringTok{ }\KeywordTok{theme_stata}\NormalTok{() }\OperatorTok{+}
+\StringTok{ }\OtherTok{NULL}
+{\centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{skeleton_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-6-1}
+\caption{Another figure showing how base R plots might look on this poster!}\label{fig:unnamed-chunk-6}
+\section{Next Steps}\label{next-steps}
+There is still \textbf{A LOT} of work to do on this package which
+include (but are note limited to):
+ Better softcoding for front end user options in YAML
+ Images in the title section for logo placement which is a common
+ attribut to posters as far as I have come to know.
+ Figure out compatiability with \texttt{natbib} which wasn't working
+ during the initial set up.
+ MUCH BETTER PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION. For example, there is nothing in
+ the README\ldots{}
+ Include References section only if initiated by the user like in
+ RMarkdown.
+%end the poster
diff --git a/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton_cache/latex/__packages b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton_cache/latex/__packages
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..663d793
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton_cache/latex/__packages
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
diff --git a/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton_cache/latex/unnamed-chunk-2_05b605b26d781c2bf5fed7fba4ca4e78.rdb b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton_cache/latex/unnamed-chunk-2_05b605b26d781c2bf5fed7fba4ca4e78.rdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9471e79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton_cache/latex/unnamed-chunk-2_05b605b26d781c2bf5fed7fba4ca4e78.rdb
Binary files differ
diff --git a/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton_cache/latex/unnamed-chunk-2_05b605b26d781c2bf5fed7fba4ca4e78.rdx b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton_cache/latex/unnamed-chunk-2_05b605b26d781c2bf5fed7fba4ca4e78.rdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d372698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton_cache/latex/unnamed-chunk-2_05b605b26d781c2bf5fed7fba4ca4e78.rdx
Binary files differ
diff --git a/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-2-1.pdf b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-2-1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45a297a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-2-1.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-4-1.pdf b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-4-1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9f379c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-4-1.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-5-1.pdf b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-5-1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe23f52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-5-1.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-6-1.pdf b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-6-1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7a746d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_pdf/skeleton/skeleton_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-6-1.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/output.png b/output.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01c1778
--- /dev/null
+++ b/output.png
Binary files differ