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diff --git a/src/tokenizer.xfst b/src/tokenizer.xfst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20b07f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tokenizer.xfst
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+! This tokenizer is based on work by
+! - StandardTokenizerImpl by the Lucene project
+! under the Apache License
+! - by David Hall (2014)
+! under the Apacahe License
+! - KorAPTokenizerImpl.jflex by Marc Kupietz (2016)
+! under the Apache License
+! - by Çağrı Çöltekin (2011-2015)
+! under the MIT License
+! The abbreviation list is part of the sentence splitter tool
+! of the IDS.
+define NLout "@_TOKEN_SYMBOL_@"; !"\u000a";
+define NLin ("\u000d") "\u000a";
+define Digit [%0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9];
+! <from tmorph> !
+define WS [" "|"\u0009"|"\u000a"|"\u000d"|
+ "\u00a0"|"\u1680"|
+ "\u2000"|"\u2001"|"\u2002"|"\u2003"|"\u2004"|"\u2005"|
+ "\u2006"|"\u2007"|"\u2008"|"\u2009"|"\u200a"|
+ "\u2028"|"\u2029"|"\u202f"|"\u205f"|"\u3000"| NLin];
+! Punctuation that ends sentences
+! Differs!
+define SP [["."|"?"|"!"]+|"…"]; ! Warning! This results in '...' being a MCS!
+! Left punctuation
+define LP ["("|"["|"{"|
+ "“"|"‘"|"‹"|"«"|
+ "'"|%"|
+ ! differs
+ ["'" "'"] |
+ "*"|"/"|"_"| ! Can be Markdown
+ ! from book
+ [%, %,]];
+! Right punctuation - excluding the characters that can be used as apostrophe
+define RP [SP|","|";"|":"|
+ ")"|"]"|"}"|
+ "”"|"›"|"»"|
+ %"|
+ ! differs
+ ["'" "'"]|
+ "*"|"/"|"_"| ! Can be Markdown
+ ! from book
+ [%‘ %‘]|[%’ %’]];
+define Sym ["-"|"+"|"<"|">"|"*"|"/"|%=|%@];
+define Apos %'|%’|%`;
+define Punct LP|RP|Sym;
+!define nonSym \[WS|LP|RP|Sym];
+! </from tmorph> !
+define Emdash [%- %- (%-)+ | ["\u2014"|"\u2015"|"\u2e3a"|"\u2e3b"|"\ufe58"]+];
+define Dash ["-"|"\u2011"|"\u2012"|"\u2013"|"\u2e1a"|"\ufe63"|"\uff0d"];
+define Slash ["⁄"|"∕"|"/"|"/"];
+define Asterisk ["*"];
+define Char \[WS|Punct|Apos]; ! |¨;
+! source lexicon.xfst
+! define Word;
+define Word Char+ ([Dash|Apos|Asterisk] Char+)*;
+define URLChar [Char|[Sym - ["<"|">"|%"]]];
+!define Alpha ["a"|"b"|"c"|"d"|"e"|"f"|"g"|"h"|"i"|"j"|"k"|"l"|"m"|"n"|"o"|"p"|"q"|"r"|"s"|"t"|"u"|"v"|"w"|"x"|"y"|"z"|"_"];
+define Caseinsensitive [
+a (->) A,
+b (->) B,
+c (->) C,
+d (->) D,
+e (->) E,
+f (->) F,
+g (->) G,
+h (->) H,
+i (->) I,
+j (->) J,
+k (->) K,
+l (->) L,
+m (->) M,
+n (->) N,
+o (->) O,
+p (->) P,
+q (->) Q,
+r (->) R,
+s (->) S,
+t (->) T,
+u (->) U,
+v (->) V,
+w (->) W,
+x (->) X,
+y (->) Y,
+z (->) Z,
+ö (->) Ö,
+ü (->) Ü,
+ä (->) Ä,
+ß (->) {SS}
+define Abbr @txt"txt/abbrv.txt" .o. Caseinsensitive;
+! A solution to the "(author): problem" may be to add ) at the end of any
+! string as a possible ending
+define Years ["(" Digit+ (".") ")"] | ["[" Digit+ (".") "]"];
+source emoji.xfst
+define Emoji;
+! acronyms: U.S.A., I.B.M., etc.
+! use a post-filter to remove dots
+define AcronymDep Char %. [Char %.]+;
+define Dot "."|[["["|"("] "d" "o" "t" [")"|"]"]] .o. Caseinsensitive;
+define At "@"|[["["|"("] "a" "t" [")"|"]"]] .o. Caseinsensitive;
+define TldEnd [{org}|{de}|{com}] .o. Caseinsensitive;
+! Very relaxed URL scheme, not based on the strict Lucene implementation
+define URL [ [ [{http} (s) | {ftp} | {file}] ":" "/" "/"] | [{www} Dot] ]
+URLChar [URLChar|SP]* URLChar
+.o. Caseinsensitive;
+define Domain Char+ [Dash Char+]* Dot TldEnd;
+!define XML "<" Alpha URLChar* (">");
+define XML "<" URLChar+ (">");
+!define Email [Alpha [URLChar-At]* At Alpha URLChar* [Dot [[Alpha URLChar+]-Dot-At]]+];
+define Email URLChar+ At URLChar+ [Dot URLChar+]+;
+! Twitter user, hashtag, Google+
+define SNS ["@"|"#"|"+"] Char+;
+define FileEnd [
+ [{htm} ("l")]|
+ [{doc} ("x")]|
+ {pdf}|
+ ["j" "p" ("e") "g"]|
+ ["m" "p" ["3"|"4"]]|
+ {ogg}|
+ {png}|
+ {avi}|
+ {txt}|
+ {xls}|
+ {xml}|
+ {aac}|
+ {gif}
+ ] .o. Caseinsensitive;
+define File [Char|"-"]+ "." FileEnd;
+! Also supports
+! 19.4.2015, 19/4/2015 etc.
+define DigitPunct ["_"|"-"|"."|","|Slash];
+define Num Digit+ [DigitPunct Digit+]* (Char+);
+! TODO:
+! floating point, serial, model numbers, ip addresses, etc.
+! every other segment must have at least one digit
+! Omission words like "fu**ing!"
+define Omission Char+ Asterisk Asterisk+ Char*;
+! TODO: Name words with ' and `
+! TODO:
+! FNAME = (({LETTER}:[\\/])?|\/)?({LETTER}+|[\\_/-])+\.{EXTENSION}
+! Support ASCII elements, like
+! +---------------+
+! <---->, -->, <--
+! +---------------+
+! <---> | Worker Node N |
+! +---------------+
+! |============= Core =============|
+define RealToken [XML|Email|URL|SNS|[Abbr %.]|Omission|Domain|AcronymDep|File|Emdash|Punct|Num|Years|Emoji|Word];
+echo - Introduce Token splitter
+define Token [RealToken @-> ... NLout]
+.o. [WS+ @-> 0]
+echo - Introduce Sentence splitter
+read regex Token .o. [[["."|"!"|"?"]+] @-> ... NLout \/ NLout _];
+! foma -e "source tokenizer.xfst" -q -s && cat text.txt | flookup tokenizer.fst -x -b
+! In a second pass, XML tags need to be combined. This requires tagging "<..." with ~xmls before \n
+! and anything with > with ~xmle.
+! In case this is part of an emoticon ( >:-P ), this needs to be split again .
+! The same is true for ( and )