Update to reveal.js 4.1.2 (#136)
- New tools/ script to manually keep step for updates
- Plugins are all updated
- Template update following latest Pandoc version
- updated README for documentation
- Help page updated
- See other change in NEWS file
diff --git a/inst/reveal.js-4.1.2/plugin/chalkboard/plugin.js b/inst/reveal.js-4.1.2/plugin/chalkboard/plugin.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76b736e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/reveal.js-4.1.2/plugin/chalkboard/plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1976 @@
+ ** Author: Asvin Goel, goel@telematique.eu
+ **
+ ** A plugin for reveal.js adding a chalkboard.
+ **
+ ** Version: 2.1.0
+ **
+ ** License: MIT license (see LICENSE.md)
+ **
+ ** Credits:
+ ** Chalkboard effect by Mohamed Moustafa https://github.com/mmoustafa/Chalkboard
+ ** Multi color support initially added by Kurt Rinnert https://github.com/rinnert
+ ** Compatibility with reveal.js v4 by Hakim El Hattab https://github.com/hakimel
+ ******************************************************************/
+window.RevealChalkboard = window.RevealChalkboard || {
+ id: 'RevealChalkboard',
+ init: function ( deck ) {
+ initChalkboard( deck );
+ },
+ configure: function ( config ) {
+ configure( config );
+ },
+ toggleNotesCanvas: function () {
+ toggleNotesCanvas();
+ },
+ toggleChalkboard: function () {
+ toggleChalkboard();
+ },
+ colorIndex: function () {
+ colorIndex();
+ },
+ colorNext: function () {
+ colorNext();
+ },
+ colorPrev: function () {
+ colorPrev();
+ },
+ clear: function () {
+ clear();
+ },
+ reset: function () {
+ reset();
+ },
+ resetAll: function () {
+ resetAll();
+ },
+ updateStorage: function () {
+ updateStorage();
+ },
+ getData: function () {
+ return getData();
+ },
+ download: function () {
+ download();
+ },
+function scriptPath() {
+ // obtain plugin path from the script element
+ var src;
+ if ( document.currentScript ) {
+ src = document.currentScript.src;
+ } else {
+ var sel = document.querySelector( 'script[src$="/chalkboard/plugin.js"]' )
+ if ( sel ) {
+ src = sel.src;
+ }
+ }
+ var path = ( src === undefined ) ? "" : src.slice( 0, src.lastIndexOf( "/" ) + 1 );
+//console.log("Path: " + path);
+ return path;
+var path = scriptPath();
+const initChalkboard = function ( Reveal ) {
+ /* Feature detection for passive event handling*/
+ var passiveSupported = false;
+ try {
+ window.addEventListener( 'test', null, Object.defineProperty( {}, 'passive', {
+ get: function () {
+ passiveSupported = true;
+ }
+ } ) );
+ } catch ( err ) {}
+ ** Configuration
+ ******************************************************************/
+ var background, pen, draw, color;
+ var grid = false;
+ var boardmarkerWidth = 3;
+ var chalkWidth = 7;
+ var chalkEffect = 1.0;
+ var rememberColor = [ true, false ];
+ var eraser = {
+ src: path + 'img/sponge.png',
+ radius: 20
+ };
+ var boardmarkers = [ {
+ color: 'rgba(100,100,100,1)',
+ cursor: 'url(' + path + 'img/boardmarker-black.png), auto'
+ },
+ {
+ color: 'rgba(30,144,255, 1)',
+ cursor: 'url(' + path + 'img/boardmarker-blue.png), auto'
+ },
+ {
+ color: 'rgba(220,20,60,1)',
+ cursor: 'url(' + path + 'img/boardmarker-red.png), auto'
+ },
+ {
+ color: 'rgba(50,205,50,1)',
+ cursor: 'url(' + path + 'img/boardmarker-green.png), auto'
+ },
+ {
+ color: 'rgba(255,140,0,1)',
+ cursor: 'url(' + path + 'img/boardmarker-orange.png), auto'
+ },
+ {
+ color: 'rgba(150,0,20150,1)',
+ cursor: 'url(' + path + 'img/boardmarker-purple.png), auto'
+ },
+ {
+ color: 'rgba(255,220,0,1)',
+ cursor: 'url(' + path + 'img/boardmarker-yellow.png), auto'
+ }
+ ];
+ var chalks = [ {
+ color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)',
+ cursor: 'url(' + path + 'img/chalk-white.png), auto'
+ },
+ {
+ color: 'rgba(96, 154, 244, 0.5)',
+ cursor: 'url(' + path + 'img/chalk-blue.png), auto'
+ },
+ {
+ color: 'rgba(237, 20, 28, 0.5)',
+ cursor: 'url(' + path + 'img/chalk-red.png), auto'
+ },
+ {
+ color: 'rgba(20, 237, 28, 0.5)',
+ cursor: 'url(' + path + 'img/chalk-green.png), auto'
+ },
+ {
+ color: 'rgba(220, 133, 41, 0.5)',
+ cursor: 'url(' + path + 'img/chalk-orange.png), auto'
+ },
+ {
+ color: 'rgba(220,0,220,0.5)',
+ cursor: 'url(' + path + 'img/chalk-purple.png), auto'
+ },
+ {
+ color: 'rgba(255,220,0,0.5)',
+ cursor: 'url(' + path + 'img/chalk-yellow.png), auto'
+ }
+ ];
+ var keyBindings = {
+ toggleNotesCanvas: {
+ keyCode: 67,
+ key: 'C',
+ description: 'Toggle notes canvas'
+ },
+ toggleChalkboard: {
+ keyCode: 66,
+ key: 'B',
+ description: 'Toggle chalkboard'
+ },
+ clear: {
+ keyCode: 46,
+ key: 'DEL',
+ description: 'Clear drawings on slide'
+ },
+ reset: {
+ keyCode: 173,
+ key: '-',
+ description: 'Reset drawings on slide'
+ },
+ resetAll: {
+ keyCode: 8,
+ key: 'BACKSPACE',
+ description: 'Reset all drawings'
+ },
+ colorNext: {
+ keyCode: 88,
+ key: 'X',
+ description: 'Next color'
+ },
+ colorPrev: {
+ keyCode: 89,
+ key: 'Y',
+ description: 'Previous color'
+ },
+ download: {
+ keyCode: 68,
+ key: 'D',
+ description: 'Download drawings'
+ }
+ };
+ var theme = 'chalkboard';
+ var color = [ 0, 0 ];
+ var toggleChalkboardButton = false;
+ var toggleNotesButton = false;
+ var colorButtons = true;
+ var boardHandle = true;
+ var transition = 800;
+ var readOnly = false;
+ var messageType = 'broadcast';
+ var config = configure( Reveal.getConfig().chalkboard || {} );
+ if ( config.keyBindings ) {
+ for ( var key in config.keyBindings ) {
+ keyBindings[ key ] = config.keyBindings[ key ];
+ };
+ }
+ function configure( config ) {
+ if ( config.boardmarkerWidth || config.penWidth ) boardmarkerWidth = config.boardmarkerWidth || config.penWidth;
+ if ( config.chalkWidth ) chalkWidth = config.chalkWidth;
+ if ( config.chalkEffect ) chalkEffect = config.chalkEffect;
+ if ( config.rememberColor ) rememberColor = config.rememberColor;
+ if ( config.eraser ) eraser = config.eraser;
+ if ( config.boardmarkers ) boardmarkers = config.boardmarkers;
+ if ( config.chalks ) chalks = config.chalks;
+ if ( config.theme ) theme = config.theme;
+ switch ( theme ) {
+ case 'whiteboard':
+ background = [ 'rgba(127,127,127,.1)', path + 'img/whiteboard.png' ];
+ draw = [ drawWithBoardmarker, drawWithBoardmarker ];
+ pens = [ boardmarkers, boardmarkers ];
+ grid = {
+ color: 'rgb(127,127,255,0.1)',
+ distance: 40,
+ width: 2
+ };
+ break;
+ case 'chalkboard':
+ default:
+ background = [ 'rgba(127,127,127,.1)', path + 'img/blackboard.png' ];
+ draw = [ drawWithBoardmarker, drawWithChalk ];
+ pens = [ boardmarkers, chalks ];
+ grid = {
+ color: 'rgb(50,50,10,0.5)',
+ distance: 80,
+ width: 2
+ };
+ }
+ if ( config.background ) background = config.background;
+ if ( config.grid != undefined ) grid = config.grid;
+ if ( config.toggleChalkboardButton != undefined ) toggleChalkboardButton = config.toggleChalkboardButton;
+ if ( config.toggleNotesButton != undefined ) toggleNotesButton = config.toggleNotesButton;
+ if ( config.colorButtons != undefined ) colorButtons = config.colorButtons;
+ if ( config.boardHandle != undefined ) boardHandle = config.boardHandle;
+ if ( config.transition ) transition = config.transition;
+ if ( config.readOnly != undefined ) readOnly = config.readOnly;
+ if ( config.messageType ) messageType = config.messageType;
+ if ( drawingCanvas && ( config.theme || config.background || config.grid ) ) {
+ var canvas = document.getElementById( drawingCanvas[ 1 ].id );
+ canvas.style.background = 'url("' + background[ 1 ] + '") repeat';
+ clearCanvas( 1 );
+ drawGrid();
+ }
+ return config;
+ }
+ ** Setup
+ ******************************************************************/
+ function whenReady( callback ) {
+ // wait for markdown to be parsed and code to be highlighted
+ if ( !document.querySelector( 'section[data-markdown]:not([data-markdown-parsed])' )
+ && !document.querySelector( 'code[data-line-numbers*="|"]')
+ ) {
+ callback();
+ } else {
+ console.log( "Wait for markdown to be parsed and code to be highlighted" );
+ setTimeout( whenReady, 500, callback )
+ }
+ }
+ function whenLoaded( callback ) {
+ // wait for drawings to be loaded and markdown to be parsed
+ if ( loaded !== null ) {
+ callback();
+ } else {
+ console.log( "Wait for drawings to be loaded" );
+ setTimeout( whenLoaded, 500, callback )
+ }
+ }
+ if ( toggleChalkboardButton ) {
+console.warn( "toggleChalkboardButton is deprecated, use customcontrols plugin instead!" );
+ var button = document.createElement( 'div' );
+ button.className = "chalkboard-button";
+ button.id = "toggle-chalkboard";
+ button.style.visibility = "visible";
+ button.style.position = "absolute";
+ button.style.zIndex = 30;
+ button.style.fontSize = "24px";
+ button.style.left = toggleChalkboardButton.left || "30px";
+ button.style.bottom = toggleChalkboardButton.bottom || "30px";
+ button.style.top = toggleChalkboardButton.top || "auto";
+ button.style.right = toggleChalkboardButton.right || "auto";
+ button.innerHTML = '<a href="#" title="Toggle chalkboard (' + keyBindings.toggleChalkboard.key + ')" onclick="RevealChalkboard.toggleChalkboard(); return false;"><i class="fa fa-pen-square"></i></a>'
+ document.querySelector( ".reveal" ).appendChild( button );
+ }
+ if ( toggleNotesButton ) {
+console.warn( "toggleNotesButton is deprecated, use customcontrols plugin instead!" );
+ var button = document.createElement( 'div' );
+ button.className = "chalkboard-button";
+ button.id = "toggle-notes";
+ button.style.position = "absolute";
+ button.style.zIndex = 30;
+ button.style.fontSize = "24px";
+ button.style.left = toggleNotesButton.left || "70px";
+ button.style.bottom = toggleNotesButton.bottom || "30px";
+ button.style.top = toggleNotesButton.top || "auto";
+ button.style.right = toggleNotesButton.right || "auto";
+ button.innerHTML = '<a href="#" title="Toggle slide annotation (' + keyBindings.toggleNotesCanvas.key + ')" onclick="RevealChalkboard.toggleNotesCanvas(); return false;"><i class="fa fa-pen"></i></a>'
+ document.querySelector( ".reveal" ).appendChild( button );
+ }
+ var drawingCanvas = [ {
+ id: 'notescanvas'
+ }, {
+ id: 'chalkboard'
+ } ];
+ setupDrawingCanvas( 0 );
+ setupDrawingCanvas( 1 );
+ var mode = 0; // 0: notes canvas, 1: chalkboard
+ var board = 0; // board index (only for chalkboard)
+ var mouseX = 0;
+ var mouseY = 0;
+ var lastX = null;
+ var lastY = null;
+ var drawing = false;
+ var erasing = false;
+ var slideStart = Date.now();
+ var slideIndices = {
+ h: 0,
+ v: 0
+ };
+ var timeouts = [
+ [],
+ []
+ ];
+ var touchTimeout = null;
+ var slidechangeTimeout = null;
+ var updateStorageTimeout = null;
+ var playback = false;
+ function createPalette( colors, length ) {
+ if ( length === true || length > colors.length ) {
+ length = colors.length;
+ }
+ var palette = document.createElement( 'div' );
+ palette.classList.add( 'palette' );
+ var list = document.createElement( 'ul' );
+ // color pickers
+ for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
+ var colorButton = document.createElement( 'li' );
+ colorButton.setAttribute( 'data-color', i );
+ colorButton.innerHTML = '<i class="fa fa-square"></i>';
+ colorButton.style.color = colors[ i ].color;
+ colorButton.addEventListener( 'click', function ( e ) {
+ var element = e.target;
+ while ( !element.hasAttribute( 'data-color' ) ) {
+ element = element.parentElement;
+ }
+ colorIndex( parseInt( element.getAttribute( 'data-color' ) ) );
+ } );
+ colorButton.addEventListener( 'touchstart', function ( e ) {
+ var element = e.target;
+ while ( !element.hasAttribute( 'data-color' ) ) {
+ element = element.parentElement;
+ }
+ colorIndex( parseInt( element.getAttribute( 'data-color' ) ) );
+ } );
+ list.appendChild( colorButton );
+ }
+ palette.appendChild( list );
+ return palette;
+ };
+ function switchBoard( boardIdx ) {
+ selectBoard( boardIdx, true );
+ // broadcast
+ var message = new CustomEvent( messageType );
+ message.content = {
+ sender: 'chalkboard-plugin',
+ type: 'selectboard',
+ timestamp: Date.now() - slideStart,
+ mode,
+ board
+ };
+ document.dispatchEvent( message );
+ }
+ function setupDrawingCanvas( id ) {
+ var container = document.createElement( 'div' );
+ container.id = drawingCanvas[ id ].id;
+ container.classList.add( 'overlay' );
+ container.setAttribute( 'data-prevent-swipe', 'true' );
+ container.oncontextmenu = function () {
+ return false;
+ }
+ container.style.cursor = pens[ id ][ color[ id ] ].cursor;
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].width = window.innerWidth;
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].height = window.innerHeight;
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].scale = 1;
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].xOffset = 0;
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].yOffset = 0;
+ if ( id == "0" ) {
+ container.style.background = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';
+ container.style.zIndex = 24;
+ container.style.opacity = 1;
+ container.style.visibility = 'visible';
+ container.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
+ var slides = document.querySelector( '.slides' );
+ var aspectRatio = Reveal.getConfig().width / Reveal.getConfig().height;
+ if ( drawingCanvas[ id ].width > drawingCanvas[ id ].height * aspectRatio ) {
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].xOffset = ( drawingCanvas[ id ].width - drawingCanvas[ id ].height * aspectRatio ) / 2;
+ } else if ( drawingCanvas[ id ].height > drawingCanvas[ id ].width / aspectRatio ) {
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].yOffset = ( drawingCanvas[ id ].height - drawingCanvas[ id ].width / aspectRatio ) / 2;
+ }
+ if ( colorButtons ) {
+ var palette = createPalette( boardmarkers, colorButtons );
+ palette.style.visibility = 'hidden'; // only show palette in drawing mode
+ container.appendChild( palette );
+ }
+ } else {
+ container.style.background = 'url("' + background[ id ] + '") repeat';
+ container.style.zIndex = 26;
+ container.style.opacity = 0;
+ container.style.visibility = 'hidden';
+ if ( colorButtons ) {
+ var palette = createPalette( chalks, colorButtons );
+ container.appendChild( palette );
+ }
+ if ( boardHandle ) {
+ var handle = document.createElement( 'div' );
+ handle.classList.add( 'boardhandle' );
+ handle.innerHTML = '<ul><li><a id="previousboard" href="#" title="Previous board"><i class="fas fa-chevron-up"></i></a></li><li><a id="nextboard" href="#" title="Next board"><i class="fas fa-chevron-down"></i></a></li></ul>';
+ handle.querySelector( '#previousboard' ).addEventListener( 'click', function ( e ) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ switchBoard( board - 1 );
+ } );
+ handle.querySelector( '#nextboard' ).addEventListener( 'click', function ( e ) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ switchBoard( board + 1 );
+ } );
+ handle.querySelector( '#previousboard' ).addEventListener( 'touchstart', function ( e ) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ switchBoard( board - 1 );
+ } );
+ handle.querySelector( '#nextboard' ).addEventListener( 'touchstart', function ( e ) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ switchBoard( board + 1 );
+ } );
+ container.appendChild( handle );
+ }
+ }
+ var sponge = document.createElement( 'img' );
+ sponge.src = eraser.src;
+ sponge.id = 'sponge';
+ sponge.style.visibility = 'hidden';
+ sponge.style.position = 'absolute';
+ container.appendChild( sponge );
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].sponge = sponge;
+ var canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
+ canvas.width = drawingCanvas[ id ].width;
+ canvas.height = drawingCanvas[ id ].height;
+ canvas.setAttribute( 'data-chalkboard', id );
+ canvas.style.cursor = pens[ id ][ color[ id ] ].cursor;
+ container.appendChild( canvas );
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].canvas = canvas;
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].context = canvas.getContext( '2d' );
+ setupCanvasEvents( container );
+ document.querySelector( '.reveal' ).appendChild( container );
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].container = container;
+ }
+ ** Storage
+ ******************************************************************/
+ var storage = [ {
+ width: Reveal.getConfig().width,
+ height: Reveal.getConfig().height,
+ data: []
+ },
+ {
+ width: Reveal.getConfig().width,
+ height: Reveal.getConfig().height,
+ data: []
+ }
+ ];
+ var loaded = null;
+ if ( config.storage ) {
+ // Get chalkboard drawings from session storage
+ loaded = initStorage( sessionStorage.getItem( config.storage ) );
+ }
+ if ( !loaded && config.src != null ) {
+ // Get chalkboard drawings from the given file
+ loadData( config.src );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initialize storage.
+ */
+ function initStorage( json ) {
+ var success = false;
+ try {
+ var data = JSON.parse( json );
+ for ( var id = 0; id < data.length; id++ ) {
+ if ( drawingCanvas[ id ].width != data[ id ].width || drawingCanvas[ id ].height != data[ id ].height ) {
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].scale = Math.min( drawingCanvas[ id ].width / data[ id ].width, drawingCanvas[ id ].height / data[ id ].height );
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].xOffset = ( drawingCanvas[ id ].width - data[ id ].width * drawingCanvas[ id ].scale ) / 2;
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].yOffset = ( drawingCanvas[ id ].height - data[ id ].height * drawingCanvas[ id ].scale ) / 2;
+ }
+ if ( config.readOnly ) {
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].container.style.cursor = 'default';
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].canvas.style.cursor = 'default';
+ }
+ }
+ success = true;
+ storage = data;
+ } catch ( err ) {
+ console.warn( "Cannot initialise storage!" );
+ }
+ return success;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Load data.
+ */
+ function loadData( filename ) {
+ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ xhr.onload = function () {
+ if ( xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status != 404 ) {
+ loaded = initStorage( xhr.responseText );
+ updateStorage();
+ console.log( "Drawings loaded from file" );
+ } else {
+ config.readOnly = undefined;
+ readOnly = undefined;
+ console.warn( 'Failed to get file ' + filename + '. ReadyState: ' + xhr.readyState + ', Status: ' + xhr.status );
+ loaded = false;
+ }
+ };
+ xhr.open( 'GET', filename, true );
+ try {
+ xhr.send();
+ } catch ( error ) {
+ config.readOnly = undefined;
+ readOnly = undefined;
+ console.warn( 'Failed to get file ' + filename + '. Make sure that the presentation and the file are served by a HTTP server and the file can be found there. ' + error );
+ loaded = false;
+ }
+ }
+ function storageChanged( now ) {
+ if ( !now ) {
+ // create or update timer
+ if ( updateStorageTimeout ) {
+ clearTimeout( updateStorageTimeout );
+ }
+ updateStorageTimeout = setTimeout( storageChanged, 1000, true);
+ }
+ else {
+// console.log("Update storage", updateStorageTimeout, Date.now());
+ updateStorage();
+ updateStorageTimeout = null;
+ }
+ }
+ function updateStorage() {
+ var json = JSON.stringify( storage )
+ if ( config.storage ) {
+ sessionStorage.setItem( config.storage, json )
+ }
+ return json;
+ }
+ function recordEvent( event ) {
+ event.time = Date.now() - slideStart;
+ if ( mode == 1 ) event.board = board;
+ var slideData = getSlideData();
+ var i = slideData.events.length;
+ while ( i > 0 && event.time < slideData.events[ i - 1 ].time ) {
+ i--;
+ }
+ slideData.events.splice( i, 0, event );
+ slideData.duration = Math.max( slideData.duration, Date.now() - slideStart ) + 1;
+ storageChanged();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get data as json string.
+ */
+ function getData() {
+ // cleanup slide data without events
+ for ( var id = 0; id < 2; id++ ) {
+ for ( var i = storage[ id ].data.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+ if ( storage[ id ].data[ i ].events.length == 0 ) {
+ storage[ id ].data.splice( i, 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return updateStorage();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Download data.
+ */
+ function downloadData() {
+ var a = document.createElement( 'a' );
+ document.body.appendChild( a );
+ try {
+ a.download = 'chalkboard.json';
+ var blob = new Blob( [ getData() ], {
+ type: 'application/json'
+ } );
+ a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL( blob );
+ } catch ( error ) {
+ a.innerHTML += ' (' + error + ')';
+ }
+ a.click();
+ document.body.removeChild( a );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns data object for the slide with the given indices.
+ */
+ function getSlideData( indices, id ) {
+ if ( id == undefined ) id = mode;
+ if ( !indices ) indices = slideIndices;
+ var data;
+ for ( var i = 0; i < storage[ id ].data.length; i++ ) {
+ if ( storage[ id ].data[ i ].slide.h === indices.h && storage[ id ].data[ i ].slide.v === indices.v && storage[ id ].data[ i ].slide.f === indices.f ) {
+ data = storage[ id ].data[ i ];
+ return data;
+ }
+ }
+ var page = Number( Reveal.getCurrentSlide().getAttribute('data-pdf-page-number') );
+//console.log( indices, Reveal.getCurrentSlide() );
+ storage[ id ].data.push( {
+ slide: indices,
+ page,
+ events: [],
+ duration: 0
+ } );
+ data = storage[ id ].data[ storage[ id ].data.length - 1 ];
+ return data;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns maximum duration of slide playback for both modes
+ */
+ function getSlideDuration( indices ) {
+ if ( !indices ) indices = slideIndices;
+ var duration = 0;
+ for ( var id = 0; id < 2; id++ ) {
+ for ( var i = 0; i < storage[ id ].data.length; i++ ) {
+ if ( storage[ id ].data[ i ].slide.h === indices.h && storage[ id ].data[ i ].slide.v === indices.v && storage[ id ].data[ i ].slide.f === indices.f ) {
+ duration = Math.max( duration, storage[ id ].data[ i ].duration );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+//console.log( duration );
+ return duration;
+ }
+ ** Print
+ ******************************************************************/
+ var printMode = ( /print-pdf/gi ).test( window.location.search );
+//console.log("createPrintout" + printMode)
+ function addPageNumbers() {
+ // determine page number for printouts with fragments serialised
+ var slides = Reveal.getSlides();
+ var page = 0;
+ for ( var i=0; i < slides.length; i++) {
+ slides[i].setAttribute('data-pdf-page-number',page.toString());
+ // add number of fragments without fragment indices
+ var count = slides[i].querySelectorAll('.fragment:not([data-fragment-index])').length;
+ var fragments = slides[i].querySelectorAll('.fragment[data-fragment-index]');
+ for ( var j=0; j < fragments.length; j++) {
+ // increasenumber of fragments by highest fragment index (which start at 0)
+ if ( Number(fragments[j].getAttribute('data-fragment-index')) + 1 > count ) {
+ count = Number(fragments[j].getAttribute('data-fragment-index')) + 1;
+ }
+ }
+//console.log(count,fragments.length,( slides[i].querySelector('h1,h2,h3,h4')||{}).innerHTML, page);
+ page += count + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ function createPrintout() {
+ //console.warn(Reveal.getTotalSlides(),Reveal.getSlidesElement());
+ if ( storage[ 1 ].data.length == 0 ) return;
+ console.log( 'Create printout(s) for ' + storage[ 1 ].data.length + " slides" );
+ drawingCanvas[ 0 ].container.style.opacity = 0; // do not print notes canvas
+ drawingCanvas[ 0 ].container.style.visibility = 'hidden';
+ var patImg = new Image();
+ patImg.onload = function () {
+ var slides = Reveal.getSlides();
+ for ( var i = storage[ 1 ].data.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+ console.log( 'Create printout for slide ' + storage[ 1 ].data[ i ].slide.h + '.' + storage[ 1 ].data[ i ].slide.v );
+ var slideData = getSlideData( storage[ 1 ].data[ i ].slide, 1 );
+ var drawings = createDrawings( slideData, patImg );
+//console.log("Page:", storage[ 1 ].data[ i ].page );
+//console.log("Slide:", slides[storage[ 1 ].data[ i ].page] );
+ addDrawings( slides[storage[ 1 ].data[ i ].page], drawings );
+ }
+// Reveal.sync();
+ };
+ patImg.src = background[ 1 ];
+ }
+ function cloneCanvas( oldCanvas ) {
+ //create a new canvas
+ var newCanvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
+ var context = newCanvas.getContext( '2d' );
+ //set dimensions
+ newCanvas.width = oldCanvas.width;
+ newCanvas.height = oldCanvas.height;
+ //apply the old canvas to the new one
+ context.drawImage( oldCanvas, 0, 0 );
+ //return the new canvas
+ return newCanvas;
+ }
+ function getCanvas( template, container, board ) {
+ var idx = container.findIndex( element => element.board === board );
+ if ( idx === -1 ) {
+ var canvas = cloneCanvas( template );
+ if ( !container.length ) {
+ idx = 0;
+ container.push( {
+ board,
+ canvas
+ } );
+ } else if ( board < container[ 0 ].board ) {
+ idx = 0;
+ container.unshift( {
+ board,
+ canvas
+ } );
+ } else if ( board > container[ container.length - 1 ].board ) {
+ idx = container.length;
+ container.push( {
+ board,
+ canvas
+ } );
+ }
+ }
+ return container[ idx ].canvas;
+ }
+ function createDrawings( slideData, patImg ) {
+ var width = Reveal.getConfig().width;
+ var height = Reveal.getConfig().height;
+ var scale = 1;
+ var xOffset = 0;
+ var yOffset = 0;
+ if ( width != storage[ 1 ].width || height != storage[ 1 ].height ) {
+ scale = Math.min( width / storage[ 1 ].width, height / storage[ 1 ].height );
+ xOffset = ( width - storage[ 1 ].width * scale ) / 2;
+ yOffset = ( height - storage[ 1 ].height * scale ) / 2;
+ }
+ mode = 1;
+ board = 0;
+// console.log( 'Create printout(s) for slide ', slideData );
+ var drawings = [];
+ var template = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
+ template.width = width;
+ template.height = height;
+ var imgCtx = template.getContext( '2d' );
+ imgCtx.fillStyle = imgCtx.createPattern( patImg, 'repeat' );
+ imgCtx.rect( 0, 0, width, height );
+ imgCtx.fill();
+ for ( var j = 0; j < slideData.events.length; j++ ) {
+ switch ( slideData.events[ j ].type ) {
+ case 'draw':
+ draw[ 1 ]( getCanvas( template, drawings, board ).getContext( '2d' ),
+ xOffset + slideData.events[ j ].x1 * scale,
+ yOffset + slideData.events[ j ].y1 * scale,
+ xOffset + slideData.events[ j ].x2 * scale,
+ yOffset + slideData.events[ j ].y2 * scale,
+ yOffset + slideData.events[ j ].color
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'erase':
+ eraseWithSponge( getCanvas( template, drawings, board ).getContext( '2d' ),
+ xOffset + slideData.events[ j ].x * scale,
+ yOffset + slideData.events[ j ].y * scale
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'selectboard':
+ selectBoard( slideData.events[ j ].board );
+ break;
+ case 'clear':
+ getCanvas( template, drawings, board ).getContext( '2d' ).clearRect( 0, 0, width, height );
+ getCanvas( template, drawings, board ).getContext( '2d' ).fill();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ drawings = drawings.sort( ( a, b ) => a.board > b.board && 1 || -1 );
+ mode = 0;
+ return drawings;
+ }
+ function addDrawings( slide, drawings ) {
+ var parent = slide.parentElement.parentElement;
+ var nextSlide = slide.parentElement.nextElementSibling;
+ for ( var i = 0; i < drawings.length; i++ ) {
+ var newPDFPage = document.createElement( 'div' );
+ newPDFPage.classList.add( 'pdf-page' );
+ newPDFPage.style.height = Reveal.getConfig().height;
+ newPDFPage.append( drawings[ i ].canvas );
+//console.log("Add drawing", newPDFPage);
+ if ( nextSlide != null ) {
+ parent.insertBefore( newPDFPage, nextSlide );
+ } else {
+ parent.append( newPDFPage );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*****************************************************************
+ ** Drawings
+ ******************************************************************/
+ function drawWithBoardmarker( context, fromX, fromY, toX, toY, colorIdx ) {
+ if ( colorIdx == undefined ) colorIdx = color[ mode ];
+ context.lineWidth = boardmarkerWidth;
+ context.lineCap = 'round';
+ context.strokeStyle = boardmarkers[ colorIdx ].color;
+ context.beginPath();
+ context.moveTo( fromX, fromY );
+ context.lineTo( toX, toY );
+ context.stroke();
+ }
+ function drawWithChalk( context, fromX, fromY, toX, toY, colorIdx ) {
+ if ( colorIdx == undefined ) colorIdx = color[ mode ];
+ var brushDiameter = chalkWidth;
+ context.lineWidth = brushDiameter;
+ context.lineCap = 'round';
+ context.fillStyle = chalks[ colorIdx ].color; // 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)';
+ context.strokeStyle = chalks[ colorIdx ].color;
+ /*var opacity = Math.min(0.8, Math.max(0,color[1].replace(/^.*,(.+)\)/,'$1') - 0.1)) + Math.random()*0.2;*/
+ var opacity = 1.0;
+ context.strokeStyle = context.strokeStyle.replace( /[\d\.]+\)$/g, opacity + ')' );
+ context.beginPath();
+ context.moveTo( fromX, fromY );
+ context.lineTo( toX, toY );
+ context.stroke();
+ // Chalk Effect
+ var length = Math.round( Math.sqrt( Math.pow( toX - fromX, 2 ) + Math.pow( toY - fromY, 2 ) ) / ( 5 / brushDiameter ) );
+ var xUnit = ( toX - fromX ) / length;
+ var yUnit = ( toY - fromY ) / length;
+ for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
+ if ( chalkEffect > ( Math.random() * 0.9 ) ) {
+ var xCurrent = fromX + ( i * xUnit );
+ var yCurrent = fromY + ( i * yUnit );
+ var xRandom = xCurrent + ( Math.random() - 0.5 ) * brushDiameter * 1.2;
+ var yRandom = yCurrent + ( Math.random() - 0.5 ) * brushDiameter * 1.2;
+ context.clearRect( xRandom, yRandom, Math.random() * 2 + 2, Math.random() + 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function eraseWithSponge( context, x, y ) {
+ context.save();
+ context.beginPath();
+ context.arc( x, y, eraser.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false );
+ context.clip();
+ context.clearRect( x - eraser.radius - 1, y - eraser.radius - 1, eraser.radius * 2 + 2, eraser.radius * 2 + 2 );
+ context.restore();
+ if ( mode == 1 && grid ) {
+ redrawGrid( x, y, eraser.radius );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Show an overlay for the chalkboard.
+ */
+ function showChalkboard() {
+ clearTimeout( touchTimeout );
+ touchTimeout = null;
+ drawingCanvas[ 0 ].sponge.style.visibility = 'hidden'; // make sure that the sponge from touch events is hidden
+ drawingCanvas[ 1 ].sponge.style.visibility = 'hidden'; // make sure that the sponge from touch events is hidden
+ drawingCanvas[ 1 ].container.style.opacity = 1;
+ drawingCanvas[ 1 ].container.style.visibility = 'visible';
+ mode = 1;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Closes open chalkboard.
+ */
+ function closeChalkboard() {
+ clearTimeout( touchTimeout );
+ touchTimeout = null;
+ drawingCanvas[ 0 ].sponge.style.visibility = 'hidden'; // make sure that the sponge from touch events is hidden
+ drawingCanvas[ 1 ].sponge.style.visibility = 'hidden'; // make sure that the sponge from touch events is hidden
+ drawingCanvas[ 1 ].container.style.opacity = 0;
+ drawingCanvas[ 1 ].container.style.visibility = 'hidden';
+ lastX = null;
+ lastY = null;
+ mode = 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clear current canvas.
+ */
+ function clearCanvas( id ) {
+ if ( id == 0 ) clearTimeout( slidechangeTimeout );
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].context.clearRect( 0, 0, drawingCanvas[ id ].width, drawingCanvas[ id ].height );
+ if ( id == 1 && grid ) drawGrid();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Draw grid on background
+ */
+ function drawGrid() {
+ var context = drawingCanvas[ 1 ].context;
+ drawingCanvas[ 1 ].scale = Math.min( drawingCanvas[ 1 ].width / storage[ 1 ].width, drawingCanvas[ 1 ].height / storage[ 1 ].height );
+ drawingCanvas[ 1 ].xOffset = ( drawingCanvas[ 1 ].width - storage[ 1 ].width * drawingCanvas[ 1 ].scale ) / 2;
+ drawingCanvas[ 1 ].yOffset = ( drawingCanvas[ 1 ].height - storage[ 1 ].height * drawingCanvas[ 1 ].scale ) / 2;
+ var scale = drawingCanvas[ 1 ].scale;
+ var xOffset = drawingCanvas[ 1 ].xOffset;
+ var yOffset = drawingCanvas[ 1 ].yOffset;
+ var distance = grid.distance * scale;
+ var fromX = drawingCanvas[ 1 ].width / 2 - distance / 2 - Math.floor( ( drawingCanvas[ 1 ].width - distance ) / 2 / distance ) * distance;
+ for ( var x = fromX; x < drawingCanvas[ 1 ].width; x += distance ) {
+ context.beginPath();
+ context.lineWidth = grid.width * scale;
+ context.lineCap = 'round';
+ context.fillStyle = grid.color;
+ context.strokeStyle = grid.color;
+ context.moveTo( x, 0 );
+ context.lineTo( x, drawingCanvas[ 1 ].height );
+ context.stroke();
+ }
+ var fromY = drawingCanvas[ 1 ].height / 2 - distance / 2 - Math.floor( ( drawingCanvas[ 1 ].height - distance ) / 2 / distance ) * distance;
+ for ( var y = fromY; y < drawingCanvas[ 1 ].height; y += distance ) {
+ context.beginPath();
+ context.lineWidth = grid.width * scale;
+ context.lineCap = 'round';
+ context.fillStyle = grid.color;
+ context.strokeStyle = grid.color;
+ context.moveTo( 0, y );
+ context.lineTo( drawingCanvas[ 1 ].width, y );
+ context.stroke();
+ }
+ }
+ function redrawGrid( centerX, centerY, diameter ) {
+ var context = drawingCanvas[ 1 ].context;
+ drawingCanvas[ 1 ].scale = Math.min( drawingCanvas[ 1 ].width / storage[ 1 ].width, drawingCanvas[ 1 ].height / storage[ 1 ].height );
+ drawingCanvas[ 1 ].xOffset = ( drawingCanvas[ 1 ].width - storage[ 1 ].width * drawingCanvas[ 1 ].scale ) / 2;
+ drawingCanvas[ 1 ].yOffset = ( drawingCanvas[ 1 ].height - storage[ 1 ].height * drawingCanvas[ 1 ].scale ) / 2;
+ var scale = drawingCanvas[ 1 ].scale;
+ var xOffset = drawingCanvas[ 1 ].xOffset;
+ var yOffset = drawingCanvas[ 1 ].yOffset;
+ var distance = grid.distance * scale;
+ var fromX = drawingCanvas[ 1 ].width / 2 - distance / 2 - Math.floor( ( drawingCanvas[ 1 ].width - distance ) / 2 / distance ) * distance;
+ for ( var x = fromX + distance * Math.ceil( ( centerX - diameter - fromX ) / distance ); x <= fromX + distance * Math.floor( ( centerX + diameter - fromX ) / distance ); x += distance ) {
+ context.beginPath();
+ context.lineWidth = grid.width * scale;
+ context.lineCap = 'round';
+ context.fillStyle = grid.color;
+ context.strokeStyle = grid.color;
+ context.moveTo( x, centerY - Math.sqrt( diameter * diameter - ( centerX - x ) * ( centerX - x ) ) );
+ context.lineTo( x, centerY + Math.sqrt( diameter * diameter - ( centerX - x ) * ( centerX - x ) ) );
+ context.stroke();
+ }
+ var fromY = drawingCanvas[ 1 ].height / 2 - distance / 2 - Math.floor( ( drawingCanvas[ 1 ].height - distance ) / 2 / distance ) * distance;
+ for ( var y = fromY + distance * Math.ceil( ( centerY - diameter - fromY ) / distance ); y <= fromY + distance * Math.floor( ( centerY + diameter - fromY ) / distance ); y += distance ) {
+ context.beginPath();
+ context.lineWidth = grid.width * scale;
+ context.lineCap = 'round';
+ context.fillStyle = grid.color;
+ context.strokeStyle = grid.color;
+ context.moveTo( centerX - Math.sqrt( diameter * diameter - ( centerY - y ) * ( centerY - y ) ), y );
+ context.lineTo( centerX + Math.sqrt( diameter * diameter - ( centerY - y ) * ( centerY - y ) ), y );
+ context.stroke();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the color
+ */
+ function setColor( index, record ) {
+ // protect against out of bounds (this could happen when
+ // replaying events recorded with different color settings).
+ if ( index >= pens[ mode ].length ) index = 0;
+ color[ mode ] = index;
+ drawingCanvas[ mode ].canvas.style.cursor = pens[ mode ][ color[ mode ] ].cursor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the board
+ */
+ function selectBoard( boardIdx, record ) {
+//console.log("Set board",boardIdx);
+ if ( board == boardIdx ) return;
+ board = boardIdx;
+ redrawChalkboard( boardIdx );
+ if ( record ) {
+ recordEvent( { type: 'selectboard' } );
+ }
+ }
+ function redrawChalkboard( boardIdx ) {
+ clearCanvas( 1 );
+ var slideData = getSlideData( slideIndices, 1 );
+ var index = 0;
+ var play = ( boardIdx == 0 );
+ while ( index < slideData.events.length && slideData.events[ index ].time < Date.now() - slideStart ) {
+ if ( boardIdx == slideData.events[ index ].board ) {
+ playEvent( 1, slideData.events[ index ], Date.now() - slideStart );
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Forward cycle color
+ */
+ function cycleColorNext() {
+ color[ mode ] = ( color[ mode ] + 1 ) % pens[ mode ].length;
+ return color[ mode ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Backward cycle color
+ */
+ function cycleColorPrev() {
+ color[ mode ] = ( color[ mode ] + ( pens[ mode ].length - 1 ) ) % pens[ mode ].length;
+ return color[ mode ];
+ }
+ ** Broadcast
+ ******************************************************************/
+ var eventQueue = [];
+ document.addEventListener( 'received', function ( message ) {
+ if ( message.content && message.content.sender == 'chalkboard-plugin' ) {
+ // add message to queue
+ eventQueue.push( message );
+ console.log( JSON.stringify( message ) );
+ }
+ if ( eventQueue.length == 1 ) processQueue();
+ } );
+ function processQueue() {
+ // take first message from queue
+ var message = eventQueue.shift();
+ // synchronize time with seminar host
+ slideStart = Date.now() - message.content.timestamp;
+ // set status
+ if ( mode < message.content.mode ) {
+ // open chalkboard
+ showChalkboard();
+ } else if ( mode > message.content.mode ) {
+ // close chalkboard
+ closeChalkboard();
+ }
+ if ( board != message.content.board ) {
+ board = message.content.board;
+ redrawChalkboard( board );
+ };
+ switch ( message.content.type ) {
+ case 'showChalkboard':
+ showChalkboard();
+ break;
+ case 'closeChalkboard':
+ closeChalkboard();
+ break;
+ case 'erase':
+ erasePoint( message.content.x, message.content.y );
+ break;
+ case 'draw':
+ drawSegment( message.content.fromX, message.content.fromY, message.content.toX, message.content.toY, message.content.color );
+ break;
+ case 'clear':
+ clearSlide();
+ break;
+ case 'selectboard':
+ selectBoard( message.content.board, true );
+ break;
+ case 'resetSlide':
+ resetSlideDrawings();
+ break;
+ case 'init':
+ storage = message.content.storage;
+ for ( var id = 0; id < 2; id++ ) {
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].scale = Math.min( drawingCanvas[ id ].width / storage[ id ].width, drawingCanvas[ id ].height / storage[ id ].height );
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].xOffset = ( drawingCanvas[ id ].width - storage[ id ].width * drawingCanvas[ id ].scale ) / 2;
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].yOffset = ( drawingCanvas[ id ].height - storage[ id ].height * drawingCanvas[ id ].scale ) / 2;
+ }
+ clearCanvas( 0 );
+ clearCanvas( 1 );
+ if ( !playback ) {
+ slidechangeTimeout = setTimeout( startPlayback, transition, getSlideDuration(), 0 );
+ }
+ if ( mode == 1 && message.content.mode == 0 ) {
+ setTimeout( closeChalkboard, transition + 50 );
+ }
+ if ( mode == 0 && message.content.mode == 1 ) {
+ setTimeout( showChalkboard, transition + 50 );
+ }
+ mode = message.content.mode;
+ board = message.content.board;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ // continue with next message if queued
+ if ( eventQueue.length > 0 ) {
+ processQueue();
+ } else {
+ storageChanged();
+ }
+ }
+ document.addEventListener( 'welcome', function ( user ) {
+ // broadcast storage
+ var message = new CustomEvent( messageType );
+ message.content = {
+ sender: 'chalkboard-plugin',
+ recipient: user.id,
+ type: 'init',
+ timestamp: Date.now() - slideStart,
+ storage: storage,
+ mode,
+ board
+ };
+ document.dispatchEvent( message );
+ } );
+ /*****************************************************************
+ ** Playback
+ ******************************************************************/
+ document.addEventListener( 'seekplayback', function ( event ) {
+//console.log('event seekplayback ' + event.timestamp);
+ stopPlayback();
+ if ( !playback || event.timestamp == 0 ) {
+ // in other cases startplayback fires after seeked
+ startPlayback( event.timestamp );
+ }
+ //console.log('seeked');
+ } );
+ document.addEventListener( 'startplayback', function ( event ) {
+//console.log('event startplayback ' + event.timestamp);
+ stopPlayback();
+ playback = true;
+ startPlayback( event.timestamp );
+ } );
+ document.addEventListener( 'stopplayback', function ( event ) {
+//console.log('event stopplayback ' + (Date.now() - slideStart) );
+ playback = false;
+ stopPlayback();
+ } );
+ document.addEventListener( 'startrecording', function ( event ) {
+//console.log('event startrecording ' + event.timestamp);
+ startRecording();
+ } );
+ function startRecording() {
+ resetSlide( true );
+ slideStart = Date.now();
+ }
+ function startPlayback( timestamp, finalMode ) {
+//console.log("playback " + timestamp );
+ slideStart = Date.now() - timestamp;
+ closeChalkboard();
+ mode = 0;
+ board = 0;
+ for ( var id = 0; id < 2; id++ ) {
+ clearCanvas( id );
+ var slideData = getSlideData( slideIndices, id );
+//console.log( timestamp +" / " + JSON.stringify(slideData));
+ var index = 0;
+ while ( index < slideData.events.length && slideData.events[ index ].time < ( Date.now() - slideStart ) ) {
+ playEvent( id, slideData.events[ index ], timestamp );
+ index++;
+ }
+ while ( playback && index < slideData.events.length ) {
+ timeouts[ id ].push( setTimeout( playEvent, slideData.events[ index ].time - ( Date.now() - slideStart ), id, slideData.events[ index ], timestamp ) );
+ index++;
+ }
+ }
+//console.log("Mode: " + finalMode + "/" + mode );
+ if ( finalMode != undefined ) {
+ mode = finalMode;
+ }
+ if ( mode == 1 ) showChalkboard();
+//console.log("playback (ok)");
+ };
+ function stopPlayback() {
+//console.log("Timeouts: " + timeouts[0].length + "/"+ timeouts[1].length);
+ for ( var id = 0; id < 2; id++ ) {
+ for ( var i = 0; i < timeouts[ id ].length; i++ ) {
+ clearTimeout( timeouts[ id ][ i ] );
+ }
+ timeouts[ id ] = [];
+ }
+ };
+ function playEvent( id, event, timestamp ) {
+//console.log( timestamp +" / " + JSON.stringify(event));
+//console.log( id + ": " + timestamp +" / " + event.time +" / " + event.type +" / " + mode );
+ switch ( event.type ) {
+ case 'open':
+ if ( timestamp <= event.time ) {
+ showChalkboard();
+ } else {
+ mode = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'close':
+ if ( timestamp < event.time ) {
+ closeChalkboard();
+ } else {
+ mode = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'clear':
+ clearCanvas( id );
+ break;
+ case 'selectboard':
+ selectBoard( event.board );
+ break;
+ case 'draw':
+ drawLine( id, event, timestamp );
+ break;
+ case 'erase':
+ eraseCircle( id, event, timestamp );
+ break;
+ }
+ };
+ function drawLine( id, event, timestamp ) {
+ var ctx = drawingCanvas[ id ].context;
+ var scale = drawingCanvas[ id ].scale;
+ var xOffset = drawingCanvas[ id ].xOffset;
+ var yOffset = drawingCanvas[ id ].yOffset;
+ draw[ id ]( ctx, xOffset + event.x1 * scale, yOffset + event.y1 * scale, xOffset + event.x2 * scale, yOffset + event.y2 * scale, event.color );
+ };
+ function eraseCircle( id, event, timestamp ) {
+ var ctx = drawingCanvas[ id ].context;
+ var scale = drawingCanvas[ id ].scale;
+ var xOffset = drawingCanvas[ id ].xOffset;
+ var yOffset = drawingCanvas[ id ].yOffset;
+ eraseWithSponge( ctx, xOffset + event.x * scale, yOffset + event.y * scale );
+ };
+ function startErasing( x, y ) {
+ drawing = false;
+ erasing = true;
+ drawingCanvas[ mode ].sponge.style.visibility = 'visible';
+ erasePoint( x, y );
+ }
+ function erasePoint( x, y ) {
+ var ctx = drawingCanvas[ mode ].context;
+ var scale = drawingCanvas[ mode ].scale;
+ var xOffset = drawingCanvas[ mode ].xOffset;
+ var yOffset = drawingCanvas[ mode ].yOffset;
+ // move sponge image
+ drawingCanvas[ mode ].sponge.style.left = ( x * scale + xOffset - eraser.radius ) + 'px';
+ drawingCanvas[ mode ].sponge.style.top = ( y * scale + yOffset - 2 * eraser.radius ) + 'px';
+ recordEvent( {
+ type: 'erase',
+ x,
+ y
+ } );
+ if (
+ x * scale + xOffset > 0 &&
+ y * scale + yOffset > 0 &&
+ x * scale + xOffset < drawingCanvas[ mode ].width &&
+ y * scale + yOffset < drawingCanvas[ mode ].height
+ ) {
+ eraseWithSponge( ctx, x * scale + xOffset, y * scale + yOffset );
+ }
+ }
+ function stopErasing() {
+ erasing = false;
+ // hide sponge
+ drawingCanvas[ mode ].sponge.style.visibility = 'hidden';
+ }
+ function startDrawing( x, y ) {
+ drawing = true;
+ var ctx = drawingCanvas[ mode ].context;
+ var scale = drawingCanvas[ mode ].scale;
+ var xOffset = drawingCanvas[ mode ].xOffset;
+ var yOffset = drawingCanvas[ mode ].yOffset;
+ lastX = x * scale + xOffset;
+ lastY = y * scale + yOffset;
+ }
+ function drawSegment( fromX, fromY, toX, toY, colorIdx ) {
+ var ctx = drawingCanvas[ mode ].context;
+ var scale = drawingCanvas[ mode ].scale;
+ var xOffset = drawingCanvas[ mode ].xOffset;
+ var yOffset = drawingCanvas[ mode ].yOffset;
+ recordEvent( {
+ type: 'draw',
+ color: colorIdx,
+ x1: fromX,
+ y1: fromY,
+ x2: toX,
+ y2: toY
+ } );
+ if (
+ fromX * scale + xOffset > 0 &&
+ fromY * scale + yOffset > 0 &&
+ fromX * scale + xOffset < drawingCanvas[ mode ].width &&
+ fromY * scale + yOffset < drawingCanvas[ mode ].height &&
+ toX * scale + xOffset > 0 &&
+ toY * scale + yOffset > 0 &&
+ toX * scale + xOffset < drawingCanvas[ mode ].width &&
+ toY * scale + yOffset < drawingCanvas[ mode ].height
+ ) {
+ draw[ mode ]( ctx, fromX * scale + xOffset, fromY * scale + yOffset, toX * scale + xOffset, toY * scale + yOffset, colorIdx );
+ }
+ }
+ function stopDrawing() {
+ drawing = false;
+ }
+ ** User interface
+ ******************************************************************/
+ function setupCanvasEvents( canvas ) {
+// TODO: check all touchevents
+ canvas.addEventListener( 'touchstart', function ( evt ) {
+ evt.preventDefault();
+//console.log("Touch start");
+ if ( !readOnly && evt.target.getAttribute( 'data-chalkboard' ) == mode ) {
+ var scale = drawingCanvas[ mode ].scale;
+ var xOffset = drawingCanvas[ mode ].xOffset;
+ var yOffset = drawingCanvas[ mode ].yOffset;
+ var touch = evt.touches[ 0 ];
+ mouseX = touch.pageX;
+ mouseY = touch.pageY;
+ startDrawing( ( mouseX - xOffset ) / scale, ( mouseY - yOffset ) / scale );
+ touchTimeout = setTimeout( startErasing, 500, ( mouseX - xOffset ) / scale, ( mouseY - yOffset ) / scale );
+ }
+ }, passiveSupported ? {
+ passive: false
+ } : false );
+ canvas.addEventListener( 'touchmove', function ( evt ) {
+ evt.preventDefault();
+//console.log("Touch move");
+ clearTimeout( touchTimeout );
+ touchTimeout = null;
+ if ( drawing || erasing ) {
+ var scale = drawingCanvas[ mode ].scale;
+ var xOffset = drawingCanvas[ mode ].xOffset;
+ var yOffset = drawingCanvas[ mode ].yOffset;
+ var touch = evt.touches[ 0 ];
+ mouseX = touch.pageX;
+ mouseY = touch.pageY;
+ if ( mouseY < drawingCanvas[ mode ].height && mouseX < drawingCanvas[ mode ].width ) {
+ // move sponge
+ if ( event.type == 'erase' ) {
+ drawingCanvas[ mode ].sponge.style.left = ( mouseX - eraser.radius ) + 'px';
+ drawingCanvas[ mode ].sponge.style.top = ( mouseY - eraser.radius ) + 'px';
+ }
+ }
+ if ( drawing ) {
+ drawSegment( ( lastX - xOffset ) / scale, ( lastY - yOffset ) / scale, ( mouseX - xOffset ) / scale, ( mouseY - yOffset ) / scale, color[ mode ] );
+ // broadcast
+ var message = new CustomEvent( messageType );
+ message.content = {
+ sender: 'chalkboard-plugin',
+ type: 'draw',
+ timestamp: Date.now() - slideStart,
+ mode,
+ board,
+ fromX: ( lastX - xOffset ) / scale,
+ fromY: ( lastY - yOffset ) / scale,
+ toX: ( mouseX - xOffset ) / scale,
+ toY: ( mouseY - yOffset ) / scale,
+ color: color[ mode ]
+ };
+ document.dispatchEvent( message );
+ lastX = mouseX;
+ lastY = mouseY;
+ } else {
+ erasePoint( ( mouseX - xOffset ) / scale, ( mouseY - yOffset ) / scale );
+ // broadcast
+ var message = new CustomEvent( messageType );
+ message.content = {
+ sender: 'chalkboard-plugin',
+ type: 'erase',
+ timestamp: Date.now() - slideStart,
+ mode,
+ board,
+ x: ( mouseX - xOffset ) / scale,
+ y: ( mouseY - yOffset ) / scale
+ };
+ document.dispatchEvent( message );
+ }
+ }
+ }, false );
+ canvas.addEventListener( 'touchend', function ( evt ) {
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ clearTimeout( touchTimeout );
+ touchTimeout = null;
+ // hide sponge image
+ drawingCanvas[ mode ].sponge.style.visibility = 'hidden';
+ stopDrawing();
+ }, false );
+ canvas.addEventListener( 'mousedown', function ( evt ) {
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ if ( !readOnly && evt.target.getAttribute( 'data-chalkboard' ) == mode ) {
+//console.log( "mousedown: " + evt.button );
+ var scale = drawingCanvas[ mode ].scale;
+ var xOffset = drawingCanvas[ mode ].xOffset;
+ var yOffset = drawingCanvas[ mode ].yOffset;
+ mouseX = evt.pageX;
+ mouseY = evt.pageY;
+ if ( evt.button == 2 || evt.button == 1 ) {
+ startErasing( ( mouseX - xOffset ) / scale, ( mouseY - yOffset ) / scale );
+ // broadcast
+ var message = new CustomEvent( messageType );
+ message.content = {
+ sender: 'chalkboard-plugin',
+ type: 'erase',
+ timestamp: Date.now() - slideStart,
+ mode,
+ board,
+ x: ( mouseX - xOffset ) / scale,
+ y: ( mouseY - yOffset ) / scale
+ };
+ document.dispatchEvent( message );
+ } else {
+ startDrawing( ( mouseX - xOffset ) / scale, ( mouseY - yOffset ) / scale );
+ }
+ }
+ } );
+ canvas.addEventListener( 'mousemove', function ( evt ) {
+ evt.preventDefault();
+//console.log("Mouse move");
+ if ( drawing || erasing ) {
+ var scale = drawingCanvas[ mode ].scale;
+ var xOffset = drawingCanvas[ mode ].xOffset;
+ var yOffset = drawingCanvas[ mode ].yOffset;
+ mouseX = evt.pageX;
+ mouseY = evt.pageY;
+ if ( drawing ) {
+ drawSegment( ( lastX - xOffset ) / scale, ( lastY - yOffset ) / scale, ( mouseX - xOffset ) / scale, ( mouseY - yOffset ) / scale, color[ mode ] );
+ // broadcast
+ var message = new CustomEvent( messageType );
+ message.content = {
+ sender: 'chalkboard-plugin',
+ type: 'draw',
+ timestamp: Date.now() - slideStart,
+ mode,
+ board,
+ fromX: ( lastX - xOffset ) / scale,
+ fromY: ( lastY - yOffset ) / scale,
+ toX: ( mouseX - xOffset ) / scale,
+ toY: ( mouseY - yOffset ) / scale,
+ color: color[ mode ]
+ };
+ document.dispatchEvent( message );
+ lastX = mouseX;
+ lastY = mouseY;
+ } else {
+ erasePoint( ( mouseX - xOffset ) / scale, ( mouseY - yOffset ) / scale );
+ // broadcast
+ var message = new CustomEvent( messageType );
+ message.content = {
+ sender: 'chalkboard-plugin',
+ type: 'erase',
+ timestamp: Date.now() - slideStart,
+ mode,
+ board,
+ x: ( mouseX - xOffset ) / scale,
+ y: ( mouseY - yOffset ) / scale
+ };
+ document.dispatchEvent( message );
+ }
+ }
+ } );
+ canvas.addEventListener( 'mouseup', function ( evt ) {
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ drawingCanvas[ mode ].canvas.style.cursor = pens[ mode ][ color[ mode ] ].cursor;
+ if ( drawing || erasing ) {
+ stopDrawing();
+ stopErasing();
+ }
+ } );
+ }
+ function resize() {
+ // Resize the canvas and draw everything again
+ var timestamp = Date.now() - slideStart;
+ if ( !playback ) {
+ timestamp = getSlideDuration();
+ }
+//console.log( drawingCanvas[0].scale + "/" + drawingCanvas[0].xOffset + "/" +drawingCanvas[0].yOffset );
+ for ( var id = 0; id < 2; id++ ) {
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].width = window.innerWidth;
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].height = window.innerHeight;
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].canvas.width = drawingCanvas[ id ].width;
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].canvas.height = drawingCanvas[ id ].height;
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].context.canvas.width = drawingCanvas[ id ].width;
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].context.canvas.height = drawingCanvas[ id ].height;
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].scale = Math.min( drawingCanvas[ id ].width / storage[ id ].width, drawingCanvas[ id ].height / storage[ id ].height );
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].xOffset = ( drawingCanvas[ id ].width - storage[ id ].width * drawingCanvas[ id ].scale ) / 2;
+ drawingCanvas[ id ].yOffset = ( drawingCanvas[ id ].height - storage[ id ].height * drawingCanvas[ id ].scale ) / 2;
+//console.log( drawingCanvas[id].scale + "/" + drawingCanvas[id].xOffset + "/" +drawingCanvas[id].yOffset );
+ }
+//console.log( window.innerWidth + "/" + window.innerHeight);
+ startPlayback( timestamp, mode, true );
+ }
+ Reveal.addEventListener( 'pdf-ready', function ( evt ) {
+// console.log( "Create printouts when ready" );
+ whenLoaded( createPrintout );
+ });
+ Reveal.addEventListener( 'ready', function ( evt ) {
+ if ( !printMode ) {
+ window.addEventListener( 'resize', resize );
+ slideStart = Date.now() - getSlideDuration();
+ slideIndices = Reveal.getIndices();
+ if ( !playback ) {
+ startPlayback( getSlideDuration(), 0 );
+ }
+ if ( Reveal.isAutoSliding() ) {
+ var event = new CustomEvent( 'startplayback' );
+ event.timestamp = 0;
+ document.dispatchEvent( event );
+ }
+ updateStorage();
+ whenReady( addPageNumbers );
+ }
+ } );
+ Reveal.addEventListener( 'slidechanged', function ( evt ) {
+// clearTimeout( slidechangeTimeout );
+ if ( !printMode ) {
+ slideStart = Date.now() - getSlideDuration();
+ slideIndices = Reveal.getIndices();
+ closeChalkboard();
+ board = 0;
+ clearCanvas( 0 );
+ clearCanvas( 1 );
+ if ( !playback ) {
+ slidechangeTimeout = setTimeout( startPlayback, transition, getSlideDuration(), 0 );
+ }
+ if ( Reveal.isAutoSliding() ) {
+ var event = new CustomEvent( 'startplayback' );
+ event.timestamp = 0;
+ document.dispatchEvent( event );
+ }
+ }
+ } );
+ Reveal.addEventListener( 'fragmentshown', function ( evt ) {
+// clearTimeout( slidechangeTimeout );
+ if ( !printMode ) {
+ slideStart = Date.now() - getSlideDuration();
+ slideIndices = Reveal.getIndices();
+ closeChalkboard();
+ board = 0;
+ clearCanvas( 0 );
+ clearCanvas( 1 );
+ if ( Reveal.isAutoSliding() ) {
+ var event = new CustomEvent( 'startplayback' );
+ event.timestamp = 0;
+ document.dispatchEvent( event );
+ } else if ( !playback ) {
+ startPlayback( getSlideDuration(), 0 );
+// closeChalkboard();
+ }
+ }
+ } );
+ Reveal.addEventListener( 'fragmenthidden', function ( evt ) {
+// clearTimeout( slidechangeTimeout );
+ if ( !printMode ) {
+ slideStart = Date.now() - getSlideDuration();
+ slideIndices = Reveal.getIndices();
+ closeChalkboard();
+ board = 0;
+ clearCanvas( 0 );
+ clearCanvas( 1 );
+ if ( Reveal.isAutoSliding() ) {
+ document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( 'stopplayback' ) );
+ } else if ( !playback ) {
+ startPlayback( getSlideDuration() );
+ closeChalkboard();
+ }
+ }
+ } );
+ Reveal.addEventListener( 'autoslideresumed', function ( evt ) {
+ var event = new CustomEvent( 'startplayback' );
+ event.timestamp = 0;
+ document.dispatchEvent( event );
+ } );
+ Reveal.addEventListener( 'autoslidepaused', function ( evt ) {
+ document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( 'stopplayback' ) );
+ // advance to end of slide
+// closeChalkboard();
+ startPlayback( getSlideDuration(), 0 );
+ } );
+ function toggleNotesCanvas() {
+ if ( !readOnly ) {
+ if ( mode == 1 ) {
+ toggleChalkboard();
+ notescanvas.style.background = background[ 0 ]; //'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)';
+ notescanvas.style.pointerEvents = 'auto';
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( notescanvas.style.pointerEvents != 'none' ) {
+ // hide notes canvas
+ if ( colorButtons ) {
+ notescanvas.querySelector( '.palette' ).style.visibility = 'hidden';
+ }
+ notescanvas.style.background = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';
+ notescanvas.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
+ }
+ else {
+ // show notes canvas
+ if ( colorButtons ) {
+ notescanvas.querySelector( '.palette' ).style.visibility = 'visible';
+ }
+ notescanvas.style.background = background[ 0 ]; //'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)';
+ notescanvas.style.pointerEvents = 'auto';
+ var idx = 0;
+ if ( color[ mode ] ) {
+ idx = color[ mode ];
+ }
+ setColor( idx, true );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function toggleChalkboard() {
+//console.log("toggleChalkboard " + mode);
+ if ( mode == 1 ) {
+ if ( !readOnly ) {
+ recordEvent( { type: 'close' } );
+ }
+ closeChalkboard();
+ // broadcast
+ var message = new CustomEvent( messageType );
+ message.content = {
+ sender: 'chalkboard-plugin',
+ type: 'closeChalkboard',
+ timestamp: Date.now() - slideStart,
+ mode: 0,
+ board
+ };
+ document.dispatchEvent( message );
+ } else {
+ showChalkboard();
+ if ( !readOnly ) {
+ recordEvent( { type: 'open' } );
+ // broadcast
+ var message = new CustomEvent( messageType );
+ message.content = {
+ sender: 'chalkboard-plugin',
+ type: 'showChalkboard',
+ timestamp: Date.now() - slideStart,
+ mode: 1,
+ board
+ };
+ document.dispatchEvent( message );
+ var idx = 0;
+ if ( rememberColor[ mode ] ) {
+ idx = color[ mode ];
+ }
+ setColor( idx, true );
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function clearSlide() {
+ recordEvent( { type: 'clear' } );
+ clearCanvas( mode );
+ }
+ function clear() {
+ if ( !readOnly ) {
+ clearSlide();
+ // broadcast
+ var message = new CustomEvent( messageType );
+ message.content = {
+ sender: 'chalkboard-plugin',
+ type: 'clear',
+ timestamp: Date.now() - slideStart,
+ mode,
+ board
+ };
+ document.dispatchEvent( message );
+ }
+ };
+ function colorIndex( idx ) {
+ if ( !readOnly ) {
+ setColor( idx, true );
+ }
+ }
+ function colorNext() {
+ if ( !readOnly ) {
+ let idx = cycleColorNext();
+ setColor( idx, true );
+ }
+ }
+ function colorPrev() {
+ if ( !readOnly ) {
+ let idx = cycleColorPrev();
+ setColor( idx, true );
+ }
+ }
+ function resetSlideDrawings() {
+ slideStart = Date.now();
+ closeChalkboard();
+ clearCanvas( 0 );
+ clearCanvas( 1 );
+ mode = 1;
+ var slideData = getSlideData();
+ slideData.duration = 0;
+ slideData.events = [];
+ mode = 0;
+ var slideData = getSlideData();
+ slideData.duration = 0;
+ slideData.events = [];
+ updateStorage();
+ }
+ function resetSlide( force ) {
+ var ok = force || confirm( "Please confirm to delete chalkboard drawings on this slide!" );
+ if ( ok ) {
+//console.log("resetSlide ");
+ stopPlayback();
+ resetSlideDrawings();
+ // broadcast
+ var message = new CustomEvent( messageType );
+ message.content = {
+ sender: 'chalkboard-plugin',
+ type: 'resetSlide',
+ timestamp: Date.now() - slideStart,
+ mode,
+ board
+ };
+ document.dispatchEvent( message );
+ }
+ };
+ function resetStorage( force ) {
+ var ok = force || confirm( "Please confirm to delete all chalkboard drawings!" );
+ if ( ok ) {
+ stopPlayback();
+ slideStart = Date.now();
+ clearCanvas( 0 );
+ clearCanvas( 1 );
+ if ( mode == 1 ) {
+ closeChalkboard();
+ }
+ storage = [ {
+ width: Reveal.getConfig().width,
+ height: Reveal.getConfig().height,
+ data: []
+ },
+ {
+ width: Reveal.getConfig().width,
+ height: Reveal.getConfig().height,
+ data: []
+ }
+ ];
+ if ( config.storage ) {
+ sessionStorage.setItem( config.storage, null )
+ }
+ // broadcast
+ var message = new CustomEvent( messageType );
+ message.content = {
+ sender: 'chalkboard-plugin',
+ type: 'init',
+ timestamp: Date.now() - slideStart,
+ storage,
+ mode,
+ board
+ };
+ document.dispatchEvent( message );
+ }
+ };
+ this.toggleNotesCanvas = toggleNotesCanvas;
+ this.toggleChalkboard = toggleChalkboard;
+ this.colorIndex = colorIndex;
+ this.colorNext = colorNext;
+ this.colorPrev = colorPrev;
+ this.clear = clear;
+ this.reset = resetSlide;
+ this.resetAll = resetStorage;
+ this.download = downloadData;
+ this.updateStorage = updateStorage;
+ this.getData = getData;
+ this.configure = configure;
+ for ( var key in keyBindings ) {
+ if ( keyBindings[ key ] ) {
+ Reveal.addKeyBinding( keyBindings[ key ], RevealChalkboard[ key ] );
+ }
+ };
+ return this;