Rename all cookies to be instance-independent (Requires relogin) - fixes #94

Change-Id: Icd8b58e4b6fbd99a93ee6972485ef77786b5764c
diff --git a/t/subfolder.t b/t/subfolder.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01cf33e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/subfolder.t
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+use Mojo::Base -strict;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Mojo;
+use Mojo::File qw/path/;
+use utf8;
+my $t = Test::Mojo->new('Kalamar' => {
+  Kalamar => {
+    plugins => ['Auth']
+  }
+$t->post_ok('/user/login' => form => { handle_or_email => 'test', pwd => 'fail' })
+  ->status_is(302)
+  ->header_is('Location' => '/');
+  ->status_is(200)
+  ->element_exists('link[rel=stylesheet][href^=/css/kalamar-]')
+  ->element_exists('script[src^=/js/kalamar-]')
+  ->element_exists('div.notify-error')
+  ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'Bad CSRF token')
+  ->element_exists('input[name=handle_or_email][value=test]')
+  ->element_exists_not(' a')
+  ->content_like(qr!KorAP\.URL = ''!)
+  ;
+$t = Test::Mojo->new('Kalamar' => {
+  Kalamar => {
+    plugins => ['Auth'],
+    https_only => 1
+  }
+$t->post_ok('/user/login' => form => { handle_or_email => 'test', pwd => 'fail' })
+  ->status_is(302)
+  ->header_is('Location' => '/');
+  ->status_is(200)
+  ->element_exists_not('div.notify-error')
+  ;
+$t = Test::Mojo->new('Kalamar' => {
+  Kalamar => {
+    plugins => ['Auth'],
+    proxy_prefix => '/korap/test',
+    https_only => 1
+  }
+  ->status_is(200)
+  ->element_exists('link[rel=stylesheet][href^=/korap/test/css/kalamar-]')
+  ->element_exists('script[src^=/korap/test/js/kalamar-]')
+  ;
+$t->post_ok('/user/login' => form => { handle_or_email => 'test', pwd => 'fail' })
+  ->status_is(302)
+  ->header_is('Location' => '/');
+# Session can't be used
+  ->status_is(200)
+  ->element_exists_not('div.notify-error')
+  ->content_like(qr!KorAP\.URL = '/korap/test'!)
+  ;