Added Malt and Marmot to annotation helper
Change-Id: Id565419ff4842de683c86b08eb1775d7d42c2741
diff --git a/dev/js/src/hint/array.js b/dev/js/src/hint/array.js
index 822d658..ba0e8c2 100644
--- a/dev/js/src/hint/array.js
+++ b/dev/js/src/hint/array.js
@@ -195,14 +195,16 @@
var obj = {
"-" : [
["Base Annotation", "base/s=", "Structure"],
- ["Connexor", "cnx/", "Constituency, Lemma, Morphology, Part-of-Speech, Syntax"],
+// ["Connexor", "cnx/", "Constituency, Lemma, Morphology, Part-of-Speech, Syntax"],
["CoreNLP", "corenlp/", "Constituency, Named Entities, Part-of-Speech"],
["DeReKo", "dereko/s=", "Structure"],
- ["Mate", "mate/", "Lemma, Morphology, Part-of-Speech"],
+// ["Mate", "mate/", "Lemma, Morphology, Part-of-Speech"],
+ ["Malt", "malt/", "Dependency"],
["OpenNLP", "opennlp/", "Part-of-Speech"],
- ["Schreibgebrauch", "sgbr/", "Lemma, Lemma Variants, Part-of-Speech"],
+// ["Schreibgebrauch", "sgbr/", "Lemma, Lemma Variants, Part-of-Speech"],
["TreeTagger", "tt/", "Lemma, Part-of-Speech"],
- ["Xerox Parser", "xip/", "Constituency, Lemma, Part-of-Speech"]
+// ["Xerox Parser", "xip/", "Constituency, Lemma, Part-of-Speech"]
+ ["MarMoT", "marmot/", "Morphology, Part-of-Speech"],
"base/s=" : [
["s", "s", "Sentence"],
@@ -298,6 +300,14 @@
["Part-of-Speech", "p="]
"tt/p=" : sttsArray,
+ "marmot/" : [
+ ["Morphology", "m="],
+ ["Part-of-Speech", "p="]
+ ],
+ "marmot/p=" : sttsArray,
+ "malt/" : [
+ ["Dependency", "d="]
+ ],
"mate/" : [
// Inactive: "d" : ["d=", "Dependency"],
["Lemma", "l="],
@@ -316,6 +326,16 @@
["No type", "<no-type> "]
+ "marmot/m=" : [
+ ["Case", "case:"],
+ ["Degree", "degree:"],
+ ["Gender", "gender:"],
+ ["Mood", "mood:"],
+ ["Number", "number:"],
+ ["Person", "person:"],
+ ["Tense","tense:"],
+ ["No type", "<no-type> "]
+ ],
"mate/m=case:" : [
["acc", "acc ", "Accusative"],
["dat","dat ", "Dative"],
@@ -323,35 +343,109 @@
["nom","nom ", "Nominative"],
["*","* ", "Undefined"]
+ "marmot/m=case:" : [
+ ["acc", "acc ", "Accusative"],
+ ["dat","dat ", "Dative"],
+ ["gen", "gen ","Genitive"],
+ ["nom","nom ", "Nominative"],
+ ["*","* ", "Undefined"]
+ ],
"mate/m=degree:" : [
["comp","comp ", "Comparative"],
["pos","pos ", "Positive"],
["sup","sup ", "Superative"]
+ "marmot/m=degree:" : [
+ ["comp","comp ", "Comparative"],
+ ["pos","pos ", "Positive"],
+ ["sup","sup ", "Superative"]
+ ],
"mate/m=gender:" : [
["fem", "fem ", "Feminium"],
["masc", "masc ", "Masculinum"],
["neut","neut ", "Neuter"],
["*","* ","Undefined"]
+ "marmot/m=gender:" : [
+ ["fem", "fem ", "Feminium"],
+ ["masc", "masc ", "Masculinum"],
+ ["neut","neut ", "Neuter"],
+ ["*","* ","Undefined"]
+ ],
"mate/m=mood:" : [
["imp","imp ", "Imperative"],
["ind","ind ", "Indicative"],
["subj","subj ", "Subjunctive"]
+ "marmot/m=mood:" : [
+ ["imp","imp ", "Imperative"],
+ ["ind","ind ", "Indicative"],
+ ["subj","subj ", "Subjunctive"]
+ ],
"mate/m=number:" : [
["pl","pl ","Plural"],
["sg","sg ","Singular"],
["*","* ","Undefined"]
+ "marmot/m=number" : [
+ ["pl","pl ","Plural"],
+ ["sg","sg ","Singular"],
+ ["*","* ","Undefined"]
+ ],
"mate/m=person:" : [
["1","1 ", "First Person"],
["2","2 ", "Second Person"],
["3","3 ", "Third Person"]
+ "marmot/m=person:" : [
+ ["1","1 ", "First Person"],
+ ["2","2 ", "Second Person"],
+ ["3","3 ", "Third Person"]
+ ],
"mate/m=tense:" : [
["past","past ", "Past"],
["pres","pres ", "Present"]
+ ],
+ "marmot/m=tense:" : [
+ ["past","past ", "Past"],
+ ["pres","pres ", "Present"]
+ ],
+ "malt/d=" : [
+ ["-PUNCT-", "-PUNCT- "]
+ ["-UNKNOWN-","-UNKNOWN- "],
+ ["ADV","ADV "],
+ ["APP","APP "],
+ ["ATTR","ATTR "],
+ ["AUX","AUX "],
+ ["AVZ","AVZ "],
+ ["CJ","CJ "],
+ ["DET","DET "],
+ ["EXPL","EXPL "],
+ ["GMOD","GMOD "],
+ ["GRAD","GRAD "],
+ ["KOM","KOM "],
+ ["KON","KON "],
+ ["KONJ","KONJ "],
+ ["NEB","NEB "],
+ ["OBJA","OBJA "],
+ ["OBJC","OBJC "],
+ ["OBJD","OBJD "],
+ ["OBJG","OBJG "],
+ ["OBJI","OBJI "],
+ ["OBJP","OBJP "],
+ ["PAR","PAR "],
+ ["PART","PART "],
+ ["PN","PN "],
+ ["PP","PP "],
+ ["PRED","PRED "],
+ ["REL","REL "],
+ ["ROOT","ROOT "],
+ ["S","S "],
+ ["SUBJ","SUBJ "],
+ ["SUBJC","SUBJC "],
+ ["ZEIT","ZEIT "],
+ ["gmod-app","gmod-app "],
+ ["koord","koord "]