First Guided Tour

Change-Id: Ia0d71307ba6a88c6037598cb7e500372780136b6
diff --git a/dev/js/src/tour/tours.js b/dev/js/src/tour/tours.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b5d2a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/js/src/tour/tours.js
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+ * Guided Tour to explain the UI
+ * 
+ * @author Helge Stallkamp
+ */
+define(['lib/intro', 'vc'], function(introClass, vcClass) {
+  //needed for localization of labels and contents of the tour
+  const loc   = KorAP.Locale;
+  //labels for nextStep, previousStep, done and abort
+  loc.TOUR_lskip = loc.TOUR_lskip || "Abort";
+  loc.TOUR_lprev = loc.TOUR_lprev || "Back";
+  loc.TOUR_lnext = loc.TOUR_lnext || "Next";
+  loc.TOUR_ldone = loc.TOUR_ldone || "Done";
+  //localization tours
+  loc.TOUR_sear1 = loc.TOUR_sear1 || "Enter your search enquiry here.";
+  loc.TOUR_sear2 = loc.TOUR_sear2 || "For example the search for 'Baum'...";
+  loc.TOUR_searAnnot = loc.TOUR_searAnnot || "Annotation helper: By clicking here, the annotations of the differents layers are displayed and can be selected.";
+  loc.TOUR_annotAss =  loc.TOUR_annotAss || "The annoation assistant helps to formulate queries with annotations";
+  loc.TOUR_vccho1 = loc.TOUR_vccho1 || "Choose corpus by clicking here.";  
+  loc.TOUR_vccho2 = loc.TOUR_vccho2 || "Define your corpus here.";
+  loc.TOUR_vcStat = loc.TOUR_vcStat || "Display corpus statistic.";
+  loc.TOUR_qlfield = loc.TOUR_qlfield|| "You can use KorAP with different query languages, select the query language here.";  
+  loc.TOUR_help = loc.TOUR_help || "Help and more information about KorAP.";
+  loc.TOUR_glimpse = loc.TOUR_glimpse || "Select to show only the first hits in arbitrary order.";
+  loc.TOUR_seargo = loc.TOUR_seargo || "Start the search.";
+  //localization of button labels
+   let labelOptions = {
+          'skipLabel': loc.TOUR_lskip, 
+          'prevLabel': loc.TOUR_lprev,
+          'nextLabel': loc.TOUR_lnext,
+          'doneLabel': loc.TOUR_ldone,
+          'showStepNumbers': false,
+  };
+  let intro = introClass();
+  intro.setOptions(labelOptions);
+  return{
+    /** 
+     * Guided Tour: Definition of steps 
+     */
+    guidedTour:function(elparam){
+      var doe = document;
+      if(elparam){
+        doe = elparam;
+      }
+      let input = doe.querySelector("#q-field");
+      input.value="";
+      //steps of the example tour
+      let Steps =[
+        {
+          element: '#searchbar',
+          intro: loc.TOUR_sear1,
+          position: 'bottom'
+        },
+        {
+          element: '#searchbar',
+          intro: loc.TOUR_sear2,
+          position: 'bottom'
+        },
+        {
+          element: '#hint',
+          intro: loc.TOUR_searAnnot,
+          position: 'bottom'
+         },
+         {
+          element:'#vc-choose',
+          intro: loc.TOUR_vccho1,
+          position: "bottom",
+         },
+         {
+           element:'#vc-view',
+           intro: loc.TOUR_vccho2,
+           position: "bottom",
+         }, 
+         {
+           element: doe.querySelector('#ql-field').parentNode,
+           intro: loc.TOUR_qlfield,
+           position: "bottom",
+         },  
+         {
+           element:'#glimpse-intrjs',
+           intro: loc.TOUR_glimpse,
+           position: "bottom",
+         }, 
+         {
+           element:'#view-tutorial',
+           intro: loc.TOUR_help,
+           position: "bottom",
+         },
+         {
+           element: doe.querySelector('#searchbar button[type=submit]'),
+           intro: loc.TOUR_seargo,
+           position: "bottom",
+         },
+       ];
+      //pass in the Steps array created earlier
+      intro.setOptions({steps: Steps});
+      //total number of steps, needed for jasmine tests
+      //See also: introJS.totalSteps() merge requested: //
+      intro.stepCount = Steps.length;
+      //array of intro content needed for efficient testing
+      intro.testIntros = [];
+        for(let i = 0; i< Steps.length; i++){
+        intro.testIntros.push(Steps[i].intro);
+        }
+        //changes before executing the single steps
+        intro.onbeforechange(function(targetedElement){
+          switch({
+          case "searchbar": 
+            if(this._currentStep == 1){ 
+              input = doe.querySelector('#q-field');
+              input.value="Baum";
+            }   
+            break;
+          case "vc-view":  
+            vchoo = doe.querySelector("#vc-choose");
+            vcv = doe.querySelector("#vc-view");  
+            KorAP._delete.apply(;
+  "creationDate").update();
+  "1820").update();  
+            if(!(vcv.querySelector(".active"))){
+    ;
+            }   
+            break;     
+      } 
+    });
+    // Execute at the end of the tour (By clicking at the done-Button)
+    intro.oncomplete(function(){
+      input.value="";
+      KorAP._delete.apply(;
+      });
+    return intro;
+    },
+  }