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  1. 3339ce1 Bump from 0.21.0 to 0.23.0 (closes #37) by dependabot[bot] · 12 days ago master
  2. a5070f1 Update dependencies (including glog for security) by Akron · 7 weeks ago
  3. 7875f7c Bump from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 (closes #35) by dependabot[bot] · 3 months ago
  4. 19db231 Security update by Akron · 3 months ago
  5. 2cc7d06 Bump from 1.1.4 to 1.2.1 (closes #33) by dependabot[bot] · 4 months ago




Kalamar-Plugin-ExternalResources is a web service that integrates in the plugin framework of Kalamar, to allow linking texts by their text sigle to external data providers, mainly for full text access.

Kalamar-Plugin-ExternalResources is meant to be a basic plugin and should demonstrate and evaluate the plugin capabilities of Kalamar.

This is software in an early development stage. Its behaviour may change without warnings!


Go 1.19 or later


To build the latest version of Kalamar-Plugin-ExternalResources, do ...

git clone
cd Kalamar-Plugin-ExternalResources
go test .
go build .


The binary can be started without prerequisites. The templates folder has to be kept in the root directory. A db folder contains the database.

Registration of the plugin in Kalamar is not yet officially supported - but it works by passing the JSON blob generated at /plugin.json to the plugin registration handler.


To index further data, the mappings need to be stored in a csv-file, like


With the first column being the textSigle (aka the document identifier), the second being the provider name and the third being the URL. These files can be gzipped as well. Then run the indexation with:

./Kalamar-Plugin-ExternalResources data.csv


The following environment variables can be set either as environment variables or via .env file in the calling directory.

  • KORAP_SERVER: The server URL of the hosting service.
  • KORAP_EXTERNAL_RESOURCES_PORT: The port the service should be listen to.
  • KORAP_EXTERNAL_RESOURCES: The exposed URL the service is hosted.


Currently no official Docker image is provided. To build an image based on the provided Dockerfile, run

docker build \
       -f Dockerfile \
       -t korap/kalamar-plugin-externalresources .

To create a container on Linux based on the image with a mounted database in db and a configuration file, run

docker run \
       --rm \
       --network host \
       -v ${PWD}/db/:/db/:z \
       -v ${PWD}/.env:/.env korap/ \

To index using docker, run

docker run \
       --rm \
       --network host \
       -v ${PWD}/db/:/db/:z \
       -v ${PWD}/data/:/data \
       -v ${PWD}/.env:/.env \
       korap/kalamar-plugin-externalresources \


Copyright (c) 2023-2024, IDS Mannheim, Germany
Author: Nils Diewald

Kalamar-Plugin-ExternalResources is developed as part of the KorAP Corpus Analysis Platform at the Leibniz Institute for the German Language (IDS).

Kalamar-Plugin-ExternalResources is published under the BSD-2 License.