Make tokenizer robust and never failing
Change-Id: I7f249434bc233b560c8d493f1f0c2abd4d69db91
diff --git a/datok.go b/datok.go
index 6fe4f3c..48bb757 100644
--- a/datok.go
+++ b/datok.go
@@ -868,6 +868,7 @@
// Check for epsilon transitions and remember
if dat.array[dat.array[t0].getBase()+uint32(dat.epsilon)].getCheck() == t0 {
// Remember state for backtracking to last tokenend state
epsilonState = t0
epsilonOffset = buffc
@@ -906,7 +907,7 @@
a = dat.unknown
- } else if a != dat.epsilon {
+ } else if a != dat.epsilon && epsilonState != 0 {
// Try again with epsilon symbol, in case everything else failed
t0 = epsilonState
@@ -919,7 +920,51 @@
} else {
- break
+ if DEBUG {
+ log.Println("Fail!")
+ }
+ // w.Fail(bufft)
+ // The following procedure means the automaton fails to consume a certain character.
+ // In the tokenization scenario, this means, the tokenizer will drop the old or current data as a
+ // token and start blank at the root node of the automaton for the remaining data.
+ // It may be beneficial to have something like a "drop()" event to capture these cases,
+ // as they are likely the result of a bad automaton design.
+ if buffc-bufft == 0 {
+ buffc++
+ }
+ if DEBUG {
+ log.Println("-> Flush buffer: [", string(buffer[bufft:buffc]), "]", showBufferNew(buffer, bufft, buffc, buffi))
+ }
+ w.Token(bufft, buffer[:buffc])
+ sentenceEnd = false
+ textEnd = false
+ if DEBUG {
+ log.Println("-> Rewind buffer", bufft, buffc, buffi, epsilonOffset)
+ }
+ for x, i := range buffer[buffc:buffi] {
+ buffer[x] = i
+ }
+ buffi -= buffc
+ epsilonState = 0
+ buffc = 0
+ bufft = 0
+ a = dat.epsilon
+ // Restart from root state
+ t = uint32(1)
+ newchar = true
+ // goto PARSECHARM
+ continue
newchar = false
@@ -1009,7 +1054,8 @@
newchar = true
// TODO:
- // Prevent endless epsilon loops!
+ // Prevent endless epsilon loops by checking
+ // the model has no epsilon loops1
// Input reader is not yet finished
@@ -1017,6 +1063,7 @@
if DEBUG {
log.Println("Not at the end - problem", t0, ":", dat.outgoing(t0))
+ // This should never happen
return false
@@ -1024,37 +1071,6 @@
log.Println("Entering final check")
- /*
- The following code is for deprecated automata relying on
- final states. Datok now requires final states to be marked
- with tokenends.
- // Automaton is in a final state, so flush the buffer and return
- x := dat.array[t].getBase() + uint32(
- if x < dat.array[1].getCheck() && dat.array[x].getCheck() == t {
- if buffi > 0 {
- if DEBUG {
- log.Println("-> Flush buffer: [", string(buffer[:buffi]), "]")
- }
- w.Token(0, buffer[:buffi])
- }
- // Add an additional sentence ending, if the file is over but no explicit
- // sentence split was reached. This may be controversial and therefore
- // optional via parameter.
- if !dat.array[t0].isTokenEnd() {
- w.SentenceEnd()
- }
- // TODO:
- // There may be a new line at the end, from an epsilon,
- // so we may need to go on!
- return true
- }
- */
// Check epsilon transitions as long as possible
t0 = t
t = dat.array[t0].getBase() + uint32(dat.epsilon)
@@ -1075,6 +1091,16 @@
+ // something left in buffer
+ if buffc-bufft > 0 {
+ if DEBUG {
+ log.Println("-> Flush buffer: [", string(buffer[bufft:buffc]), "]", showBufferNew(buffer, bufft, buffc, buffi))
+ }
+ w.Token(bufft, buffer[:buffc])
+ sentenceEnd = false
+ textEnd = false
+ }
// Add an additional sentence ending, if the file is over but no explicit
// sentence split was reached. This may be controversial and therefore
// optional via parameter.