Update to API v0.1
diff --git a/lib/Korap.pm b/lib/Korap.pm
index 04f0014..f0115ae 100644
--- a/lib/Korap.pm
+++ b/lib/Korap.pm
@@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
 package Korap;
 use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';
-our $VERSION = '0.03';
+our $VERSION = '0.04';
+# Start dev with
+# morbo -w lib -w templates -w public/sass -w public/js script/korap
 # Start the application and register all routes and plugins
 sub startup {
   my $self = shift;
+  $self->defaults(layout => 'default');
   # Set secret for signed cookies
@@ -21,20 +26,41 @@
-	      KorapTagHelpers/) {
-    # AssetPack
+	      KorapTagHelpers
+              /) {
-#  $self->asset(
-#    'korap.css' => (
-#      'style.css',
-#      'sass/hint.scss',
-#      'table.css',
-#      'sass/kwic-4.0.scss',
-#      'fontawesome/font-awesome.min.css'
-#    )
-#  );
+  $self->plugin(AssetPack => {
+    minify => 1
+  });
+  $self->plugin('AssetPack::LibSass');
+  $self->asset(
+    'korap.css' => (
+      '/sass/style.scss',
+      '/sass/sidebar.scss',
+      '/sass/tutorial.scss',
+      '/sass/hint.scss',
+      '/sass/query.scss',
+      '/sass/table.scss',
+      '/sass/pagination.scss',
+      '/sass/kwic-4.0.scss',
+      '/css/media.css',
+      '/css/font-awesome.min.css',
+      '/css/highlight.css'
+    )
+  );
+  $self->asset(
+    'korap.js' => (
+      '/js/jquery-2.0.0.min.js',
+      '/js/translateTable.js',
+      '/js/hint.js',
+      '/js/highlight.pack.js'
+    )
+  );
     date_format => sub {
@@ -54,20 +80,30 @@
   # Collection data
-  my $collection = $r->route('/collection');
-  $collection->to('search#info');
-  $collection->search;
+  my $collection = $r->bridge('/collection');
+  $collection->to('info#about_collection');
+  my $collection_id = $collection->bridge('/:collection_id');
+  # stats
+  # $collection_id->;
+  $collection_id->search;
   # Corpus data
-  my $corpus = $r->route('/corpus');
-  $corpus->search;
-  $corpus->route('/:corpus_id')->search;
-  $corpus->route('/:corpus_id/#doc_id')->search;
-  $corpus->route('/:corpus_id/#doc_id/:match_id')
-         ->to('info#about_match')->name('match');
+  my $corpus_res = $r->route('/corpus');
+  my $corpus = $corpus_res->route('/:corpus_id');
+  # Todo: Stats
+  $corpus->search->name('search_corpus');
+  my $doc = $corpus->route('/#doc_id');
+  $doc->search->name('search_document');
+  # Match data
+  my $match = $doc->route('/:match_id');
+  $match->route->to('info#about_match')->name('match');
+  my $match_layer = $match->route('/:layer');
+  $match_layer->route->to('info#about_match');
+  $match_layer->route('/:foundry')->to('info#about_match');
   # Utilities
-  $r->get('/util/query')->to('search#query');
+  # $r->get('/util/query')->to('search#query');