Added hint and vc to collected kalamar assets
diff --git a/public/js/demo/all.html b/public/js/demo/all.html
index aba76c4..26337fa 100644
--- a/public/js/demo/all.html
+++ b/public/js/demo/all.html
@@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <!DOCTYPE html>
<title>CSS demo</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script src="../lib/dagre/dagre.min.js"></script>
<script src="../src/util.js"></script>
+ <script src="../src/hint.js"></script>
<script src="../src/match.js"></script>
<script src="../src/menu.js"></script>
- <script src="../src/matchInfo.js"></script>
+ <script src="../src/vc.js"></script>
<script src="./all.js"></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../../css/build/kalamar.css" />
@@ -29,6 +28,8 @@
<i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-down show-hint" onclick="hint.popUp()"></i>
+ <div id="vc"></div>
+ in Wikipedia
with <span class="select">
<!-- Change this to js-menu -->
<select name="ql" id="ql-field">
diff --git a/public/js/demo/all.js b/public/js/demo/all.js
index b0871be..dc1e051 100644
--- a/public/js/demo/all.js
+++ b/public/js/demo/all.js
@@ -95,33 +95,6 @@
"</span>" +
"<span class=\"context-right\"></span>";
-var available =[
- 'base/s=spans',
- 'corenlp/c=spans',
- 'corenlp/ne=tokens',
- 'corenlp/p=tokens',
- 'corenlp/s=spans',
- 'glemm/l=tokens',
- 'mate/l=tokens',
- 'mate/m=tokens',
- 'mate/p=tokens',
- 'opennlp/p=tokens',
- 'opennlp/s=spans',
- 'tt/l=tokens',
- 'tt/p=tokens',
- 'tt/s=spans'
-var match = {
- 'corpusID' : 'WPD',
- 'docID' : 'UUU',
- 'textID' : '01912',
- 'matchID' : 'p121-122'
var menuContent = [
['cnx/c', 'cnx', 'c'],
['mate/c', 'mate', 'c'],
@@ -130,6 +103,280 @@
['tt/c', 'tt', 'c']
+var namedEntities = [
+ ["I-LOC", "I-LOC ", "Location"],
+ ["I-MISC", "I-MISC ", "Miscellaneous"],
+ ["I-ORG", "I-ORG ", "Organization"],
+ ["I-PER", "I-PER ", "Person"]
+var sttsArray = [
+ // "$.", "$(", "$,"
+ ["ADJA","ADJA ", "Attributive Adjective"],
+ ["ADJD","ADJD ", "Predicative Adjective"],
+ ["ADV","ADV ", "Adverb"],
+ ["APPO","APPO ", "Postposition"],
+ ["APPR","APPR ", "Preposition"],
+ ["APPRART","APPRART ", "Preposition with Determiner"],
+ ["APZR","APZR ","Right Circumposition"],
+ ["ART","ART ", "Determiner"],
+ ["CARD","CARD ", "Cardinal Number"],
+ ["FM","FM ", "Foreign Material"],
+ ["ITJ","ITJ ", "Interjection"],
+ ["KOKOM","KOKOM ", "Comparison Particle"],
+ ["KON","KON ", "Coordinating Conjuncion"],
+ ["KOUI","KOUI ", "Subordinating Conjunction with 'zu'"],
+ ["KOUS","KOUS ", "Subordinating Conjunction with Sentence"],
+ ["NE","NE ", "Named Entity"],
+ ["NN","NN ", "Normal Nomina"],
+ ["PAV", "PAV ", "Pronominal Adverb"],
+ ["PDAT","PDAT ","Attributive Demonstrative Pronoun"],
+ ["PDS","PDS ", "Substitutive Demonstrative Pronoun"],
+ ["PIAT","PIAT ", "Attributive Indefinite Pronoun without Determiner"],
+ ["PIDAT","PIDAT ", "Attributive Indefinite Pronoun with Determiner"],
+ ["PIS","PIS ", "Substitutive Indefinite Pronoun"],
+ ["PPER","PPER ", "Personal Pronoun"],
+ ["PPOSAT","PPOSAT ", "Attributive Possessive Pronoun"],
+ ["PPOSS","PPOSS ", "Substitutive Possessive Pronoun"],
+ ["PRELAT","PRELAT ", "Attributive Relative Pronoun"],
+ ["PRELS","PRELS ", "Substitutive Relative Pronoun"],
+ ["PRF","PRF ", "Reflexive Pronoun"],
+ ["PROAV","PROAV ", "Pronominal Adverb"],
+ ["PTKA","PTKA ","Particle with Adjective"],
+ ["PTKANT","PTKANT ", "Answering Particle"],
+ ["PTKNEG","PTKNEG ", "Negation Particle"],
+ ["PTKVZ","PTKVZ ", "Separated Verbal Particle"],
+ ["PTKZU","PTKZU ", "'zu' Particle"],
+ ["PWAT","PWAT ", "Attributive Interrogative Pronoun"],
+ ["PWAV","PWAV ", "Adverbial Interrogative Pronoun"],
+ ["PWS","PWS ", "Substitutive Interrogative Pronoun"],
+ ["TRUNC","TRUNC ","Truncated"],
+ ["VAFIN","VAFIN ", "Auxiliary Finite Verb"],
+ ["VAINF","VAINF ", "Auxiliary Infinite Verb"],
+ ["VAIMP","VAIMP ", "Auxiliary Finite Imperative Verb"],
+ ["VAPP","VAPP ", "Auxiliary Perfect Participle"],
+ ["VMFIN","VMFIN ", "Modal Finite Verb"],
+ ["VMINF","VMINF ", "Modal Infinite Verb"],
+ ["VMPP","VMPP ", "Modal Perfect Participle"],
+ ["VVFIN","VVFIN ","Finite Verb"],
+ ["VVIMP","VVIMP ", "Finite Imperative Verb"],
+ ["VVINF","VVINF ", "Infinite Verb"],
+ ["VVIZU","VVIZU ", "Infinite Verb with 'zu'"],
+ ["VVPP","VVPP ", "Perfect Participle"],
+ ["XY", "XY ", "Non-Word"]
+var mateSttsArray = sttsArray.slice(0);
+ ["<root-POS>","<root-POS>","Root Part of Speech"]
+var vcExample = {
+ "@type":"koral:docGroup",
+ "operation":"operation:or",
+ "operands":[
+ {
+ "@type":"koral:docGroup",
+ "operation":"operation:and",
+ "operands":[
+ {
+ "@type":"koral:doc",
+ "key":"Titel",
+ "value":"Der Birnbaum",
+ "match":"match:eq"
+ },
+ {
+ "@type":"koral:doc",
+ "key":"Veröffentlichungsort",
+ "value":"Mannheim",
+ "match":"match:eq"
+ },
+ {
+ "@type":"koral:docGroup",
+ "operation":"operation:or",
+ "operands":[
+ {
+ "@type":"koral:doc",
+ "key":"Untertitel",
+ "value":"Aufzucht und Pflege",
+ "match":"match:eq"
+ },
+ {
+ "@type":"koral:doc",
+ "key":"Untertitel",
+ "value":"Gedichte",
+ "match":"match:eq",
+ "rewrites" : [
+ {
+ "@type": "koral:rewrite",
+ "src" : "policy",
+ "operation" : "operation:injection",
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "@type":"koral:doc",
+ "key":"Veröffentlichungsdatum",
+ "type":"type:date",
+ "value":"2015-03-05",
+ "match":"match:geq"
+ }
+ ]
+KorAP.hintArray = {
+ "-" : [
+ ["Connexor", "cnx/", "Constituency, Lemma, Morphology, Part-of-Speech, Syntax"],
+ ["CoreNLP", "corenlp/", "Named Entities"],
+ ["Mate", "mate/", "Lemma, Morphology, Part-of-Speech"],
+ ["OpenNLP", "opennlp/", "Part-of-Speech"],
+ ["TreeTagger", "tt/", "Lemma, Part-of-Speech"],
+ ["Xerox Parser", "xip/", "Constituency, Lemma, Part-of-Speech"]
+ ],
+ "corenlp/" : [
+ ["Named Entity", "ne=" , "Combined"],
+ ["Named Entity", "ne_dewac_175m_600=" , "ne_dewac_175m_600"],
+ ["Named Entity", "ne_hgc_175m_600=", "ne_hgc_175m_600"]
+ ],
+ "corenlp/ne=" : namedEntities,
+ "corenlp/ne_dewac_175m_600=" : namedEntities,
+ "corenlp/ne_hgc_175m_600=" : namedEntities,
+ "cnx/" : [
+ ["Constituency", "c="],
+ ["Lemma", "l="],
+ ["Morphology", "m="],
+ ["Part-of-Speech", "p="],
+ ["Syntax", "syn="]
+ ],
+ "cnx/c=" : [
+ ["np", "np ", "Nominal Phrase"]
+ ],
+ //
+ "cnx/m=" : [
+ ["Abbr","Abbr ", "Nouns: Abbreviation"],
+ ["CMP","CMP ", "Adjective: Comparative"],
+ ["IMP", "IMP ", "Mood: Imperative"],
+ ["IND", "IND ", "Mood: Indicative"],
+ ["INF", "INF ", "Infinitive"],
+ ["ORD","ORD ", "Numeral: Ordinal"],
+ ["PAST", "PAST ", "Tense: past"],
+ ["PCP", "PCP ", "Participle"],
+ ["PERF", "PERF ", "Perfective Participle"],
+ ["PL","PL ", "Nouns: Plural"],
+ ["PRES", "PRES ", "Tense: present"],
+ ["PROG", "PROG ", "Progressive Participle"],
+ ["Prop","Prop ", "Nouns: Proper Noun"],
+ ["SUB", "SUB ", "Mood: Subjunctive"],
+ ["SUP","SUP ", "Adjective: Superlative"]
+ ],
+ //
+ "cnx/p=" : [
+ ["A", "A ", "Adjective"],
+ ["ADV", "ADV ", "Adverb"],
+ ["CC", "CC ", "Coordination Marker"],
+ ["CS", "CS ", "Clause Marker"],
+ ["DET", "DET ", "Determiner"],
+ ["INTERJ", "INTERJ ", "Interjection"],
+ ["N", "N ", "Noun"],
+ ["NUM", "NUM ", "Numeral"],
+ ["PREP", "PREP ", "Preposition"],
+ ["PRON", "PRON ", "Pro-Nominal"],
+ ["V", "V ", "Verb"]
+ ],
+ //
+ "cnx/syn=" : [
+ ["@ADVL", "@ADVL ", "Adverbial Head"],
+ ["@AUX", "@AUX ", "Auxiliary Verb"],
+ ["@CC", "@CC ", "Coordination"]
+ ["@MAIN", "@MAIN ", "Main Verb"],
+ ["@NH", "@NH ", "Nominal Head"],
+ ["@POSTMOD", "@POSTMOD ", "Postmodifier"],
+ ["@PREMARK", "@PREMARK ", "Preposed Marker"],
+ ["@PREMOD", "@POSTMOD ", "Premodifier"]
+ ],
+ "opennlp/" : [
+ ["Part-of-Speech", "p="]
+ ],
+ "opennlp/p=" : sttsArray,
+ "xip/" : [
+ ["Constituency", "c="],
+ // Inactive: ["Dependency", "d="],
+ ["Lemma", "l="],
+ ["Part-of-Speech", "p="],
+ ],
+ // "xip/c=" : [],
+ // Inactive: "xip/d=" : [],
+ // "xip/p=" : [],
+ "tt/" : [
+ ["Lemma", "l="],
+ ["Part-of-Speech", "p="]
+ ],
+ "tt/p=" : sttsArray,
+ "mate/" : [
+ // Inactive: "d" : ["d=", "Dependency"],
+ ["Lemma", "l="],
+ ["Morphology", "m="],
+ ["Part-of-Speech", "p="]
+ ],
+ // Inactive: mate/d=
+ "mate/p=" : mateSttsArray,
+ "mate/m=" : [
+ ["Case", "case:"],
+ ["Degree", "degree:"],
+ ["Gender", "gender:"],
+ ["Mood", "mood:"],
+ ["Number", "number:"],
+ ["Person", "person:"],
+ ["Tense","tense:"],
+ ["No type", "<no-type> "]
+ ],
+ "mate/m=case:" : [
+ ["acc", "acc ", "Accusative"],
+ ["dat","dat ", "Dative"],
+ ["gen", "gen ","Genitive"],
+ ["nom","nom ", "Nominative"],
+ ["*","* ", "Undefined"]
+ ],
+ "mate/m=degree:" : [
+ ["comp","comp ", "Comparative"],
+ ["pos","pos ", "Positive"],
+ ["sup","sup ", "Superative"]
+ ],
+ "mate/m=gender:" : [
+ ["fem", "fem ", "Feminium"],
+ ["masc", "masc ", "Masculinum"],
+ ["neut","neut ", "Neuter"],
+ ["*","* ","Undefined"]
+ ],
+ "mate/m=mood:" : [
+ ["imp","imp ", "Imperative"],
+ ["ind","ind ", "Indicative"],
+ ["subj","subj ", "Subjunctive"]
+ ],
+ "mate/m=number:" : [
+ ["pl","pl ","Plural"],
+ ["sg","sg ","Singular"],
+ ["*","* ","Undefined"]
+ ],
+ "mate/m=person:" : [
+ ["1","1 ", "First Person"],
+ ["2","2 ", "Second Person"],
+ ["3","3 ", "Third Person"]
+ ],
+ "mate/m=tense:" : [
+ ["past","past ", "Past"],
+ ["pres","pres ", "Present"]
+ ]
// Parse and show the table
// Override getMatchInfo API call
KorAP.API.getMatchInfo = function(match, callObj) {
@@ -141,6 +388,7 @@
* Do some things at the beginning.
@@ -154,15 +402,14 @@
+ var vc = KorAP.VirtualCollection.render(vcExample);
+ document.getElementById('vc').appendChild(vc.element());
// Don't hide!!!
menu.hide = function () {};
- /*
- var e = KorAP.MatchInfo.create(match, available);
- document.getElementById('WPD-WWW.03313-p102-103').children[0].appendChild(e.element());
- e.addTree('cnx', 'c');
- */
diff --git a/public/js/demo/hint.html b/public/js/demo/hint.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..154bcaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/js/demo/hint.html
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head>
+ <title>Hint demo</title>
+ <meta charset="utf-8" />
+ <script src="../src/menu.js"></script>
+ <script src="../src/hint.js"></script>
+ <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../../css/build/kalamar.css" />
+ <script>
+var namedEntities = [
+ ["I-LOC", "I-LOC ", "Location"],
+ ["I-MISC", "I-MISC ", "Miscellaneous"],
+ ["I-ORG", "I-ORG ", "Organization"],
+ ["I-PER", "I-PER ", "Person"]
+var sttsArray = [
+ // "$.", "$(", "$,"
+ ["ADJA","ADJA ", "Attributive Adjective"],
+ ["ADJD","ADJD ", "Predicative Adjective"],
+ ["ADV","ADV ", "Adverb"],
+ ["APPO","APPO ", "Postposition"],
+ ["APPR","APPR ", "Preposition"],
+ ["APPRART","APPRART ", "Preposition with Determiner"],
+ ["APZR","APZR ","Right Circumposition"],
+ ["ART","ART ", "Determiner"],
+ ["CARD","CARD ", "Cardinal Number"],
+ ["FM","FM ", "Foreign Material"],
+ ["ITJ","ITJ ", "Interjection"],
+ ["KOKOM","KOKOM ", "Comparison Particle"],
+ ["KON","KON ", "Coordinating Conjuncion"],
+ ["KOUI","KOUI ", "Subordinating Conjunction with 'zu'"],
+ ["KOUS","KOUS ", "Subordinating Conjunction with Sentence"],
+ ["NE","NE ", "Named Entity"],
+ ["NN","NN ", "Normal Nomina"],
+ ["PAV", "PAV ", "Pronominal Adverb"],
+ ["PDAT","PDAT ","Attributive Demonstrative Pronoun"],
+ ["PDS","PDS ", "Substitutive Demonstrative Pronoun"],
+ ["PIAT","PIAT ", "Attributive Indefinite Pronoun without Determiner"],
+ ["PIDAT","PIDAT ", "Attributive Indefinite Pronoun with Determiner"],
+ ["PIS","PIS ", "Substitutive Indefinite Pronoun"],
+ ["PPER","PPER ", "Personal Pronoun"],
+ ["PPOSAT","PPOSAT ", "Attributive Possessive Pronoun"],
+ ["PPOSS","PPOSS ", "Substitutive Possessive Pronoun"],
+ ["PRELAT","PRELAT ", "Attributive Relative Pronoun"],
+ ["PRELS","PRELS ", "Substitutive Relative Pronoun"],
+ ["PRF","PRF ", "Reflexive Pronoun"],
+ ["PROAV","PROAV ", "Pronominal Adverb"],
+ ["PTKA","PTKA ","Particle with Adjective"],
+ ["PTKANT","PTKANT ", "Answering Particle"],
+ ["PTKNEG","PTKNEG ", "Negation Particle"],
+ ["PTKVZ","PTKVZ ", "Separated Verbal Particle"],
+ ["PTKZU","PTKZU ", "'zu' Particle"],
+ ["PWAT","PWAT ", "Attributive Interrogative Pronoun"],
+ ["PWAV","PWAV ", "Adverbial Interrogative Pronoun"],
+ ["PWS","PWS ", "Substitutive Interrogative Pronoun"],
+ ["TRUNC","TRUNC ","Truncated"],
+ ["VAFIN","VAFIN ", "Auxiliary Finite Verb"],
+ ["VAINF","VAINF ", "Auxiliary Infinite Verb"],
+ ["VAIMP","VAIMP ", "Auxiliary Finite Imperative Verb"],
+ ["VAPP","VAPP ", "Auxiliary Perfect Participle"],
+ ["VMFIN","VMFIN ", "Modal Finite Verb"],
+ ["VMINF","VMINF ", "Modal Infinite Verb"],
+ ["VMPP","VMPP ", "Modal Perfect Participle"],
+ ["VVFIN","VVFIN ","Finite Verb"],
+ ["VVIMP","VVIMP ", "Finite Imperative Verb"],
+ ["VVINF","VVINF ", "Infinite Verb"],
+ ["VVIZU","VVIZU ", "Infinite Verb with 'zu'"],
+ ["VVPP","VVPP ", "Perfect Participle"],
+ ["XY", "XY ", "Non-Word"]
+var mateSttsArray = sttsArray.slice(0);
+ ["<root-POS>","<root-POS>","Root Part of Speech"]
+var hintArray = {
+ "-" : [
+ ["Connexor", "cnx/", "Constituency, Lemma, Morphology, Part-of-Speech, Syntax"],
+ ["CoreNLP", "corenlp/", "Named Entities"],
+ ["Mate", "mate/", "Lemma, Morphology, Part-of-Speech"],
+ ["OpenNLP", "opennlp/", "Part-of-Speech"],
+ ["TreeTagger", "tt/", "Lemma, Part-of-Speech"],
+ ["Xerox Parser", "xip/", "Constituency, Lemma, Part-of-Speech"]
+ ],
+ "corenlp/" : [
+ ["Named Entity", "ne=" , "Combined"],
+ ["Named Entity", "ne_dewac_175m_600=" , "ne_dewac_175m_600"],
+ ["Named Entity", "ne_hgc_175m_600=", "ne_hgc_175m_600"]
+ ],
+ "corenlp/ne=" : namedEntities,
+ "corenlp/ne_dewac_175m_600=" : namedEntities,
+ "corenlp/ne_hgc_175m_600=" : namedEntities,
+ "cnx/" : [
+ ["Constituency", "c="],
+ ["Lemma", "l="],
+ ["Morphology", "m="],
+ ["Part-of-Speech", "p="],
+ ["Syntax", "syn="]
+ ],
+ "cnx/c=" : [
+ ["np", "np ", "Nominal Phrase"]
+ ],
+ //
+ "cnx/m=" : [
+ ["Abbr","Abbr ", "Nouns: Abbreviation"],
+ ["CMP","CMP ", "Adjective: Comparative"],
+ ["IMP", "IMP ", "Mood: Imperative"],
+ ["IND", "IND ", "Mood: Indicative"],
+ ["INF", "INF ", "Infinitive"],
+ ["ORD","ORD ", "Numeral: Ordinal"],
+ ["PAST", "PAST ", "Tense: past"],
+ ["PCP", "PCP ", "Participle"],
+ ["PERF", "PERF ", "Perfective Participle"],
+ ["PL","PL ", "Nouns: Plural"],
+ ["PRES", "PRES ", "Tense: present"],
+ ["PROG", "PROG ", "Progressive Participle"],
+ ["Prop","Prop ", "Nouns: Proper Noun"],
+ ["SUB", "SUB ", "Mood: Subjunctive"],
+ ["SUP","SUP ", "Adjective: Superlative"]
+ ],
+ //
+ "cnx/p=" : [
+ ["A", "A ", "Adjective"],
+ ["ADV", "ADV ", "Adverb"],
+ ["CC", "CC ", "Coordination Marker"],
+ ["CS", "CS ", "Clause Marker"],
+ ["DET", "DET ", "Determiner"],
+ ["INTERJ", "INTERJ ", "Interjection"],
+ ["N", "N ", "Noun"],
+ ["NUM", "NUM ", "Numeral"],
+ ["PREP", "PREP ", "Preposition"],
+ ["PRON", "PRON ", "Pro-Nominal"],
+ ["V", "V ", "Verb"]
+ ],
+ //
+ "cnx/syn=" : [
+ ["@ADVL", "@ADVL ", "Adverbial Head"],
+ ["@AUX", "@AUX ", "Auxiliary Verb"],
+ ["@CC", "@CC ", "Coordination"]
+ ["@MAIN", "@MAIN ", "Main Verb"],
+ ["@NH", "@NH ", "Nominal Head"],
+ ["@POSTMOD", "@POSTMOD ", "Postmodifier"],
+ ["@PREMARK", "@PREMARK ", "Preposed Marker"],
+ ["@PREMOD", "@POSTMOD ", "Premodifier"]
+ ],
+ "opennlp/" : [
+ ["Part-of-Speech", "p="]
+ ],
+ "opennlp/p=" : sttsArray,
+ "xip/" : [
+ ["Constituency", "c="],
+ // Inactive: ["Dependency", "d="],
+ ["Lemma", "l="],
+ ["Part-of-Speech", "p="],
+ ],
+ // "xip/c=" : [],
+ // Inactive: "xip/d=" : [],
+ // "xip/p=" : [],
+ "tt/" : [
+ ["Lemma", "l="],
+ ["Part-of-Speech", "p="]
+ ],
+ "tt/p=" : sttsArray,
+ "mate/" : [
+ // Inactive: "d" : ["d=", "Dependency"],
+ ["Lemma", "l="],
+ ["Morphology", "m="],
+ ["Part-of-Speech", "p="]
+ ],
+ // Inactive: mate/d=
+ "mate/p=" : mateSttsArray,
+ "mate/m=" : [
+ ["Case", "case:"],
+ ["Degree", "degree:"],
+ ["Gender", "gender:"],
+ ["Mood", "mood:"],
+ ["Number", "number:"],
+ ["Person", "person:"],
+ ["Tense","tense:"],
+ ["No type", "<no-type> "]
+ ],
+ "mate/m=case:" : [
+ ["acc", "acc ", "Accusative"],
+ ["dat","dat ", "Dative"],
+ ["gen", "gen ","Genitive"],
+ ["nom","nom ", "Nominative"],
+ ["*","* ", "Undefined"]
+ ],
+ "mate/m=degree:" : [
+ ["comp","comp ", "Comparative"],
+ ["pos","pos ", "Positive"],
+ ["sup","sup ", "Superative"]
+ ],
+ "mate/m=gender:" : [
+ ["fem", "fem ", "Feminium"],
+ ["masc", "masc ", "Masculinum"],
+ ["neut","neut ", "Neuter"],
+ ["*","* ","Undefined"]
+ ],
+ "mate/m=mood:" : [
+ ["imp","imp ", "Imperative"],
+ ["ind","ind ", "Indicative"],
+ ["subj","subj ", "Subjunctive"]
+ ],
+ "mate/m=number:" : [
+ ["pl","pl ","Plural"],
+ ["sg","sg ","Singular"],
+ ["*","* ","Undefined"]
+ ],
+ "mate/m=person:" : [
+ ["1","1 ", "First Person"],
+ ["2","2 ", "Second Person"],
+ ["3","3 ", "Third Person"]
+ ],
+ "mate/m=tense:" : [
+ ["past","past ", "Past"],
+ ["pres","pres ", "Present"]
+ ]
+ </script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <header>
+ <form autocomplete="off" action="/kalamar">
+ <div id="searchbar">
+ <input type="search"
+ placeholder="Find ..."
+ name="q"
+ id="q-field"
+ autofocus="autofocus" />
+ <button type="submit"><span>Go</span></button>
+ </div>
+ </form>
+ </header>
+ <script>
+KorAP.hintArray = hintArray;
+var input = KorAP.Hint.create();
+ </script>
+ </body>
diff --git a/public/js/demo/match.html b/public/js/demo/match.html
index 373b0ee..7b51996 100644
--- a/public/js/demo/match.html
+++ b/public/js/demo/match.html
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
<title>Match demo</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script src="../lib/dagre/dagre.min.js"></script>
+ <script src="../src/util.js"></script>
<script src="../src/menu.js"></script>
<script src="../src/match.js"></script>
<link type="text/css"
@@ -31,6 +32,21 @@
+ <div id="search">
+ <ol class="align-left">
+ <li data-corpus-id="WPD"
+ data-doc-id="WWW"
+ data-text-id="03313"
+ data-match-id="p102-103"
+ data-available-info="base/s=spans corenlp/c=spans corenlp/ne=tokens corenlp/p=tokens corenlp/s=spans glemm/l=tokens mate/l=tokens mate/m=tokens mate/p=tokens opennlp/p=tokens opennlp/s=spans tt/l=tokens tt/p=tokens tt/s=spans"
+ id="WPD-WWW.03313-p102-103">
+ <div>
+ <div class="snippet startMore endMore"><span class="context-left">In diesem Beispiel ist zu sehen, dass die beiden Variablen a und b lediglich ihre Werte an die Funktion </span><span class="match">test</span><span class="context-right"> übergeben, aber im Gegensatz zu einem Referenzparamter dabei unverändert bleiben.</span></div>
+ </div>
+ <p class="ref"><strong>Wertparameter</strong> by Hubi,Zwobot,4; published on 2005-03-28 as WWW.03313 (WPD)</p>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
var snippet = "<span title=\"cnx/l:meist\">" +
@@ -130,31 +146,6 @@
"</span>" +
"<span class=\"context-right\"></span>";
-var available =[
- 'base/s=spans',
- 'corenlp/c=spans',
- 'corenlp/ne=tokens',
- 'corenlp/p=tokens',
- 'corenlp/s=spans',
- 'glemm/l=tokens',
- 'mate/l=tokens',
- 'mate/m=tokens',
- 'mate/p=tokens',
- 'opennlp/p=tokens',
- 'opennlp/s=spans',
- 'tt/l=tokens',
- 'tt/p=tokens',
- 'tt/s=spans'
-var match = {
- 'corpusID' : 'WPD',
- 'docID' : 'UUU',
- 'textID' : '01912',
- 'pos' : 'p121-122',
- 'available' : available
// Parse and show the table
// Override getMatchInfo API call
KorAP.API.getMatchInfo = function(match, callObj) {
@@ -166,31 +157,7 @@
-var e = KorAP.Match.create(match).open();
-e.addTree('cnx', 'c');
-var t = KorAP.MatchInfo.create(match, available).getTable();
-// parse and show the tree
-KorAP.API.getMatchInfo = function() {
- return { "snippet": treeSnippet };
-var tree = KorAP.MatchInfo.create(match, available).getTree();
diff --git a/public/js/demo/vc.html b/public/js/demo/vc.html
index 0a7efa9..ae6aef1 100644
--- a/public/js/demo/vc.html
+++ b/public/js/demo/vc.html
@@ -5,9 +5,17 @@
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