Update citation help (tests)
Change-Id: Ia7dd14a0931cb4c7e56bdfe558824e909c183f03
diff --git a/t/page.t b/t/page.t
index 0ebd0fa..11bc8e1 100644
--- a/t/page.t
+++ b/t/page.t
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
de_howToCite => 'Zitierhilfe',
en_recentCorpusPub => 'Recent publications to refer to DeReKo as linguistic research data',
de_recentCorpusPub => 'Neuere Publikationen zu DeReKo als linguistische Forschungsdatengrundlage',
- en_recentToolPub => 'Recent publications to refer to KorAP as a tool for research',
+ en_recentToolPub => 'Recent publications to refer to KorAP as a research tool',
de_recentToolPub => 'Neuere Publikationen zu KorAP als Forschungswerkzeug',