blob: 6e02793d1219d58f20ffc3c68c27b8105bb9681a [file] [log] [blame]
// Input field for queries
* TODO: Support allert for query problems.
* Create a new input field.
create : function (element) {
return Object.create(this)._init(element);
* Get the mirrored input field.
mirror : function () {
return this._mirror;
* Get the container element.
* This contains the hint helper / menus
* and probably an
* error message.
container : function () {
return this._container;
* Get the input element the
* hint helper is attached to.
element : function () {
return this._element;
* Get the value of the input field
* the hint helper is attached to.
value : function () {
return this._element.value;
* Update the mirror content.
update : function () {
this._mirror.firstChild.textContent = this._split()[0]; = this._rightPos() + 'px';
return this;
* Insert text into the mirror.
* This is a prefix of the input field's
* value.
insert : function (text) {
var splittedText = this._split();
var s = this._element;
s.value = splittedText[0] + text + splittedText[1];
s.selectionStart = (splittedText[0] + text).length;
s.selectionEnd = s.selectionStart;
// Maybe update?
this._mirror.firstChild.textContent = splittedText[0] + text;
return this;
* Move hinthelper to given character position
moveto : function (charpos) {
this._element.selectionStart = charpos;
this._element.selectionEnd = charpos;
return this.update();
* Reposition the input mirror directly
* below the input box.
reposition : function () {
var inputClientRect = this._element.getBoundingClientRect();
var inputStyle = window.getComputedStyle(this._element, null);
var bodyClientRect =
// Reset position
var mirrorStyle =;
mirrorStyle.left = inputClientRect.left + "px"; = (inputClientRect.bottom - + "px";
mirrorStyle.width = inputStyle.getPropertyValue("width");
// These may be relevant in case of media depending css
mirrorStyle.paddingLeft = inputStyle.getPropertyValue("padding-left");
mirrorStyle.marginLeft = inputStyle.getPropertyValue("margin-left");
mirrorStyle.borderLeftWidth = inputStyle.getPropertyValue("border-left-width");
mirrorStyle.borderLeftStyle = inputStyle.getPropertyValue("border-left-style");
mirrorStyle.fontSize = inputStyle.getPropertyValue("font-size");
mirrorStyle.fontFamily = inputStyle.getPropertyValue("font-family");
* Get the context, which is the input
* field's value bounded to the
* cursor position.
context : function () {
return this._split()[0];
// Initialize new input field
_init : function (element) {
this._element = element;
// Create mirror for searchField
// This is important for positioning
if ((this._mirror = document.getElementById("searchMirror")) === null) {
this._mirror = document.createElement("div");
this._mirror.setAttribute("id", "searchMirror");
this._container = this._mirror.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); = "0px";
// Update position of the mirror
window.addEventListener('resize', this.reposition.bind(this));
this._element.addEventListener('onfocus', this.reposition.bind(this));
return this;
// Get the right position
_rightPos : function () {
var box = this._mirror.firstChild.getBoundingClientRect();
return box.right - box.left;
* Return two substrings,
* splitted at a given position
* or at the current cursor position.
_split : function (start) {
var s = this._element;
var value = s.value;
// Get start from cursor position
if (arguments.length === 0)
start = s.selectionStart;
return new Array(
value.substring(0, start),
value.substring(start, value.length)