Test for empty results

Change-Id: Iae930f82fe628f3ce09e9b13bc5d646981e2e328
diff --git a/plugin/src/test/java/de/ids_mannheim/korap/plkexport/IdsExportServiceTest.java b/plugin/src/test/java/de/ids_mannheim/korap/plkexport/IdsExportServiceTest.java
index 7257201..e2660a1 100644
--- a/plugin/src/test/java/de/ids_mannheim/korap/plkexport/IdsExportServiceTest.java
+++ b/plugin/src/test/java/de/ids_mannheim/korap/plkexport/IdsExportServiceTest.java
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
                 .withHeader("Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8")
-                .withBody("{}")
+                .withBody(getFixture("response_water.json"))
@@ -141,6 +141,37 @@
+    @Test
+    public void testExportWsJsonEmpty () {
+        mockClient.reset().when(
+            request()
+            .withMethod("GET")
+            .withPath("/api/v1.0/search")
+            .withQueryStringParameter("q", "????")
+            )
+            .respond(
+                response()
+                .withHeader("Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8")
+                .withBody(getFixture("response_none.json"))
+                .withStatusCode(200)
+                );
+        String filenamej = "dateiJson";
+        MultivaluedHashMap<String, String> frmap = new MultivaluedHashMap<String, String>();
+        frmap.add("fname", filenamej);
+        frmap.add("format", "json");
+        frmap.add("q", "????");
+        frmap.add("ql", "poliqarp");
+        String message;
+        Response responsejson = target("/export").request()
+                .post(Entity.form(frmap));
+        assertEquals("Request JSON: Http Response should be 200: ",
+                Status.OK.getStatusCode(), responsejson.getStatus());
+    };
     public void testExportWsRTF () {
@@ -148,6 +179,7 @@
+            .withQueryStringParameter("q", "Wasser")
@@ -214,6 +246,38 @@
+    @Test
+    public void testExportWsRTFEmpty () {
+        mockClient.reset().when(
+            request()
+            .withMethod("GET")
+            .withPath("/api/v1.0/search")
+            .withQueryStringParameter("q", "????")
+            )
+            .respond(
+                response()
+                .withHeader("Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8")
+                .withBody(getFixture("response_none.json"))
+                .withStatusCode(200)
+                );
+        MultivaluedHashMap<String, String> frmap = new MultivaluedHashMap<String, String>();
+        frmap.add("format", "rtf");
+        frmap.add("q", "????");
+        frmap.add("ql", "poliqarp");
+        String filenamer = "dateiRtf";
+        frmap.putSingle("fname", filenamer);
+        String message;
+        Response responsertf = target("/export").request()
+            .post(Entity.form(frmap));
+        assertEquals("Request RTF: Http Response should be 200: ",
+                Status.OK.getStatusCode(), responsertf.getStatus());
+    }
     // Get fixture from ressources
     private String getFixture (String file) {
         String filepath = getClass()
diff --git a/plugin/src/test/resources/fixtures/response_none.json b/plugin/src/test/resources/fixtures/response_none.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7299681
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin/src/test/resources/fixtures/response_none.json
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+   "@context":"http://korap.ids-mannheim.de/ns/KoralQuery/v0.3/context.jsonld",
+   "meta":{
+      "count":20,
+      "startIndex":0,
+      "timeout":10000,
+      "context":"base/s:s",
+      "fields":[
+         "ID",
+         "UID",
+         "textSigle",
+         "corpusID",
+         "author",
+         "title",
+         "subTitle",
+         "textClass",
+         "pubPlace",
+         "pubDate",
+         "availability",
+         "layerInfos",
+         "docSigle",
+         "corpusSigle"
+      ],
+      "version":"0.59.2",
+      "benchmark":"6.6498159999999995 ms",
+      "totalResults":0,
+      "serialQuery":"tokens:s:????",
+      "itemsPerPage":20
+   },
+   "query":{
+      "@type":"koral:token",
+      "wrap":{
+         "@type":"koral:term",
+         "match":"match:eq",
+         "layer":"orth",
+         "key":"????",
+         "foundry":"opennlp",
+         "rewrites":[
+            {
+               "@type":"koral:rewrite",
+               "src":"Kustvakt",
+               "operation":"operation:injection",
+               "scope":"foundry"
+            }
+         ]
+      }
+   },
+   "matches":[]