Support text information endpoint
Change-Id: I93499d56e235f99dd56189e0174b5c572ae36189
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index f5151b4..1fa6c52 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -210,9 +210,6 @@
# Base query route
- # Corpus route
- $r->get('/corpus')->to('Search2#corpus_info')->name('corpus');
# Documentation routes
$r->get('/doc')->to('documentation#page', page => 'korap')->name('doc_start');
$r->get('/doc/:page')->to('documentation#page', scope => undef);
@@ -223,8 +220,9 @@
# Match route
- my $corpus = $r->route('/corpus/:corpus_id');
- my $doc = $corpus->get('/:doc_id');
+ # Corpus route
+ my $corpus = $r->get('/corpus')->to('Search2#corpus_info')->name('corpus');
+ my $doc = $r->route('/corpus/:corpus_id/:doc_id');
my $text = $doc->get('/:text_id')->to('search2#text_info')->name('text');
my $match = $doc->get('/:text_id/:match_id')->to('search2#match_info')->name('match');
@@ -234,9 +232,6 @@
$user->get('/logout')->to(action => 'logout')->name('logout');
# $r->any('/register')->to(action => 'register')->name('register');
# $r->any('/forgotten')->to(action => 'pwdforgotten')->name('pwdforgotten');
- # Default user is called 'korap'
- # $r->route('/user/:user/:collection')
diff --git a/lib/Kalamar/Controller/ b/lib/Kalamar/Controller/
index 7922a2a..f071fbf 100644
--- a/lib/Kalamar/Controller/
+++ b/lib/Kalamar/Controller/
@@ -14,6 +14,13 @@
# Add match_info template for HTML
+# TODO:
+# Support search in corpus and virtualcollection
+# TODO:
+# set caches with timing like '120min'
# Query endpoint
@@ -71,26 +78,13 @@
$c->stash(items_per_page => $items_per_page);
+ # TODO:
+ # if ($v->param('action') eq 'inspect') use trace!
# Set offset
# From Mojolicious::Plugin::Search::Index
$query{offset} = $v->param('o') || ((($page // 1) - 1) * ($items_per_page || 1));
- # already set by stash - or use plugin param
- # else {
- # $items_per_page = $c->stash('search.count') // $plugin->items_per_page
- # };
- # Set start page based on param
- #if ($query{p}) {
- # $index->start_page(delete $param{start_page});
- #}
- ## already set by stash
- #elsif ($c->stash('search.start_page')) {
- # $index->start_page($c->stash('search.start_page'));
- #};
# Create remote request URL
my $url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api);
@@ -202,16 +196,6 @@
# Set result values
$c->stash(items_per_page => $meta->{itemsPerPage});
- ## Bouncing query
- ## if ($json->{query}) {
- ## $index->query_jsonld($json->{query});
- ## };
- ## Legacy
- ## elsif ($json->{request}->{query}) {
- ## $index->query_jsonld($json->{request}->{query});
- ## };
# Bouncing collection query
if ($json->{corpus} || $json->{collection}) {
$c->stash(corpus_jsonld => ($json->{corpus} || $json->{collection}));
@@ -258,6 +242,115 @@
+# Corpus info endpoint
+# This replaces the collections endpoint
+sub corpus_info {
+ my $c = shift;
+ # Input validation
+ my $v = $c->validation;
+ $v->optional('cq');
+ my $url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api);
+ # Use hash slice to create path
+ $url->path('statistics');
+ # Add query
+ $url->query(corpusQuery => $v->param('cq'));
+ $c->app->log->debug("Statistics info: $url");
+ # Async
+ $c->render_later;
+ # Request koral, maybe cached
+ $c->cached_koral_p('get', $url)
+ # Process response
+ ->then(
+ sub {
+ my $json = shift;
+ return $c->render(
+ json => $c->notifications(json => $json),
+ status => 200
+ );
+ }
+ )
+ # Deal with errors
+ ->catch(
+ sub {
+ return $c->render(
+ json => $c->notifications('json')
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ # Start IOLoop
+ ->wait;
+ return 1;
+# Text info endpoint
+sub text_info {
+ my $c = shift;
+ # Input validation
+ my $v = $c->validation;
+ $v->optional('fields');
+ my %query = (fields => '@all');
+ $query{fields} = $v->param('fields') if $v->param('fields');
+ my $url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api);
+ # Use hash slice to create path
+ $url->path(
+ join('/', (
+ 'corpus',
+ $c->stash('corpus_id'),
+ $c->stash('doc_id'),
+ $c->stash('text_id')
+ ))
+ );
+ $url->query(%query);
+ # Async
+ $c->render_later;
+ # Request koral, maybe cached
+ $c->cached_koral_p('get', $url)
+ # Process response
+ ->then(
+ sub {
+ my $json = shift;
+ return $c->render(
+ json => $c->notifications(json => $json),
+ status => 200
+ );
+ }
+ )
+ # Deal with errors
+ ->catch(
+ sub {
+ return $c->render(
+ json => $c->notifications('json')
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ # Start IOLoop
+ ->wait;
+ return 1;
# Match info endpoint
sub match_info {
my $c = shift;
@@ -330,61 +423,6 @@
-# Get information about
-# This replaces the collections endpoint
-sub corpus_info {
- my $c = shift;
- # Input validation
- my $v = $c->validation;
- $v->optional('cq');
- my $url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api);
- # Use hash slice to create path
- $url->path('statistics');
- # Add query
- $url->query(corpusQuery => $v->param('cq'));
- # Set stash
- $c->stash('search._resource_cache' => $url->to_string);
- $c->app->log->debug("Statistics info: $url");
- # Async
- $c->render_later;
- # Request koral, maybe cached
- $c->cached_koral_p('get', $url)
- # Process response
- ->then(
- sub {
- my $json = shift;
- return $c->render(
- json => $c->notifications(json => $json),
- status => 200
- );
- }
- )
- # Deal with errors
- ->catch(
- sub {
- return $c->render(
- json => $c->notifications('json')
- )
- }
- )
- # Start IOLoop
- ->wait;
- return 1;
# Cleanup array of matches
sub _map_matches {
return c() unless $_[0];
@@ -419,3 +457,178 @@
+=encoding utf8
+=head1 NAME
+L<Kalamar::Controller::Search> is the controller class for
+search related endpoints in Kalamar. Actions are released when routes
+=head1 METHODS
+L<Kalamar::Controller::Search> inherits all methods from
+L<Mojolicious::Controller> and implements the following new ones.
+=head2 query
+ GET /?q=Baum&ql=poliqarp
+Action for all queries to the system. Returns C<HTML> only for the moment.
+The following parameters are supported.
+=over 2
+=item B<q>
+The query string. This may any query written in a supported query language.
+=item B<ql>
+The query language. This may be any query language supported by the system,
+written as the API expects the string.
+=item B<action>
+May be C<inspect>. In that case, the serialized request is mirrored instead of
+B<This switch is experimental and may change without warnings!>
+=item B<snippet>
+If set, the query is returned in the snippet view template.
+B<This parameter is experimental and may change without warnings!>
+=item B<cutoff>
+If set, the query will be cut off after the matches.
+B<This parameter is directly forwarded to the API and may not be supported in the future.>
+=item B<count>
+If set, the query will be only return the given number of matches,
+in case the API supports it. Will fallback to the default number of matches defined
+by the API or the backend.
+B<This parameter is directly forwarded to the API and may not be supported in the future.>
+=item B<p>
+If set, the query will page to the given number of pages in the result set.
+Will default to 1.
+B<This parameter is directly forwarded to the API and may not be supported in the future.>
+=item B<o>
+If set, the matches will offset to the given match in the result set.
+Will default to 0.
+B<This parameter is directly forwarded to the API and may not be supported in the future.>
+=item B<context>
+The context of the snippets to retrieve. Defaults to C<40-t,40-t>.
+B<This parameter is directly forwarded to the API and may not be supported in the future.>
+=item B<cq>
+The corpus query to limit the search to.
+=head2 corpus
+ /corpus?cq=corpusSigle+%3D+%22GOE%22
+Returns statistics information for a virtual corpus.
+=head2 text
+ /corpus/:corpus_id/:doc_id/:text_id
+Returns meta data information for a specific text.
+=head2 match
+ /corpus/:corpus_id/:doc_id/:text_id/:match_id?foundry=*
+Returns information to a match either as a C<JSON> or an C<HTML> document.
+The path defines the concrete match, by corpus identifier, document identifier,
+text identifier (all information as given by DeReKo), and match identifier
+(essentially the position of the match in the document, including highlight information).
+The following parameters are supported.
+=over 2
+=item B<foundry>
+Expects a foundry definition for retrieved information.
+If not given, returns all annotations for the match.
+If given, returns only given layer information for the defined foundry.
+B<This parameter is experimental and may change without warnings!>
+=item B<layer>
+Expects a layer definition for retrieved information.
+If not given, returns all annotations for the foundry.
+If given, returns only given layer information for the defined foundry.
+B<This parameter is experimental and may change without warnings!>
+=item B<spans>
+Boolean value - either C<true> or C<false> - indicating, whether span information
+(i.e. for tree structures) should be retrieved.
+Copyright (C) 2015-2018, L<IDS Mannheim|>
+Author: L<Nils Diewald|>
+Kalamar is developed as part of the L<KorAP|>
+Corpus Analysis Platform at the
+L<Institute for the German Language (IDS)|>,
+member of the
+and supported by the L<KobRA|> project,
+funded by the
+L<Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)|>.
+Kalamar is free software published under the
+L<BSD-2 License|>.