blob: 2587d1ced0c099d12f4e5eaf413f8c5692bfffe0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Create virtual collections with a visual user interface.
* @author Nils Diewald
* This replaces a previous version written by Mengfei Zhou
TODO: Disable "and" or "or" in case it's followed
by an unspecified document
TODO: Implement "persistence"-Option,
injecting the current creation date stamp
Error codes:
701: "JSON-LD group has no @type attribute"
704: "Operation needs operand list"
802: "Match type is not supported by value type"
804: "Unknown value type"
805: "Value is invalid"
806: "Value is not a valid date string"
807: "Value is not a valid regular expression"
810: "Unknown document group operation" (like 711)
811: "Document group expects operation" (like 703)
812: "Operand not supported in document group" (like 744)
813: "Collection type is not supported" (like 713)
814: "Unknown rewrite operation"
815: "Rewrite expects source"
Localization strings:
KorAP.Locale = {
EMPTY : '...',
AND : 'and',
OR : 'or',
DELETE : 'x'
], function (unspecDocClass, docClass, docGroupClass, menuClass) {
"use strict";
// ???
KorAP._validStringMatchRE = new RegExp("^(?:eq|ne|contains|excludes)$");
KorAP._validDateMatchRE = new RegExp("^[lg]?eq$");
KorAP._validDateRE = new RegExp("^(?:\\d{4})(?:-\\d\\d(?:-\\d\\d)?)?$");
KorAP._overrideStyles = false;
var loc = KorAP.Locale;
KorAP._vcKeyMenu = undefined;
* Virtual Collection
return {
* The JSON-LD type of the virtual collection
ldType : function () {
return null;
// Initialize virtual collection
_init : function (keyList) {
// Inject localized css styles
if (!KorAP._overrideStyles) {
var sheet = KorAP.newStyleSheet();
// Add css rule for OR operations
'.vc .docGroup[data-operation=or] > .doc::before,' +
'.vc .docGroup[data-operation=or] > .docGroup::before ' +
'{ content: "' + loc.OR + '" }',
// Add css rule for AND operations
'.vc .docGroup[data-operation=and] > .doc::before,' +
'.vc .docGroup[data-operation=and] > .docGroup::before ' +
'{ content: "' + loc.AND + '" }',
KorAP._overrideStyles = true;
// Create key menu
KorAP._vcKeyMenu = menuClass.create(keyList);
return this;
* Create a new virtual collection.
create : function (keyList) {
return Object.create(this)._init(keyList);
clean : function () {
if (this._root.ldType() !== "non") {
return this;
* Create and render a new virtual collection
* based on a KoralQuery collection document
render : function (json, keyList) {
var obj = Object.create(this)._init(keyList);
if (json !== undefined) {
// Parse root document
if (json['@type'] == 'koral:doc') {
obj._root = docClass.create(obj, json);
// parse root group
else if (json['@type'] == 'koral:docGroup') {
obj._root = docGroupClass.create(obj, json);
// Unknown collection type
else {
KorAP.log(813, "Collection type is not supported");
else {
// Add unspecified object
obj._root = unspecDocClass.create(obj);
// Init element and update
return obj;
* Get or set the root object of the
* virtual collection.
root : function (obj) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
var e = this.element();
if (e.firstChild !== null) {
if (e.firstChild !== obj.element()) {
e.replaceChild(obj.element(), e.firstChild);
// Append root element
else {
// Update parent child relations
this._root = obj;
return this._root;
* Get the element associated with the virtual collection
element : function () {
if (this._element !== undefined)
return this._element;
this._element = document.createElement('div');
this._element.setAttribute('class', 'vc');
// Initialize root
return this._element;
* Update the whole object based on the underlying
* data structure
update : function () {
return this;
* Get the generated json string
toJson : function () {
return this._root.toJson();
* Get the generated query string
toQuery : function () {
return this._root.toQuery();