Introduced experimental API method and fixture system

Change-Id: Iffb6d3c4f7f21bcf40c904d40d137b206a3ba266
diff --git a/t/fixtures/ b/t/fixtures/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1d3908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/fixtures/
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use Mojolicious::Lite;
+use Mojo::ByteStream 'b';
+use Mojo::Date;
+use Mojo::JSON qw/true false encode_json decode_json/;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Mojo::JWT;
+use Mojo::File;
+# This is an API fake server with fixtures
+my $secret = 's3cr3t';
+helper jwt_encode => sub {
+  shift;
+  return Mojo::JWT->new(
+    secret => $secret,
+    token_type => 'api_token',
+    expires => time + (3 * 34 * 60 * 60),
+    claims => { @_ }
+  );
+helper jwt_decode => sub {
+  my ($c, $auth) = @_;
+  $auth =~ s/\s*api_token\s+//;
+  return Mojo::JWT->new(secret => $secret)->decode($auth);
+# Base page
+get '/' => sub {
+  shift->render(text => 'Query fake server available');
+# Search fixtures
+get '/search' => sub {
+  my $c = shift;
+  my $v = $c->validation;
+  $v->optional('q');
+  $v->optional('page');
+  $v->optional('ql');
+  $v->optional('count');
+  $v->optional('context');
+  # Response q=x&ql=cosmas3
+  if ($v->param('ql') && $v->param('ql') eq 'cosmas3') {
+    return $c->render(
+      status => 400,
+      json => {
+        "\@context" => "",
+        "errors" => [[307,"cosmas3 is not a supported query language!"]]
+      });
+  };
+  if ($v->param('q')) {
+    my $q = $v->param('q');
+    # Response q=server_fail
+    if ($q eq 'server_fail') {
+      return $c->render(
+        status => 500,
+        inline => 'Oooops'
+      );
+    }
+    # Response q=[orth=das
+    if ($q eq '[orth=das') {
+      return $c->render(
+        status => 400,
+        json => {
+          "\@context" => "",
+          "errors" => [
+            [302,"Parantheses/brackets unbalanced.",0],
+            [302,"Could not parse query >>> [orth=das <<<."]
+          ]
+        }
+      );
+    }
+  };
+  my $response = decode_json(
+    Mojo::File->new(__FILE__)->parent->child('response_baum.jsonld')
+    );
+  # Check authentification
+  if (my $auth = $c->req->headers->header('Authorization')) {
+    if (my $jwt = $c->jwt_decode($auth)) {
+      $response->{meta}->{authorized} = $jwt->{username} if $jwt->{username};
+    };
+  };
+  if ($v->param('page')) {
+    $response->{meta}->{startIndex} = $v->param("startIndex");
+  };
+  # Simple search fixture
+  return $c->render(
+    json => $response
+  );
+# Auth API #
+# Request API token
+get '/auth/logout' => sub {
+  my $c = shift;
+  if (my $auth = $c->req->headers->header('Authorization')) {
+    if (my $jwt = $c->jwt_decode($auth)) {
+      my $user = $jwt->{username} if $jwt->{username};
+      $c->app->log->debug('Server-Logout: ' . $user);
+      return $c->render(json => { msg => [[0, 'Fine!']]});
+    };
+  };
+  return $c->render(status => 400, json => { error => [[0, 'No!']]});
+# Request API token
+get '/auth/apiToken' => sub {
+  my $c = shift;
+  # Get auth header
+  my $auth = $c->req->headers->authorization;
+  # Authorization missing or not basic
+  if (!$auth || $auth !~ s/\s*Basic\s+//gi) {
+    return $c->render(
+      json => {
+        error => [[2, 'x']]
+      }
+    );
+  };
+  # Decode header
+  my ($username, $pwd) = @{b($auth)->b64_decode->split(':')->to_array};
+  # the password is 'pass'
+  if ($pwd) {
+    # the password is 'pass'
+    if ($pwd eq 'pass') {
+      # Render info with token
+      my $jwt = $c->jwt_encode(username => $username);
+      # Render in the Kustvakt fashion:
+      return $c->render(
+        format => 'html',
+        text => encode_json({
+          %{$jwt->claims},
+          expires    => $jwt->expires,
+          token      => $jwt->encode,
+          token_type => 'api_token'
+        })
+      );
+    };
+    return $c->render(
+      json => {
+        error => [[2004, undef]]
+      }
+    );
+  };
+  return $c->render(
+    json => {
+      error => [[2004, undef]]
+    }
+  );
+  # Temporary:
+  my $collection_query = {
+    '@type' => "koral:docGroup",
+    "operation" => "operation:or",
+    "operands" => [
+      {
+	'@type' => "koral:docGroup",
+	"operation" => "operation:and",
+	"operands" => [
+	  {
+	    '@type' => "koral:doc",
+	    "key" => "title",
+	    "match" => "match:eq",
+	    "value" => "Der Birnbaum",
+	    "type" => "type:string"
+	  },
+	  {
+	    '@type' => "koral:doc",
+	    "key" => "pubPlace",
+	    "match" => "match:eq",
+	    "value" => "Mannheim",
+	    "type" => "type:string"
+	  },
+	  {
+	    '@type' => "koral:docGroup",
+	    "operation" => "operation:or",
+	    "operands" => [
+	      {
+		'@type' => "koral:doc",
+		"key" => "subTitle",
+		"match" => "match:eq",
+		"value" => "Aufzucht oder Pflege",
+		"type" => "type:string"
+	      },
+	      {
+		'@type' => "koral:doc",
+		"key" => "subTitle",
+		"match" => "match:eq",
+		"value" => "Gedichte",
+		"type" => "type:string"
+	      }
+	    ]
+	  }
+	]
+      },
+      {
+	'@type' => "koral:doc",
+	"key" => "pubDate",
+	"match" => "match:geq",
+	"value" => "2015-03-05",
+	"type" => "type:date"
+      }
+    ]
+  };