IDS Mannheim CD adaptation to posterdown

Lifecycle: experimental Build Status CRAN_Release_Badge CRAN_Download_Badge CRAN_Download_Badge CRAN_Download_Badge

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[Current Template Styles]#current-template-styles)
Getting Started

Current Template Styles


Getting Started

To install use remotes::install_git("").

Now add this to the YAML options of your rmarkdown (.Rmd) file:


For further customization options please see the (currently in progress :hammer:) wiki

Additional metadata / customization for IDS version, e.g.:

subtitle: Using RMarkdown and `posterdown::ids_poster`
    name: Marc Kupietz
    department: Digital Linguistics
    website: ""

For a complete example, see skeleton.Rmd

Support the original author

Please consider supporting posterdown to ensure continued support and development for this package, as grad school + open source developer != :dollar:.

Patreon - Monthly
PayPal - Single Payment
Bitcoin: 1KZ3zyNsxdR8NjYL9vomb9fmpkXSXvK5VR
Ethereum: 0x71a18c5E3300a33F1139a9eA0abc0D029E3C30F7
Litecoin: LR4usZRgjJGLAg3Tu5PSBjgUaVtdts9Wnw

You can also follow me (Brent Thorne) on twitter for upcoming features which may not be released on github.

Please feel free to give me feedback or requests for changes in the issues page. I am currently finishing up my Master's degree so I will have limited time to work on updating this package in the next few months but, nevertheless, I will do what I can! :smile: