blob: e47cfbfb237e3e311a52837674b8a4adf92e6679 [file] [log] [blame]
* The plugin system is based
* on registered services (iframes) from
* foreign services.
* The server component spawns new iframes and
* listens to them.
* @author Nils Diewald
define(['plugin/widget', 'plugin/service', 'state', 'util'], function (widgetClass, serviceClass, stateClass) {
"use strict";
KorAP.Panel = KorAP.Panel || {};
// Contains all servicess to address with
// messages to them
var services = {};
var plugins = {};
// TODO:
// These should better be panels and every panel
// has a buttonGroup
// List of panels with dynamic buttons, i.e.
// panels that may occur multiple times.
var buttons = {
match : []
// List of panels with static buttons, i.e.
// panels that occur only once.
var buttonsSingle = {
query : [],
result : []
// This is a counter to limit acceptable incoming messages
// to a certain amount. For every message, this counter will
// be decreased (down to 0), for every second this will be
// increased (up to 100).
// Once a widget surpasses the limit, it will be killed
// and called suspicious.
var maxMessages = 100;
var limits = {};
// TODO:
// It may be useful to establish a watcher that pings
// all widgets every second to see if it is still alive,
// otherwise kill
// Load Plugin server
return {
* Create new plugin management system
create : function () {
return Object.create(this)._init();
* Initialize the plugin manager
_init : function () {
return this;
* Register a plugin described as a JSON object.
* This is work in progress.
* Example:
* KorAP.Plugin.register({
* 'name' : 'CatContent',
* 'desc' : 'Some content about cats',
* 'about' : 'https://localhost:5678/',
* 'embed' : [{
* 'panel' : 'match',
* 'title' : loc.TRANSLATE,
* 'classes' : ['translate']
* 'onClick' : {
* 'action' : 'addWidget',
* 'template' : 'https://localhost:5678/?match={matchid}',
* }
* },{
* 'title' : 'glemm',
* 'panel' : 'query',
* 'onClick' : {
* 'action' : 'toggle',
* 'state' : 'glemm',
* 'service' : {
* 'id' : 'glemm',
* 'template' : 'https://localhost:5678/'
* }
* }
* }]
* });
register : function (obj) {
// TODO:
// These fields need to be localized for display by a structure like
// { de : { name : '..' }, en : { .. } }
var name = obj["name"];
if (!name)
throw new Error("Missing name of plugin");
var desc = obj["desc"];
// Register plugin by name
var plugin = plugins[name] = {
name : name,
desc : desc,
about : obj["about"],
widgets : [],
services : []
if (typeof obj["embed"] !== 'object')
throw new Error("Embedding of plugin is no list");
// Embed all embeddings of the plugin
var that = this;
obj["embed"].forEach(function(embed) {
if (typeof embed !== 'object')
throw new Error("Embedding of plugin is no object");
// Needs to be localized as well
let title = embed["title"];
let panel = embed["panel"];
let onClick = embed["onClick"];
let icon = embed["icon"];
if (!panel || !(buttons[panel] || buttonsSingle[panel]))
throw new Error("Panel for plugin is invalid");
// The embedding will open a widget
if (!onClick["action"] ||
onClick["action"] == "addWidget" ||
onClick["action"] == "setWidget") {
let cb = function (e) {
// "this" is bind to the panel
// "this".button is the button
// "that" is the server object
// The button has a state and the state is associated to the
// a intermediate object to toggle the view
if ('state' in this.button && > 0) {
let s = this.button.state;
// The associated service is existent
if (services[this.button['widgetID']]) {
// TODO:
// Use roll() when existing
if (s.get()) {
} else {
// The service is not existent
else {
// Remove broken state associations
// Add the widget to the panel
let id = that.addWidget(this, {
"name": name,
"src": onClick["template"], // that._interpolateURI(onClick["template"], this.match);
"permissions": onClick["permissions"],
// If a state exists, associate with a mediator object
if ('state' in this.button) {
this.button['widgetID'] = id;
setState : function (value) {
// Minimize the widget
if (value == false) {
else {
// Button object
let obj = {'cls':embed["classes"], 'icon': icon }
if (onClick["action"] && onClick["action"] == "setWidget") {
// Create a boolean state value, that initializes to true == opened
obj['state'] = stateClass.create(true);
// Add to dynamic button list (e.g. for matches)
if (buttons[panel]) {
buttons[panel].push([title, obj, cb]);
// Add to static button list (e.g. for query) already loaded
else if (KorAP.Panel[panel]) {
KorAP.Panel[panel].actions.add(title, obj, cb);
// Add to static button list (e.g. for query) not yet loaded
else {
buttonsSingle[panel].push([title, obj, cb]);
// TODO There is no possibility to add icons to an plugin toggle button right now.
else if (onClick["action"] == "toggle") {
// Todo: Initially false
let state = stateClass.create(false);
// TODO:
// Lazy registration (see above!)
KorAP.Panel[panel].actions.addToggle(title, {'cls':["title"]}, state);
// Add the service
let id = this.addService({
"name" : name,
// TODO:
// Use the "service" keyword
"src" : onClick["template"],
"permissions" : onClick["permissions"]
// TODO:
// This is a bit stupid to get the service window
let service = services[id];
let iframe = service.load();
// Create object to communicate the toggle state
// once the iframe is loaded.
iframe.onload = function () {
let sendToggle = {
setState : function (val) {
action: 'state',
key : onClick['state'],
value : val
// Associate object with the state
}, this);
// TODO:
// Interpolate URIs similar to
// but as simple as possible
_interpolateURI : function (uri, obj) {
// ...
* Get named button group - better rename to "action"
buttonGroup : function (name) {
if (buttons[name] != undefined) {
return buttons[name];
} else if (buttonsSingle[name] != undefined) {
return buttonsSingle[name];
return [];
* Clear named button group - better rename to "action"
clearButtonGroup : function (name) {
if (buttons[name] != undefined) {
buttons[name] = [];
} else if (buttonsSingle[name] != undefined) {
buttonsSingle[name] = [];
// Optionally initialize the service mechanism and get an ID
_getServiceID : function () {
// Is it the first service?
if (!this._listener) {
* Establish the global 'message' hook.
this._listener = this._receiveMsg.bind(this);
window.addEventListener("message", this._listener);
// Every second increase the limits of all registered services
this._timer = window.setInterval(function () {
for (let i = 0; i < limits.length; i++) {
if (limits[i]++ >= maxMessages) {
limits[i] = maxMessages;
}, 1000);
// Create a unique random ID per service
return 'id-' + this._randomID();
* Add a service in a certain panel and return the id.
addService : function (data) {
if (!data["src"])
let id = this._getServiceID();
data["id"] = id;
// Create a new service
let service = serviceClass.create(data);
services[id] = service;
limits[id] = maxMessages;
// Add service to panel
return id;
* Open a new widget view in a certain panel and return
* the id.
addWidget : function (panel, data) {
// panel, name, src, permissions
let id = this._getServiceID();
data["id"] = id;
// Create a new widget
var widget = widgetClass.create(data);
// Store the widget based on the identifier
services[id] = widget;
limits[id] = maxMessages;
widget._mgr = this;
// Add widget to panel
return id;
* Get service by identifier
service : function (id) {
return services[id];
// Receive a call from an embedded service.
// The handling needs to be very careful,
// as this can easily become a security nightmare.
_receiveMsg : function (e) {
// Get event data
var d =;
// If no data given - fail
// (probably check that it's an assoc array)
if (!d)
// e.origin is probably set and okay - CHECK!
// Get origin ID
var id = d["originID"];
// If no origin ID given - fail
if (!id)
// Get the service
let service = services[id];
// If the addressed service does not exist - fail
if (!service)
// Check for message limits
if (limits[id]-- < 0) {
// Kill service
KorAP.log(0, 'Suspicious action by service', service.src);
// TODO:
// Potentially kill the whole plugin!
// This removes all connections before closing the service
// if (service.isWidget)
// Resize the iframe
switch (d.action) {
case 'resize':
if (service.isWidget)
// Log message from iframe
case 'log':
KorAP.log(d.code, d.msg, service.src);
// Modify pipes
case 'pipe':
if (KorAP.Pipe != undefined) {
if (d.job == 'del') {
} else {
// Get information from the embedding platform
case 'get':
// Get KoralQuery
if (d.key == 'KQ') {
if (KorAP.koralQuery !== undefined) {
d["value"] = KorAP.koralQuery;
// Get Query information from from
else if (d.key == 'QueryForm') {
let doc = document;
let v = d["value"] = {};
var el;
if (el = doc.getElementById('q-field')) {
v["q"] = el.value;
if (el = doc.getElementById('ql-field')) {
v["ql"] = el.value;
if (el = {
v["cq"] = el.toQuery();
// Get Query information from parameters
else if (d.key == 'QueryParam') {
// Supported in all modern browsers
var p = new URLSearchParams(;
let v = d["value"] = {};
v["q"] = p.get('q');
v["ql"] = p.get('ql');
v["cq"] = p.get('cq');
// data needs to be mirrored
if (d._id) {
// TODO:
// Close
// Close the service
_closeService : function (id) {
delete limits[id];
// Close the iframe
if (services[id] && services[id]._closeIframe) {
// Remove from list
delete services[id];
// Remove listeners in case no widget
// is available any longer
if (Object.keys(limits).length == 0)
// Get a random identifier
_randomID : function () {
return randomID(20);
// Remove the listener
_removeListener : function () {
this._timer = undefined;
window.removeEventListener("message", this._listener);
this._listener = undefined;
* Return the service element.
element : function () {
if (!this._element) {
this._element = document.createElement('div');
this._element.setAttribute("id", "services");
return this._element;
// Destructor, just for testing scenarios
destroy : function () {
limits = {};
s => services[s].close()
services = {};
b => buttons[b] = []
b => buttonsSingle[b] = []
if (this._element) {
let e = this._element;
if (e.parentNode) {
this._element = null;