morphological view for testbed
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 9209706..9c7ddda 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package Korap;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';
-our $VERSION = '0.01';
+our $VERSION = '0.02';
# This method will run once at server start
sub startup {
@@ -43,28 +43,25 @@
- $r->get('/')->to(
- cb => sub {
- my $c = shift;
- $c->render(
- text =>
- 'Go to '.
- $c->link_to('search', '/collection/search'));
- }
- );
+ $r->get('/')->to('search#remote');
# Tutorial
- my $res = $r->route('/:resource', resource => [qw/collection corpus/]);
- $res->to('search#info');
- $res->search;
- $res->route('/:corpus_id')->search;
+ my $collection = $r->route('/collection');
+ $collection->to('search#info');
+ $collection->search;
+ my $corpus = $r->route('/corpus');
+ $corpus->search;
+ $corpus->route('/:corpus_id')->search;
+ $corpus->route('/:corpus_id/:doc_id')->search;
+ $corpus->route('/:corpus_id/#doc_id/:match_id')->to('info#about_match');
# $r->get(
# '/:resource/:corpus_id/#doc_id/#match_id',
# resource => [qw/collection corpus/])->to('search#match')->name('match');
diff --git a/lib/Korap/ b/lib/Korap/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d090a88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Korap/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package Korap::Info;
+use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
+sub about_match {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $corpus_id = $c->stash('corpus_id');
+ my $doc_id = $c->stash('doc_id');
+ my $match_id = $c->stash('match_id');
+ return $c->render(json => $c->notifications(json => $c->match_info($corpus_id, $doc_id, $match_id)));
diff --git a/lib/Korap/Plugin/ b/lib/Korap/Plugin/
index 77a3061..a1f3af8 100644
--- a/lib/Korap/Plugin/
+++ b/lib/Korap/Plugin/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package Korap::Plugin::KorapInfo;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin';
+use Mojo::JSON qw/decode_json/;
+use Mojo::ByteStream 'b';
sub register {
my ($plugin, $mojo, $param) = @_;
@@ -10,13 +12,23 @@
$param = { %$param, %$config_param };
+ state $json = decode_json(b(join('', <DATA>))->encode);
my $api = $param->{api};
# Todo: Make this recognize the user!
- info_on => sub {
+ resource_info => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $src = shift;
+ if ($c->app->mode eq 'test') {
+ if ($src eq 'collection') {
+ return $json->{collections};
+ };
+ };
$src = 'VirtualCollection' if $src eq 'collection';
$src = 'Corpus' if $src eq 'corpus';
@@ -35,7 +47,45 @@
return [];
+ $mojo->helper(
+ match_info => sub {
+ my $c = shift;
+ my ($corpus, $doc, $match) = @_;
+ return $json->{matchInfo} if $c->app->mode eq 'test';
+ my $url = Mojo::URL->new($api)->path('resource/matchInfo');
+ $match = 'match-' . $corpus . '!' . $corpus . '_' . $doc . '-' . $match;
+ $url->query({
+ id => $match,
+ f => 'mate',
+ l => ''
+ });
+ if (my $response = $c->ua->get($url)->success) {
+ return $response->json;
+ };
+ $c->notify(error => 'Unable to retrieve resource');
+ return {};
+ }
+ );
+{"author":"Filzstift,Alexander Sommer,TheK","textClass":"freizeit-unterhaltung reisen","corpusID":"WPD","title":"Neuseeland","foundries":"xip xip/morpho xip/constituency xip/dependency corenlp corenlp/namedentities corenlp/namedentities/ne_dewac_175m_600 corenlp/namedentities corenlp/namedentities/ne_hgc_175m_600 mate mate/morpho mate/dependency connexor connexor/morpho connexor/syntax connexor/phrase treetagger treetagger/morpho base base/sentences base/paragraphs opennlp opennlp/morpho","tokenization":"opennlp#tokens","field":"tokens","startMore":false,"endMore":false,"docID":"WPD_NNN.02848","snippet":"<span class=\"context-left\"></span><span class=\"match\"><span title=\"mate/l:besonders\"><span title=\"mate/p:ADV\">Besonders</span></span> <span title=\"mate/l:auffällig\"><span title=\"mate/m:degree:pos\"><span title=\"mate/p:ADJD\">auffällig</span></span></span> <span title=\"mate/l:sein\"><span title=\"mate/m:mood:ind\"><span title=\"mate/m:number:pl\"><span title=\"mate/m:person:3\"><span title=\"mate/m:tense:pres\"><span title=\"mate/p:VAFIN\">sind</span></span></span></span></span></span> <span title=\"mate/l:schließlich\"><span title=\"mate/p:ADV\">schließlich</span></span> <span title=\"mate/l:noch\"><span title=\"mate/p:ADV\">noch</span></span> <span title=\"mate/l:der\"><span title=\"mate/m:case:nom\"><span title=\"mate/m:gender:masc\"><span title=\"mate/m:number:sg\"><span title=\"mate/p:ART\">der</span></span></span></span></span> <span title=\"mate/l:pohutukawa\"><span title=\"mate/m:case:nom\"><span title=\"mate/m:gender:masc\"><span title=\"mate/m:number:sg\"><span title=\"mate/p:NE\">Pohutukawa</span></span></span></span></span> <span title=\"mate/l:und\"><span title=\"mate/p:KON\">und</span></span> <span title=\"mate/l:der\"><span title=\"mate/m:case:nom\"><span title=\"mate/m:gender:masc\"><span title=\"mate/m:number:sg\"><span title=\"mate/p:ART\">der</span></span></span></span></span> <span title=\"mate/l:cabbage\"><span title=\"mate/m:case:nom\"><span title=\"mate/m:gender:masc\"><span title=\"mate/m:number:sg\"><span title=\"mate/p:NE\">Cabbage</span></span></span></span></span> <span title=\"mate/l:tree\"><span title=\"mate/m:gender:masc\"><span title=\"mate/m:number:sg\"><span title=\"mate/p:NE\"><span title=\"mate/m:case:nom\">Tree</span></span></span></span></span></span><span class=\"context-right\"></span>","ID":"match-WPD!WPD_NNN.02848-p1213-1224","pubDate":"2005-03-28","context":{"left":["token",0],"right":["token",0]}},
+"collections" :
+[{"shared":false,"id":1,"managed":true,"created":1401193381119,"stats":{"documents":196510,"tokens":51545081,"sentences":4116282,"paragraphs":2034752},"query":[{"@type":"korap:meta-filter","@value":{"@type":"korap:term","@field":"korap:field#corpusID","@value":"WPD"}}],"description":"Die freie Enzyklopädie","name":"Wikipedia","foundries":"base;corenlp;mate;mpt;opennlp;tt;xip"}]
diff --git a/lib/Korap/Plugin/ b/lib/Korap/Plugin/
deleted file mode 100644
index fc9ba97..0000000
--- a/lib/Korap/Plugin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-package Korap::Plugin::KorapMatchInfo;
-use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin';
-sub register {
- my ($plugin, $mojo, $param) = @_;
- $param ||= {};
- # Load parameter from Config file
- if (my $config_param = $mojo->config('KorAP')) {
- $param = { %$param, %$config_param };
- };
- my $api = $param->{api};
- # Todo: Make this recognize the user!
- $mojo->helper(
- info_on => sub {
- my $c = shift;
- my $src = shift;
- $src = 'VirtualCollection' if $src eq 'collection';
- $src = 'Corpus' if $src eq 'corpus';
- my $url = Mojo::URL->new($api)->path('resource/' . $src);
- my $chi = $c->chi;
- if (my $json = $chi->get($url->to_string)) {
- return $json;
- }
- elsif (my $response = $c->ua->get($url)->success) {
- my $json = $response->json;
- $c->chi->set($url->to_string => $json);
- return $json;
- };
- $c->notify(error => 'Unable to retrieve resource');
- return [];
- }
- );
diff --git a/lib/Korap/Plugin/ b/lib/Korap/Plugin/
index efe1e8b..39b5c15 100644
--- a/lib/Korap/Plugin/
+++ b/lib/Korap/Plugin/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
my $c = shift;
my $match = shift;
my $did = $match->{docID};
- $did =~ s/^[^_]_//;
+ $did =~ s/^[^_]+_//;
return $did // '';
@@ -47,21 +47,18 @@
my %param = @_;
# Test envronment
-# if ($c->app->mode eq 'test') {
-# my $json = b(join(' ', <DATA>))->encode;
-# $json = decode_json($json);
-# $c->stash('search.count' => 10);
-# $c->stash('search.startPage' => 1);
-# $c->stash('search.totalResults' => 666);
-# $c->stash('search.itemsPerPage' => 10);
-# $_->{''} = 20;
-# $_->{''} = 10;
-# $_->{'search.query'} = $json->{request}->{query};
-# $_->{'search.hits'} = $json->{matches};
-# return $cb->();
-# };
+ if ($c->app->mode eq 'test') {
+ state $json = decode_json(join(' ', <DATA>));
+ $c->stash('search.count' => 10);
+ $c->stash('search.startPage' => 1);
+ $c->stash('search.totalResults' => 666);
+ $c->stash('search.itemsPerPage' => 10);
+ $c->stash('' => 20);
+ $c->stash('' => 10);
+ $c->stash('search.query' => $json->{request}->{query});
+ $c->stash('search.hits' => $json->{matches});
+ return $cb->();
+ };
'search.count' =>
diff --git a/lib/Korap/ b/lib/Korap/
index 466266b..b8972a0 100644
--- a/lib/Korap/
+++ b/lib/Korap/
@@ -34,18 +34,6 @@
$c->render(template => 'search');
-#sub match {
-# my $c = shift;
-# my $corpus_id = $c->stash('corpus_id');
-# my $doc_id = $c->stash('doc_id');
-# my $match_id = $c->stash('match_id');
-# return $c->render(json => {
-# match => 'match-' . $corpus_id . '!' . $corpus_id . '_' . $doc_id . '-' . $match_id
-# });
sub info {
my $c = shift;
my $api = $c->config('KorAP')->{api};