Initial token management
Change-Id: I6177b46961b7a0e53b9fa1fa9430a4d5562ae2da
diff --git a/t/plugin/auth-oauth.t b/t/plugin/auth-oauth.t
index f03f61e..c9c4207 100644
--- a/t/plugin/auth-oauth.t
+++ b/t/plugin/auth-oauth.t
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
'Kalamar-Auth' => {
client_id => 2,
client_secret => 'k414m4r-s3cr3t',
- oauth2 => 1
+ oauth2 => 1,
+ experimental_client_registration => 1
@@ -371,7 +372,7 @@
# The token is invalid and can't be refreshed!
+$csrf = $t->get_ok('/?q=baum&cutoff=true')
@@ -380,8 +381,57 @@
->text_is('title', 'KorAP: Find »baum« with Poliqarp')
+ ->tx->res->dom->at('input[name="csrf_token"]')
+ ->attr('value')
+# Login:
+$t->post_ok('/user/login' => form => {
+ handle_or_email => 'test',
+ pwd => 'pass',
+ csrf_token => $csrf
+ ->status_is(302)
+ ->content_is('')
+ ->header_is('Location' => '/');
+ ->status_is(200)
+ ->element_exists_not('div.notify-error')
+ ->element_exists('div.notify-success')
+ ->text_is('div.notify-success', 'Login successful')
+ ->element_exists('')
+ ->element_exists_not('')
+ ;
+ ->text_is('form.form-table legend', 'Register new client application')
+ ->attr_is('form.oauth-register','action', '/settings/oauth/register')
+ ;
+$csrf = $t->post_ok('/settings/oauth/register' => form => {
+ name => 'MyApp',
+ type => 'PUBLIC',
+ desc => 'This is my application'
+ ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'Bad CSRF token')
+ ->tx->res->dom->at('input[name="csrf_token"]')
+ ->attr('value')
+ ;
+$t->post_ok('/settings/oauth/register' => form => {
+ name => 'MyApp',
+ type => 'CONFIDENTIAL',
+ desc => 'This is my application',
+ csrf_token => $csrf
+ ->status_is(200)
+ ->element_exists('div.notify-success')
+ ->text_is('legend', 'Client Credentials')
+ ->text_is('label[for=client_id]', 'ID of the client application')
+ ->element_exists('input[name=client_id][readonly][value]')
+ ->element_exists('input[name=client_secret][readonly][value]')
+ ;