Added spec
diff --git a/public/js/spec/vcSpec.js b/public/js/spec/vcSpec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d1d077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/js/spec/vcSpec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+// Helper method for building factories
+buildFactory = function (objClass, defaults) {
+  return {
+    create : function (overwrites) {
+      var newObj = {};
+      for (var prop in defaults) {
+	newObj[prop] = defaults[prop];
+      };
+      for (var prop in overwrites) {
+	newObj[prop] = overwrites[prop];
+      };
+      return objClass.create().fromJson(newObj);
+    }
+  }
+describe('KorAP.Doc', function () {
+  // Create example factories
+  var stringFactory = buildFactory(KorAP.Doc, {
+    "key"   : "author",
+    "value" : "Max Birkendale",
+    "@type" : "korap:doc"
+  });
+  // Create example factories
+  var dateFactory = buildFactory(KorAP.Doc, {
+    "key"   : "pubDate",
+    "type"  : "type:date",
+    "match" : "match:eq",
+    "value" : "2014-11-05",
+    "@type" : "korap:doc"
+  });
+  // Create example factories
+  var regexFactory = buildFactory(KorAP.Doc, {
+    "key"   : "title",
+    "type"  : "type:regex",
+    "value" : "[^b]ee.+?",
+    "@type" : "korap:doc"
+  });
+  it('should be initializable', function () {
+    var doc = KorAP.Doc.create();
+    expect(doc.matchop()).toEqual('eq');
+    expect(doc.key()).toBeUndefined();
+    expect(doc.value()).toBeUndefined();
+    expect(doc.type()).toEqual("string");
+  });
+  it('should be definable', function () {
+    // Empty doc
+    var doc = KorAP.Doc.create();
+    // Set values
+    doc.key("title");
+    doc.value("Der alte Mann");
+    expect(doc.matchop()).toEqual('eq');
+    expect(doc.key()).toEqual("title");
+    expect(doc.type()).toEqual("string");
+    expect(doc.value()).toEqual("Der alte Mann");
+  });
+  it('should deserialize JSON-LD string', function () {
+    var doc;
+    // String default
+    doc = stringFactory.create();
+    expect(doc.matchop()).toEqual('eq');
+    expect(doc.key()).toEqual("author");
+    expect(doc.type()).toEqual("string");
+    expect(doc.value()).toEqual("Max Birkendale");
+    // No valid string
+    doc = stringFactory.create({
+      value : undefined
+    });
+    expect(doc).toBeUndefined();
+    // No valid string
+    doc = stringFactory.create({
+      value : { "foo" : "bar" }
+    });
+    expect(doc).toBeUndefined();
+    // Change match type
+    doc = stringFactory.create({
+      "match" : "match:ne"
+    });
+    expect(doc.matchop()).toEqual('ne');
+    expect(doc.key()).toEqual("author");
+    expect(doc.type()).toEqual("string");
+    expect(doc.value()).toEqual("Max Birkendale");
+    // Invalid match type
+    doc = stringFactory.create({
+      "match" : { "foo" : "bar" }
+    });
+    expect(doc).toBeUndefined();
+  });
+  it('should deserialize JSON-LD regex', function () {
+    var doc = regexFactory.create();
+    expect(doc.key()).toEqual("title");
+    expect(doc.type()).toEqual("regex");
+    expect(doc.value()).toEqual("[^b]ee.+?");
+    expect(doc.matchop()).toEqual('eq');
+    // change matcher
+    doc = regexFactory.create({
+      match : "match:ne"
+    });
+    expect(doc.matchop()).toEqual('ne');
+    // Invalid matcher
+    doc = regexFactory.create({
+      match : "match:chook"
+    });
+    expect(doc).toBeUndefined();
+    // Invalid regex
+    doc = regexFactory.create({
+      value : "[^b"
+    });
+    expect(doc).toBeUndefined();
+  });
+  it('should deserialize JSON-LD date', function () {
+    // Normal date
+    doc = dateFactory.create({});
+    expect(doc.matchop()).toEqual('eq');
+    expect(doc.key()).toEqual("pubDate");
+    expect(doc.type()).toEqual("date");
+    expect(doc.value()).toEqual("2014-11-05");
+    // Short date 1
+    doc = dateFactory.create({
+      "value" : "2014-11"
+    });
+    expect(doc.matchop()).toEqual('eq');
+    expect(doc.key()).toEqual("pubDate");
+    expect(doc.type()).toEqual("date");
+    expect(doc.value()).toEqual("2014-11");
+    // Short date 2
+    doc = dateFactory.create({
+      "value" : "2014"
+    });
+    expect(doc.matchop()).toEqual('eq');
+    expect(doc.key()).toEqual("pubDate");
+    expect(doc.type()).toEqual("date");
+    expect(doc.value()).toEqual("2014");
+    // Invalid date!
+    doc = dateFactory.create({
+      "value" : "2014-11-050"
+    });
+    expect(doc).toBeUndefined();
+    // Invalid matcher!
+    doc = dateFactory.create({
+      "match" : "match:ne",
+    });
+    expect(doc).toBeUndefined();
+  });
+  it('should be serializale', function () {
+    // Empty doc
+    var doc = KorAP.Doc.create();
+    expect(doc.toJson()).toEqual(jasmine.any(Object));
+    // Serialize string
+    doc = stringFactory.create();
+    expect(doc.toJson()).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({
+      "@type" : "korap:doc",
+      "type" : "type:string",
+      "key" : "author",
+      "value" : "Max Birkendale",
+      "match" : "match:eq"
+    }));
+    // Serialize regex
+    doc = regexFactory.create();
+    expect(doc.toJson()).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({
+      "@type" : "korap:doc",
+      "type" : "type:regex",
+      "value" : "[^b]ee.+?",
+      "match" : "match:eq",
+      "key" : 'title'
+    }));
+    doc = regexFactory.create({
+      match: "match:ne"
+    });
+    expect(doc.toJson()).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({
+      "@type" : "korap:doc",
+      "type" : "type:regex",
+      "value" : "[^b]ee.+?",
+      "match" : "match:ne",
+      "key" : 'title'
+    }));
+    doc = dateFactory.create();
+    expect(doc.toJson()).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({
+      "@type" : "korap:doc",
+      "type" : "type:date",
+      "value" : "2014-11-05",
+      "match" : "match:eq",
+      "key" : 'pubDate'
+    }));
+    doc = dateFactory.create({
+      value : "2014"
+    });
+    expect(doc.toJson()).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({
+      "@type" : "korap:doc",
+      "type" : "type:date",
+      "value" : "2014",
+      "match" : "match:eq",
+      "key" : 'pubDate'
+    }));
+  });
+describe('KorAP.DocGroup', function () {
+  // Create example factories
+  var docFactory = buildFactory(
+    KorAP.Doc,
+    {
+      "@type" : "korap:doc",
+      "match":"match:eq",
+      "key" : "author",
+      "value" : "Max Birkendale"
+    }
+  );
+  var docGroupFactory = buildFactory(
+    KorAP.DocGroup, {
+      "@type" : "korap:docGroup",
+      "operation" : "operation:and",
+      "operands" : [
+	docFactory.create().toJson(),
+	docFactory.create({
+	  "key" : "pubDate",
+	  "type" : "type:date",
+	  "value" : "2014-12-05"
+	}).toJson()
+      ]
+    });
+  it('should be initializable', function () {
+    // Create empty group
+    var docGroup = KorAP.DocGroup.create();
+    expect(docGroup.operation()).toEqual('and');
+    // Create empty group
+    docGroup = KorAP.DocGroup.create('or');
+    expect(docGroup.operation()).toEqual('or');
+  });
+  it('should be definable', function () {
+    // Empty group
+    var docGroup = KorAP.DocGroup.create();
+    expect(docGroup.operation()).toEqual('and');
+    // Set values
+    docGroup.operation("or");
+    expect(docGroup.operation()).toEqual('or');
+    // Set invalid values
+    docGroup.operation("hui");
+    expect(docGroup.operation()).toEqual('or');
+  });
+  it('should be deserializable', function () {
+    var docGroup = docGroupFactory.create();
+    expect(docGroup.operation()).toEqual("and");
+    expect(docGroup.operands().length).toEqual(2);
+    var op1 = docGroup.getOperand(0);
+    expect(op1.type()).toEqual("string");
+    expect(op1.key()).toEqual("author");
+    expect(op1.value()).toEqual("Max Birkendale");
+    expect(op1.matchop()).toEqual("eq");
+    var op2 = docGroup.getOperand(1);
+    expect(op2.type()).toEqual("date");
+    expect(op2.key()).toEqual("pubDate");
+    expect(op2.value()).toEqual("2014-12-05");
+    expect(op2.matchop()).toEqual("eq");
+    // Create empty group
+    var newGroup = docGroup.appendOperand(KorAP.DocGroup.create("or"));
+    newGroup.appendOperand(docFactory.create());
+    newGroup.appendOperand(docFactory.create({
+      "type" : "type:regex",
+      "key" : "title",
+      "value" : "^e.+?$",
+      "match" : "match:ne"
+    }));
+    expect(docGroup.operation()).toEqual("and");
+    expect(docGroup.operands().length).toEqual(3);
+    var op1 = docGroup.getOperand(0);
+    expect(op1.ldType()).toEqual("doc");
+    expect(op1.type()).toEqual("string");
+    expect(op1.key()).toEqual("author");
+    expect(op1.value()).toEqual("Max Birkendale");
+    expect(op1.matchop()).toEqual("eq");
+    var op2 = docGroup.getOperand(1);
+    expect(op2.ldType()).toEqual("doc");
+    expect(op2.type()).toEqual("date");
+    expect(op2.key()).toEqual("pubDate");
+    expect(op2.value()).toEqual("2014-12-05");
+    expect(op2.matchop()).toEqual("eq");
+    var op3 = docGroup.getOperand(2);
+    expect(op3.ldType()).toEqual("docGroup");
+    expect(op3.operation()).toEqual("or");
+    var op4 = op3.getOperand(0);
+    expect(op4.ldType()).toEqual("doc");
+    expect(op4.type()).toEqual("string");
+    expect(op4.key()).toEqual("author");
+    expect(op4.value()).toEqual("Max Birkendale");
+    expect(op4.matchop()).toEqual("eq");
+    var op5 = op3.getOperand(1);
+    expect(op5.ldType()).toEqual("doc");
+    expect(op5.type()).toEqual("regex");
+    expect(op5.key()).toEqual("title");
+    expect(op5.value()).toEqual("^e.+?$");
+    expect(op5.matchop()).toEqual("ne");
+  });
+  it('should be serializable', function () {
+    var docGroup = docGroupFactory.create();
+    expect(docGroup.toJson()).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({
+      "@type" : "korap:docGroup",
+      "operation" : "operation:and",
+      "operands" : [
+	{
+	  "@type": 'korap:doc',
+	  "key" : 'author',
+	  "match": 'match:eq',
+	  "value": 'Max Birkendale',
+	  "type": 'type:string'
+	},
+	{
+	  "@type": 'korap:doc',
+	  "key": 'pubDate',
+	  "match": 'match:eq',
+	  "value": '2014-12-05',
+	  "type": 'type:date'
+	}
+      ]
+    }));
+  });
+describe('KorAP.DocElement', function () {
+  it('should be initializable', function () {
+    var docElement = KorAP.DocElement.create(undefined, {
+      "@type" : "korap:doc",
+      "key":"Titel",
+      "value":"Baum",
+      "match":"match:eq"
+    });
+    expect(docElement.key()).toEqual('Titel');
+    expect(docElement.matchop()).toEqual('eq');
+    expect(docElement.value()).toEqual('Baum');
+    var docE = docElement.element();
+    expect(docE.children[0]'Titel');
+    expect(docE.children[1]'eq');
+    expect(docE.children[1].getAttribute('data-type')).toEqual('string');
+    expect(docE.children[2]'Baum');
+    expect(docE.children[2].getAttribute('data-type')).toEqual('string');
+    expect(docElement.toJson()).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({
+      "@type" : "korap:doc",
+      "key":"Titel",
+      "value":"Baum",
+      "match":"match:eq"
+    }));
+  });
+describe('KorAP.DocGroupElement', function () {
+  it('should be initializable', function () {
+    var docGroupElement = KorAP.DocGroupElement.create(undefined, {
+      "@type" : "korap:docGroup",
+      "operation" : "operation:and",
+      "operands" : [
+	{
+	  "@type": 'korap:doc',
+	  "key" : 'author',
+	  "match": 'match:eq',
+	  "value": 'Max Birkendale',
+	  "type": 'type:string'
+	},
+	{
+	  "@type": 'korap:doc',
+	  "key": 'pubDate',
+	  "match": 'match:eq',
+	  "value": '2014-12-05',
+	  "type": 'type:date'
+	}
+      ]
+    });
+    expect(docGroupElement.operation()).toEqual('and');
+    var e = docGroupElement.element();
+    expect(e.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('docGroup');
+    expect(e.getAttribute('data-operation')).toEqual('and');
+    var first = e.children[0];
+    expect(first.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc');
+    expect(first.children[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('key');
+    expect(first.children[1].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('match');
+    expect(first.children[2].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('value');
+    expect(first.children[2].getAttribute('data-type')).toEqual('string');
+    expect(first.children[0]'author');
+    expect(first.children[1]'eq');
+    expect(first.children[2]'Max Birkendale');
+    var second = e.children[1];
+    expect(second.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc');
+    expect(second.children[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('key');
+    expect(second.children[1].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('match');
+    expect(second.children[2].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('value');
+    expect(second.children[2].getAttribute('data-type')).toEqual('date');
+    expect(second.children[0]'pubDate');
+    expect(second.children[1]'eq');
+    expect(second.children[2]'2014-12-05');
+  });
+  it('should be deserializable with nested groups', function () {
+    var docGroupElement = KorAP.DocGroupElement.create(undefined, {
+      "@type" : "korap:docGroup",
+      "operation" : "operation:or",
+      "operands" : [
+	{
+	  "@type": 'korap:doc',
+	  "key" : 'author',
+	  "match": 'match:eq',
+	  "value": 'Max Birkendale',
+	  "type": 'type:string'
+	},
+	{
+	  "@type" : "korap:docGroup",
+	  "operation" : "operation:and",
+	  "operands" : [
+	    {
+	      "@type": 'korap:doc',
+	      "key": 'pubDate',
+	      "match": 'match:geq',
+	      "value": '2014-05-12',
+	      "type": 'type:date'
+	    },
+	    {
+	      "@type": 'korap:doc',
+	      "key": 'pubDate',
+	      "match": 'match:leq',
+	      "value": '2014-12-05',
+	      "type": 'type:date'
+	    }
+	  ]
+	}
+      ]
+    });
+    expect(docGroupElement.operation()).toEqual('or');
+    var e = docGroupElement.element();
+    expect(e.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('docGroup');
+    expect(e.getAttribute('data-operation')).toEqual('or');
+  });
+describe('KorAP.VirtualCollection', function () {
+  it('should be initializable', function () {
+    var vc = KorAP.VirtualCollection.render();
+    expect(vc.element().getAttribute('class')).toEqual('vc');
+    expect(vc.root().element().getAttribute('class')).toEqual('undefined');
+  });
+  it('should be based on a doc', function () {
+    var vc = KorAP.VirtualCollection.render({
+      "@type" : "korap:doc",
+      "key":"Titel",
+      "value":"Baum",
+      "match":"match:eq"
+    });
+    expect(vc.element().getAttribute('class')).toEqual('vc');
+    expect(vc.root().element().getAttribute('class')).toEqual('doc');
+    expect(vc.root().key()).toEqual('Titel');
+    expect(vc.root().value()).toEqual('Baum');
+    expect(vc.root().matchop()).toEqual('eq');
+    var docE = vc.root().element();
+    expect(docE.children[0]'Titel');
+    expect(docE.children[1]'eq');
+    expect(docE.children[1].getAttribute('data-type')).toEqual('string');
+    expect(docE.children[2]'Baum');
+    expect(docE.children[2].getAttribute('data-type')).toEqual('string');
+  });
+  it('should be based on a docGroup', function () {
+    var vc = KorAP.VirtualCollection.render({
+      "@type" : "korap:docGroup",
+      "operation" : "operation:and",
+      "operands" : [
+	{
+	  "@type": 'korap:doc',
+	  "key" : 'author',
+	  "match": 'match:eq',
+	  "value": 'Max Birkendale',
+	  "type": 'type:string'
+	},
+	{
+	  "@type": 'korap:doc',
+	  "key": 'pubDate',
+	  "match": 'match:eq',
+	  "value": '2014-12-05',
+	  "type": 'type:date'
+	}
+      ]
+    });
+    expect(vc.element().getAttribute('class')).toEqual('vc');
+    expect(vc.root().element().getAttribute('class')).toEqual('docGroup');
+    expect(vc.root().operation()).toEqual('and');
+    var docGroup = vc.root();
+    var first = docGroup.getOperand(0);
+    expect(first.key()).toEqual('author');
+    expect(first.value()).toEqual('Max Birkendale');
+    expect(first.matchop()).toEqual('eq');
+    var second = docGroup.getOperand(1);
+    expect(second.key()).toEqual('pubDate');
+    expect(second.value()).toEqual('2014-12-05');
+    expect(second.matchop()).toEqual('eq');
+  });
+  xit('should be based on a nested docGroup', function () {
+  });
+describe('KorAP.Operators', function () {
+  it('should be initializable', function () {
+    var op = KorAP.Operators.create(true, false, false);
+    expect(op.and()).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(op.or()).not.toBeTruthy();
+    expect(op.del()).not.toBeTruthy();
+    op.and(false);
+    expect(op.and()).not.toBeTruthy();
+    expect(op.or()).not.toBeTruthy();
+    expect(op.del()).not.toBeTruthy();
+    op.or(true);
+    op.del(true);
+    expect(op.and()).not.toBeTruthy();
+    expect(op.or()).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(op.del()).toBeTruthy();
+    var e = op.element();
+    expect(e.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('operators');
+    expect(e.children[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('or');
+    expect(e.children[0]'or');
+    expect(e.children[1].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('delete');
+    expect(e.children[1]'×');
+    op.and(true);
+    op.del(false);
+    op.update();
+    e = op.element();
+    expect(e.getAttribute('class')).toEqual('operators');
+    expect(e.children[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('and');
+    expect(e.children[0]'and');
+    expect(e.children[1].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('or');
+    expect(e.children[1]'or');
+  });