Add badges and remove toc in README
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index 15c729a..a78d115 100644
--- a/README.Rmd
+++ b/README.Rmd
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title: "R Markdown Format for reveal.js Presentations"
- github_document:
- toc: true
- toc_depth: 2
+ github_document: default
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## Overview
This repository provides an [R Markdown]( custom format for [reveal.js]( HTML presentations.
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index 603fd96..913abdd 100644
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+++ b/
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R Markdown Format for reveal.js Presentations
- - [Overview](#overview)
- - [Rendering](#rendering)
- - [Display Modes](#display-modes)
- - [Incremental Bullets](#incremental-bullets)
- - [Appearance and Style](#appearance-and-style)
- - [Slide Transitions](#slide-transitions)
- - [Slide Backgrounds](#slide-backgrounds)
- - [2-D Presentations](#d-presentations)
- - [Reveal Options](#reveal-options)
- - [Figure Options](#figure-options)
- - [MathJax Equations](#mathjax-equations)
- - [Document Dependencies](#document-dependencies)
- - [Reveal Plugins](#reveal-plugins)
- - [Advanced Customization](#advanced-customization)
- - [Shared Options](#shared-options)
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## Overview
@@ -42,28 +33,28 @@
date: March 22, 2005
output: revealjs::revealjs_presentation
# In the morning
## Getting up
- Turn off alarm
- Get out of bed
## Breakfast
- Eat eggs
- Drink coffee
# In the evening
## Dinner
- Eat spaghetti
- Drink wine
## Going to sleep
- Get in bed
- Count sheep
@@ -84,9 +75,9 @@
source file, with the same name.
Note: Unlike the the other slideshow outputs, the slideshow viewer popup
-from RStudio will be blank, to view the slide show click the `open in
-browser` button, and the slide show will render in your default web
+from RStudio will be blank, to view the slide show click the
+`open in browser` button, and the slide show will render in your default
+web browser.
### R Console
@@ -115,9 +106,9 @@
The following single character keyboard shortcuts enable alternate
display modes:
- - `'f'` enable fullscreen mode
+- `'f'` enable fullscreen mode
- - `'o'` enable overview mode
+- `'o'` enable overview mode
Pressing `Esc` exits all of these modes.
@@ -142,20 +133,20 @@
There are several options that control the appearance of revealjs
- - `theme` specifies the theme to use for the presentation (available
+- `theme` specifies the theme to use for the presentation (available
themes are “default”, “simple”, “sky”, “beige”, “serif”,
“solarized”, “blood”, “moon”, “night”, “black”, “league” or
- - `highlight` specifies the syntax highlighting style. Supported
+- `highlight` specifies the syntax highlighting style. Supported
styles include “default”, “tango”, “pygments”, “kate”, “monochrome”,
“espresso”, “zenburn”, and “haddock”. Pass null to prevent syntax
- - `center` specifies whether you want to vertically center content on
+- `center` specifies whether you want to vertically center content on
slides (this defaults to false).
- - `smart` indicates whether to produce typographically correct output,
+- `smart` indicates whether to produce typographically correct output,
converting straight quotes to curly quotes, `---` to em-dashes, `--`
to en-dashes, and `...` to ellipses. Note that `smart` is enabled by
@@ -175,11 +166,11 @@
You can use the `transition` and `background_transition` options to
specify the global default slide transition style:
- - `transition` specifies the visual effect when moving between slides.
+- `transition` specifies the visual effect when moving between slides.
Available transitions are “default”, “fade”, “slide”, “convex”,
“concave”, “zoom” or “none”.
- - `background_transition` specifies the background transition effect
+- `background_transition` specifies the background transition effect
when moving between full page slides. Available transitions are
“default”, “fade”, “slide”, “convex”, “concave”, “zoom” or “none”.
@@ -195,14 +186,14 @@
data-transition attribute, for example:
## Use a zoom transition {data-transition="zoom"}
## Use a faster speed {data-transition-speed="fast"}
You can also use different in and out transitions for the same slide,
for example:
## Fade in, Slide out {data-transition="slide-in fade-out"}
## Slide in, Fade out {data-transition="fade-in slide-out"}
## Slide Backgrounds
@@ -215,11 +206,11 @@
few examples.
## CSS color background {data-background=#ff0000}
## Full size image background {data-background="background.jpeg"}
## Video background {data-background-video="background.mp4"}
## Embed a web page as a background {data-background-iframe=""}
Backgrounds transition using a fade animation by default. This can be
@@ -237,11 +228,11 @@
For example:
# Horizontal Slide 1
## Vertical Slide 1
## Vertical Slide 2
# Horizontal Slide 2
With this layout horizontal navigation will proceed directly from
@@ -272,15 +263,15 @@
There are a number of options that affect the output of figures within
reveal.js presentations:
- - `fig_width` and `fig_height` can be used to control the default
+- `fig_width` and `fig_height` can be used to control the default
figure width and height (7x5 is used by default)
- - `fig_retina` Specifies the scaling to perform for retina displays
+- `fig_retina` Specifies the scaling to perform for retina displays
(defaults to 2, which currently works for all widely used retina
- displays). Note that this only takes effect if you are using knitr
- \>= 1.5.21. Set to `null` to prevent retina scaling.
+ displays). Note that this only takes effect if you are using
+ knitr >= 1.5.21. Set to `null` to prevent retina scaling.
- - `fig_caption` controls whether figures are rendered with captions
+- `fig_caption` controls whether figures are rendered with captions
For example:
@@ -299,15 +290,15 @@
reveal.js presentations for rendering LaTeX and MathML equations. You
can use the `mathjax` option to control how MathJax is included:
- - Specify “default” to use an https URL from the official MathJax CDN.
+- Specify “default” to use an https URL from the official MathJax CDN.
- - Specify “local” to use a local version of MathJax (which is copied
+- Specify “local” to use a local version of MathJax (which is copied
into the output directory). Note that when using “local” you also
need to set the `self_contained` option to false.
- - Specify an alternate URL to load MathJax from another location.
+- Specify an alternate URL to load MathJax from another location.
- - Specify null to exclude MathJax entirely.
+- Specify null to exclude MathJax entirely.
For example, to use a local copy of MathJax:
@@ -380,7 +371,7 @@
option. Plugins currently supported include:
| Plugin | Description |
-| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [notes]( | Present per-slide notes in a separate browser window. |
| [zoom]( | Zoom in and out of selected content with Alt+Click. |
| [search]( | Find a text string anywhere in the slides and show the next occurrence to the user. |
@@ -473,3 +464,10 @@
All documents located in the same directory as `_output.yaml` will
inherit it’s options. Options defined explicitly within documents will
override those specified in the shared options file.
+## Code of Conduct
+Please note that the revealjs project is released with a [Contributor
+Code of
+Conduct]( By
+contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.