New menu class that has an entry at the very end, similar to the input
text prefix, that is always available

Change-Id: I03d8f689e37021d3daac6bf34f7d35f0e4d71999
diff --git a/dev/demo/alwaysmenu.html b/dev/demo/alwaysmenu.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37ea5d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/demo/alwaysmenu.html
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <head>
+    <title>AlwaysMenu demo</title>
+    <meta charset="utf-8" />
+    <!-- Load remote -->
+    <script data-main="/demo/alwaysmenudemo.js" src="/js/lib/require.js" async="async"></script>
+    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/css/kalamar.css" />
+    <!-- Load local -->
+    <script data-main="alwaysmenudemo.js" src="../js/lib/require.js" async="async"></script>
+    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../css/kalamar.css" />
+    <style type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> {
+  background-color: #ddd;
+  color: black;
+  padding: 1em;
+  font-family: mono;
+body {
+  margin: 0;
+  background-color: #ddd;
+    </style>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <div style="position: absolute; background-color: #7ba400; height: 50px; width: 100%;"></div>
+    <div id="menu" class="vc" style="padding-top: 80px; padding-left: 80px;"></div>
+    <!-- <div id="largemenu" style="padding-top: 0px; padding-left: 500px;"></div> -->
+    <div id="multisortmenu" style="padding-top: 0px; padding-left: 550px;"></div>
+    <span id="choose-ql" class="menu select" style="position: absolute; right: 100px; top: 90px;">
+      <select name="ql">
+	      <option value="poliqarp">Poliqarp</option>
+	      <option value="cosmas2">Cosmas 2</option>
+	      <option value="annis" selected>Annis QL</option>
+	      <option value="cql">CQL</option>
+      </select>
+    </span>
+    <main>
+      <div>
+	      <div id="pagination"><a rel="prev"><span><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></span></a><a rel="self"><span>1</span></a><a href="/kalamar?q=der+%5Bmate/m%3Dnumber:sg%5D&amp;ql=poliqarp&amp;p=2"><span>2</span></a><a href="/kalamar?q=der+%5Bmate/m%3Dnumber:sg%5D&amp;ql=poliqarp&amp;p=3"><span>3</span></a><span><i class="fa fa-ellipsis-h"></i></span><a href="/kalamar?q=der+%5Bmate/m%3Dnumber:sg%5D&amp;ql=poliqarp&amp;p=52230"><span>52230</span></a><a rel="next" href="/kalamar?q=der+%5Bmate/m%3Dnumber:sg%5D&amp;ql=poliqarp&amp;p=2"><span><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></span></a></div>
+      </div>
+    </main>
+  </body>
diff --git a/dev/demo/alwaysmenudemo.js b/dev/demo/alwaysmenudemo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6d37b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/demo/alwaysmenudemo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+    baseUrl: '../js/src'
+  });
+            // here alwaysmenu instead of normal menu, then + alwaysEntry
+  require(['alwaysmenu','menu/item', 'menu/prefix', 'menu/lengthField', 'selectMenu', 'hint/item', 'hint/lengthField',
+  //'alwaysmenu/alwaysentry'
+  'alwaysentry'
+    ],
+  function (alwaysMenuClass, itemClass, prefixClass, lengthFieldClass, selectMenuClass, hintItemClass, hintLengthField, alwaysEntryClass) {
+    /**
+     * Create own menu item class.
+     */
+    var OwnMenuItemClass = {
+      create : function (params) {
+        return Object.create(itemClass).upgradeTo(this)._init(params);
+      },
+      // content function
+      content : function (content) {
+        if (arguments.length === 1) {
+          this._content = content;
+        };
+        return this._content;
+      },
+      // enter or click
+      onclick : function () {
+        console.log(this._name);
+      },
+      // right arrow
+      further : function () {
+        console.log("Further: " + this._name);
+      },
+      // initialize item
+      _init : function (params) {
+        if (params[0] === undefined)
+      throw new Error("Missing parameters");
+        this._name = params[0];
+        this._content = document.createTextNode(this._name);
+        this._lcField = ' ' + this.content().textContent.toLowerCase();
+        return this;
+      }
+    };
+    /**
+     * Create own prefix class.
+     */
+    var OwnPrefixClass = {
+      create : function () {
+        return Object.create(prefixClass)
+      .upgradeTo(this)
+      ._init();
+      },
+      onclick : function () {
+        console.log('Prefix: ' + this.value());
+      }
+    };
+    /**
+     * Create own alwaysEntry class.
+     */
+     var OwnEntryClass = {
+        create : function () {
+          return alwaysEntryClass.create("Save")
+            .upgradeTo(this);
+            //._init();
+        },
+        onclick : function () {
+          console.log('Entry: ' + this.value());
+        }
+      };
+    /**
+     * Create own menu class.
+     */
+    var OwnMenu = {
+      create : function (list) {
+        const params = {
+          itemClass : OwnMenuItemClass,
+          prefixClass : OwnPrefixClass,
+          lengthFieldClass : lengthFieldClass,
+          alwaysEntryClass : OwnEntryClass
+      };
+        console.log("Am now in OwnMenu create",alwaysMenuClass); // we learn, that it definetly has all the functions defined in alwaysmenu.js
+        var obj = alwaysMenuClass.create(list,params)
+            .upgradeTo(this);
+            //._init(list, params);
+        obj._firstActive = true;
+        return obj;
+      }
+    };
+    var menu = OwnMenu.create([
+      ['Titel', 'title', 'string'],
+      ['Untertitel', 'subTitle', 'string'],
+      ['Beschreibung', 'desc', 'string'],
+      ['Veröffentlichungsdatum', 'pubDate', 'date'],
+      ['Länge', 'length', 'integer'],
+      ['Autor', 'author', 'string'],
+      ['Genre', 'genre', 'string'],
+      ['corpusID', 'corpusID', 'string'],
+      ['docID', 'docID', 'string'],
+      ['textID', 'textID', 'string']
+    ]);
+    /*
+    var largeMenu = alwaysMenuClass.create([
+      //
+      //
+      // "$.", "$(", "$,"
+      ["ADJA","ADJA ", "Attributive Adjective"],
+      ["ADJD","ADJD ", "Predicative Adjective"],
+      ["ADV","ADV ", "Adverb"],
+      ["APPO","APPO ", "Postposition"],
+      ["APPR","APPR ", "Preposition"],
+      ["APPRART","APPRART ", "Preposition with Determiner"],
+      ["APZR","APZR ","Right Circumposition"],
+      ["ART","ART ", "Determiner"],
+      ["CARD","CARD ", "Cardinal Number"],
+      ["FM","FM ", "Foreign Material"],
+      ["ITJ","ITJ ", "Interjection"],
+      ["KOKOM","KOKOM ", "Comparison Particle"],
+      ["KON","KON ", "Coordinating Conjuncion"],
+      ["KOUI","KOUI ", "Subordinating Conjunction with 'zu'"],
+      ["KOUS","KOUS ", "Subordinating Conjunction with Sentence"],
+      ["NE","NE ", "Named Entity"],
+      ["NN","NN ", "Normal Nomina"],
+      ["PAV", "PAV ", "Pronominal Adverb"],
+      ["PDAT","PDAT ","Attributive Demonstrative Pronoun"],
+      ["PDS","PDS ", "Substitutive Demonstrative Pronoun"],
+      ["PIAT","PIAT ", "Attributive Indefinite Pronoun without Determiner"],
+      ["PIDAT","PIDAT ", "Attributive Indefinite Pronoun with Determiner"],
+      ["PIS","PIS ", "Substitutive Indefinite Pronoun"],
+      ["PPER","PPER ", "Personal Pronoun"],
+      ["PPOSAT","PPOSAT ", "Attributive Possessive Pronoun"],
+      ["PPOSS","PPOSS ", "Substitutive Possessive Pronoun"],
+      ["PRELAT","PRELAT ", "Attributive Relative Pronoun"],
+      ["PRELS","PRELS ", "Substitutive Relative Pronoun"],
+      ["PRF","PRF ", "Reflexive Pronoun"],
+      ["PROAV","PROAV ", "Pronominal Adverb"],
+      ["PTKA","PTKA ","Particle with Adjective"],
+      ["PTKANT","PTKANT ", "Answering Particle"],
+      ["PTKNEG","PTKNEG ", "Negation Particle"],
+      ["PTKVZ","PTKVZ ", "Separated Verbal Particle"],
+      ["PTKZU","PTKZU ", "'zu' Particle"],
+      ["PWAT","PWAT ", "Attributive Interrogative Pronoun"],
+      ["PWAV","PWAV ", "Adverbial Interrogative Pronoun"],
+      ["PWS","PWS ", "Substitutive Interrogative Pronoun"],
+      ["TRUNC","TRUNC ","Truncated"],
+      ["VAFIN","VAFIN ", "Auxiliary Finite Verb"],
+      ["VAIMP","VAIMP ", "Auxiliary Finite Imperative Verb"],
+      ["VAINF","VAINF ", "Auxiliary Infinite Verb"],
+      ["VAPP","VAPP ", "Auxiliary Perfect Participle"],
+      ["VMFIN","VMFIN ", "Modal Finite Verb"],
+      ["VMINF","VMINF ", "Modal Infinite Verb"],
+      ["VMPP","VMPP ", "Modal Perfect Participle"],
+      ["VVFIN","VVFIN ","Finite Verb"],
+      ["VVIMP","VVIMP ", "Finite Imperative Verb"],
+      ["VVINF","VVINF ", "Infinite Verb"],
+      ["VVIZU","VVIZU ", "Infinite Verb with 'zu'"],
+      ["VVPP","VVPP ", "Perfect Participle"],
+      ["XY", "XY ", "Non-Word"]
+    ], { 'itemClass' : hintItemClass, 'lengthField' : hintLengthField , 'alwaysEntryClass' : OwnEntryClass});
+  */
+    /*var multiMenu = multiMenuClass.create([
+      ["textSigle", "textSigle"],
+      ["author", "author"]
+    ]);
+    */
+    document.getElementById('menu').appendChild(menu.element());
+    //document.getElementById('largemenu').appendChild(largeMenu.element());
+    // document.getElementById('multimenu').appendChild(multiMenu.element());
+    menu.limit(3).show(3);
+    menu.focus();
+    selectMenuClass.create(document.getElementById('choose-ql')).limit(5); // .show();
+    //largeMenu.limit(8).show(3);
+  });
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