| /** |
| * Test suite for guided tour. |
| * |
| * @author Helge Stallkamp |
| */ |
| |
| define(['tour/tours', 'vc'], function(tourClass, vcClass){ |
| const loc = KorAP.Locale; |
| |
| //TODO Read this file from the file system, see https://korap.ids-mannheim.de/gerrit/#/c/KorAP/Kalamar/+/2241/ |
| var introKorAP = "<form autocomplete='off' action='/' id='searchform'>" + |
| "<div id='searchbar'>" + |
| "<input autocapitalize='off' autocomplete='off ' autocorrect='off' autofocus='autofocus' id='q-field' name='q' placeholder='Find ...' spellcheck='false' type='search'>" + |
| "<button type='submit' title='Go!'><span>Go!</span></button>" + |
| "</div>"+ |
| "<!-- Search in the following virtual collection -->"+ |
| "<div id='vc-view'></div>" + |
| "in" + |
| "<input id='collection' name='collection' type='text'>" + |
| "with" + |
| "<span class='select'>" + |
| "<select id='ql-field' name='ql'><option value='poliqarp'>Poliqarp</option><option value='cosmas2'>Cosmas II</option><option value='annis'>Annis QL</option><option value='cql'>CQL v1.2</option><option value='fcsql'>FCSQL</option></select>" + |
| "</span>" + |
| "<div class='button right'>" + |
| "<input checked class='checkbox' id='q-cutoff-field' name='cutoff' type='checkbox' value='1'>"+ |
| "<label for='q-cutoff-field' title='Just show the first matches in arbitrary order'><span id='glimpse-intrjs'></span>Glimpse</label>" + |
| "<a class='tutorial' href='/doc' id='view-tutorial' tabindex='-1' title='Tutorial'><span>Tutorial</span></a>" + |
| "</div>" + |
| "<div class='clear'></div>" + |
| "</form>"; |
| |
| let template = document.createElement('template'); |
| html = introKorAP.trim(); // Do not return a text node of whitespace as the result |
| template.innerHTML = html; |
| intrkorap = template.content.firstChild; |
| |
| |
| //TODO Add hint and vc-choose, they are not part of the generated file |
| describe('KorAP.GuidedTour', function(){ |
| it('IDs and classes, that are needed for the guided tour should be in existence', function(){ |
| expect(intrkorap.querySelector('#searchbar')).not.toBeNull(); |
| expect(intrkorap.querySelector('#q-field')).not.toBeNull(); |
| //expect(intrkorap.querySelector('#hint')).not.toBeNull(); |
| //expect(intrkorap.querySelector('#vc-choose')).not.toBeNull(); |
| expect(intrkorap.querySelector('#vc-view')).not.toBeNull(); |
| expect(intrkorap.querySelector('#ql-field').parentNode).not.toBeNull(); |
| expect(intrkorap.querySelector('#glimpse-intrjs')).not.toBeNull(); |
| expect(intrkorap.querySelector('#view-tutorial')).not.toBeNull(); |
| expect(intrkorap.querySelector('#searchbar button[type=submit]')).not.toBeNull(); |
| }); |
| |
| |
| it('Guided Tour should be started and display steps and labels in the right order', function(){ |
| let testTour = tourClass.guidedTour(intrkorap); |
| testTour.start(); |
| let totalSteps = testTour.stepCount; |
| |
| expect(document.querySelector(".introjs-tooltiptext").textContent).toEqual(loc.TOUR_sear1); |
| expect(document.querySelector(".introjs-skipbutton").textContent).toEqual(loc.TOUR_lskip); |
| expect(document.querySelector(".introjs-prevbutton").textContent).toEqual(loc.TOUR_lprev); |
| expect(document.querySelector(".introjs-nextbutton").textContent).toEqual(loc.TOUR_lnext); |
| testTour.exit(); |
| |
| for(let i = 2; i <= totalSteps; i++){ |
| testTour.goToStepNumber(i); |
| expect(document.querySelector(".introjs-tooltiptext").textContent).toEqual(testTour.testIntros[i-1]); |
| if(i == totalSteps){ |
| expect(document.querySelector('.introjs-donebutton').textContent).toEqual(loc.TOUR_ldone); |
| } |
| testTour.exit(); |
| } |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| ); |