Add some client library news

Change-Id: I2e9d5539a723e7f52cd0d937cdb9b67c7559cffb
diff --git a/templates/custom/doc/news.html.ep b/templates/custom/doc/news.html.ep
index 3637c68..9829cc9 100644
--- a/templates/custom/doc/news.html.ep
+++ b/templates/custom/doc/news.html.ep
@@ -28,6 +28,38 @@
 % } 
 % if ($lang eq 'de') {
+    <dt><time datetime="2025-02-20">20. Februar 2025</time></dt>
+    <dd><h4>RKorAPClient 1.0 auf CRAN veröffentlicht</h4>
+      <p>
+      Unter anderem mit vereinfachter Autorisierung.
+      Siehe <a href="" class="external">RKorAPCLient-News</a>.
+      </p>
+    </dd>
+  % } else {
+    <dt><time datetime="2025-02-25">20 February 2025</time></dt>
+    <dd><h4>RKorAPClient 1.0 released on CRAN</h4>
+      <p>
+       With simplified authorization and connection setup.
+       See <a href="" class="external">RKorAPCLient-News</a>.
+      </p>
+   </dd>
+% }
+  % if ($lang eq 'de') {
+  <dt><time datetime="2024-01-28">20. Januar 2025</time></dt>
+  <dd>
+    <h4>Update der Client-Bibliotheken auf v0.9.0</h4>
+    <p>Siehe <a href="" class="external">RKorAPCLient-News</a>, bzw. <a href="" class="external">PythonKorAPCLient-Changelog</a>.</p>
+   </dd>
+% } else {
+  <dt><time datetime="2024-01-28">20 January 2025</time></dt>
+  <dd>
+    <h4>Client Libraries Updated to v0.9.0</h4>
+    <p>See <a href="" class="external">RKorAPCLient-News</a>, or <a href="" class="external">PythonKorAPCLient-Changelog</a>.</p>
+  </dd>
+% } 
+% if ($lang eq 'de') {
   <dt><time datetime="2024-04-12">Freitag, 12. April 2024</time></dt>
     <h4>DeReKo-KorAP-Release 2024-I</h4>