Fixed paging bug in second frontend
diff --git a/templates/layouts/default.html.ep b/templates/layouts/default.html.ep
index 5f2951c..1d80316 100644
--- a/templates/layouts/default.html.ep
+++ b/templates/layouts/default.html.ep
@@ -97,10 +97,10 @@
%= content main => begin
- <p>This is the alternative KorAP Frontend.</p>
+ <p>This is an alternative KorAP Frontend.</p>
<p>The primary goal is to serve as a testbed for the query serialization and for different flavours of user interfaces.</p>
<p>Search capabilities are limited to the demo user.</p>
- <p>Currently the frontend only supports recent versions of Mozilla Firefox.</p>
+ <p>Currently the frontend is only tested for recent versions of Mozilla Firefox.</p>
% end
diff --git a/templates/query.html.ep b/templates/query.html.ep
index b0cd0a4..2ffee21 100644
--- a/templates/query.html.ep
+++ b/templates/query.html.ep
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
% };
% state $json = JSON::XS->new->allow_blessed->pretty->canonical(1);
<pre class="query serial<%== $action // '' %>" <% unless ($action) { %>onclick="this.classList.toggle('active')"<% } %>>
- <span>JSON-LD Serialization for <%= param 'q' %> (<%= param 'ql' %>)</span>
+ <span>JSON-LD Serialization for "<%= param 'q' %>"<% if (param('ql')) { %> (<%= param 'ql' %>)<% } %></span>
%# Workaround to keep true, false, and null intact
%= $json->encode($json->decode(Mojo::JSON::encode_json(search->query_jsonld)))