Readded Annis
diff --git a/templates/tutorial/index.html.ep b/templates/tutorial/index.html.ep
index 686fcff..c612aac 100644
--- a/templates/tutorial/index.html.ep
+++ b/templates/tutorial/index.html.ep
@@ -51,12 +51,10 @@
 <p><strong>Poliqarp+</strong>: Find all sentences as annotated by the base foundry that start with a sequence of one token in present tense as annotated by Connexor and the lemma &quot;die&quot; annotated by the <%= korap_tut_link_to 'default foundry', '/tutorial/foundries' %>. Highlight both terms of the sequence.</p>
 %= korap_tut_query poliqarp => 'startswith(<s>, {1:[cnx/m=PRES]}{2:[base=die]})', cutoff => 1
+<p><strong>Annis</strong>: Find all occurrences of the sequence of two tokens annotated as adverbs by the <%= korap_tut_link_to 'default foundry', '/tutorial/foundries' %>.</p>
+%= korap_tut_query annis => 'pos="ADV" & pos="ADV" & #1 . #2'
-%# <p><strong>Annis</strong>: Find all occurrences of the sequence of two tokens annotated as adverbs by the <%= korap_tut_link_to 'default foundry', '/tutorial/foundries' %>.</p>
-%# %= korap_tut_query annis => 'pos="ADV" & pos="ADV" & #1 . #2'
-<p><strong>CQL</strong>: Find all occurrences of the sequence &quot;der alte Mann&quot;.
+<p><strong>CQL</strong>: Find all occurrences of the sequence &quot;der alte Mann&quot;.</p>
 %= korap_tut_query cql => '"der alte Mann"'