Add NKJP annotation assistant

Change-Id: I7ba99bce4317f30a25115549d8919148407bd6db
diff --git a/dev/js/src/hint/foundries/nkjp.js b/dev/js/src/hint/foundries/nkjp.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ce0e64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/js/src/hint/foundries/nkjp.js
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+define(["hint/foundries"], function (ah) {
+  ah["-"].push(
+    ["NKJP", "nkjp/", "Morphology, Part-of-Speech"]
+  );
+  ah["nkjp/"] = [
+    ["Morphology", "m="],
+    ["Part-of-Speech", "p="]
+  ];
+  ah["nkjp/p="] = [
+    ["adj","adj","adjective"],
+    ["adja","adja","adjectival compounds forming form"],
+    ["adjc","adjc","predicative adjective"],
+    ["adjp","adjp","post-prepositional adjective"],
+    ["adv","adv","adverb"],
+    ["aglt","aglt","agglutinative form of być 'be'"],
+    ["bedzie","bedzie","future forms of być 'be'"],
+    ["brev","brev","abbreviation"],
+    ["comp","comp","subordinating conjunction / complementizer"],
+    ["cond","cond","conditional mood"],
+    ["conj","conj","coordinating conjunction"],
+    ["depr","depr","depreciative form"],
+    ["dig","dig","digits"],
+    ["emo","emo","emoticons"],
+    ["fin","fin","finite present / future (non-past) form"],
+    ["frag","frag","bound word"],
+    ["ger","ger","gerund"],
+    ["ign","ign","unknown word (ignotum)"],
+    ["imps","imps","impersonal"],
+    ["impt","impt","imperative"],
+    ["inf","inf","infinitive"],
+    ["interj","interj","interjection"],
+    ["interp","interp","punctuation"],
+    ["'naj'","naj",""],
+    ["'nie'","nie",""],
+    ["num","num","main numeral"],
+    // ["numcol","numcol","collective numeral"],
+    ["numcomp","numcomp","numeral compounds forming form"],
+    ["pact","pact","active adjectival participle"],
+    ["pacta","pacta","participal compounds forming form"],
+    ["pant","pant","anterior adverbial participle"],
+    ["part","part","particle"],
+    ["pcon","pcon","contemporary adverbial participle"],
+    ["ppas","ppas","passive adjectival participle"],
+    ["ppron12","ppron12","non-3rd person personal pronoun"],
+    ["ppron3","ppron3","3rd-person pronoun"],
+    ["praet","praet","l-participle"],
+    ["pred","pred","predicative"],
+    ["prefa","prefa","prefix"],
+    ["prefs","prefs","prefix"],
+    ["prep","prep","preposition"],
+    ["romandig","romandig","Roman digits"],
+    ["siebie","siebie","pronoun siebie"],   
+    ["sp","sp","space / blank"],
+    ["subst","subst","noun / substantive"],
+    ["substa","substa","nominal compounds forming form"],
+    ["sym","sym","symbols"],  
+    ["winien","winien","winien-like verb"],
+    ["xxx","xxx","foreign material"]
+  ];
+  ah["nkjp/m="] = [
+    ["Accentability","accent:"],
+    ["Agglutination","agglut:"],
+    ["Aspect", "aspect:"],
+    ["Case", "case:"],
+    ["Degree", "degree:"],
+    ["Fullstoppedness","fullstopp:"],
+    ["Gender", "gender:"],
+    ["Number", "number:"],
+    ["Negation", "negation:"],
+    ["Post-Prepositionality","postprep:"],
+    ["Vocality","vocal:"]
+  ];
+  ah["nkjp/m=case:"] = [
+    ["acc","acc ", "Accusative"],
+    ["dat", "dat ","Dative"],
+    ["gen","gen ", "Genitive"],
+    ["inst","inst ", "Instrumental"],
+    ["loc","loc ", "Locative"],
+    ["nom", "nom ", "Nominative"],
+    ["voc","voc ", "Vocative"]
+  ];
+  ah["nkjp/m=number:"] = [
+    ["pl","pl ", "Plural"],
+    ["sg", "sg ","Singular"]
+  ];
+  ah["nkjp/m=gender:"] = [
+    ["f", "f ", "Feminine"],
+    ["m1", "m1 ", "Human masculine (virile)"],
+    ["m2", "m2 ", "Animate masculine"],
+    ["m3", "m3 ", "Inanimate masculine"],
+    ["n", "n ", "Neuter"]
+  ];
+  ah["nkjp/m=person:"] = [
+    ["pri", "pri ", "First"],
+    ["sec", "sec ", "Second"],
+    ["ter", "ter ", "Third"]
+  ];
+  ah["nkjp/m=degree:"] = [
+    ["com", "com ", "Comparative"],
+    ["pos", "pos ", "Positive"],
+    ["sup", "sup ", "Superlative"]
+  ];
+  ah["nkjp/m=aspect:"] = [
+    ["imperf", "imperf ", "Imperfective"],
+    ["perf", "perf ", "Perfective"]
+  ];
+  ah["nkjp/m=negation:"] = [
+    ["aff", "aff ", "Affirmative"],
+    ["neg", "neg ", "Negative"]
+  ];
+  ah["nkjp/m=accent:"] = [
+    ["akc", "akc ", "Accented (strong)"],
+    ["nakc", "nakc ", "Non-accented (weak)"]
+  ];
+  ah["nkjp/m=postprep:"] = [
+    ["npraep", "npraep ", "Non-post-prepositional"],
+    ["praep", "praep ", "Post-prepositional"]
+  ];
+  ah["nkjp/m=accomm:"] = [
+    ["congr", "congr ", "Agreeing"],
+    ["rec", "rec ", "Governing"]
+  ];
+  ah["nkjp/m=agglut:"] = [
+    ["agl", "agl ", "Agglutinative"],
+    ["nagl", "nagl ", "Non-agglutinative"]
+  ];
+  ah["nkjp/m=vocal:"] = [
+    ["nwok", "nwok ", "Non-vocalic"],
+    ["wok", "wok ", "Vocalic"]
+  ];
+  ah["nkjp/m=fullstopp:"] = [
+    ["pun", "pun ", "With full stop"],
+    ["npun", "npun ", "Without full stop"]
+  ];