blob: 529d2b6cbbe79ba725e6fe90819a76f520b83af6 [file] [log] [blame]
var menuContent = [
['cnx/c', 'cnx', 'c'],
['mate/c', 'mate', 'c'],
['base/c', 'base', 'c'],
['xip/c', 'xip', 'c'],
['tt/c', 'tt', 'c']
var namedEntities = [
["I-LOC", "I-LOC ", "Location"],
["I-MISC", "I-MISC ", "Miscellaneous"],
["I-ORG", "I-ORG ", "Organization"],
["I-PER", "I-PER ", "Person"]
var sttsArray = [
// "$.", "$(", "$,"
["ADJA","ADJA ", "Attributive Adjective"],
["ADJD","ADJD ", "Predicative Adjective"],
["ADV","ADV ", "Adverb"],
["APPO","APPO ", "Postposition"],
["APPR","APPR ", "Preposition"],
["APPRART","APPRART ", "Preposition with Determiner"],
["APZR","APZR ","Right Circumposition"],
["ART","ART ", "Determiner"],
["CARD","CARD ", "Cardinal Number"],
["FM","FM ", "Foreign Material"],
["ITJ","ITJ ", "Interjection"],
["KOKOM","KOKOM ", "Comparison Particle"],
["KON","KON ", "Coordinating Conjuncion"],
["KOUI","KOUI ", "Subordinating Conjunction with 'zu'"],
["KOUS","KOUS ", "Subordinating Conjunction with Sentence"],
["NE","NE ", "Named Entity"],
["NN","NN ", "Normal Nomina"],
["PAV", "PAV ", "Pronominal Adverb"],
["PDAT","PDAT ","Attributive Demonstrative Pronoun"],
["PDS","PDS ", "Substitutive Demonstrative Pronoun"],
["PIAT","PIAT ", "Attributive Indefinite Pronoun without Determiner"],
["PIDAT","PIDAT ", "Attributive Indefinite Pronoun with Determiner"],
["PIS","PIS ", "Substitutive Indefinite Pronoun"],
["PPER","PPER ", "Personal Pronoun"],
["PPOSAT","PPOSAT ", "Attributive Possessive Pronoun"],
["PPOSS","PPOSS ", "Substitutive Possessive Pronoun"],
["PRELAT","PRELAT ", "Attributive Relative Pronoun"],
["PRELS","PRELS ", "Substitutive Relative Pronoun"],
["PRF","PRF ", "Reflexive Pronoun"],
["PROAV","PROAV ", "Pronominal Adverb"],
["PTKA","PTKA ","Particle with Adjective"],
["PTKANT","PTKANT ", "Answering Particle"],
["PTKNEG","PTKNEG ", "Negation Particle"],
["PTKVZ","PTKVZ ", "Separated Verbal Particle"],
["PTKZU","PTKZU ", "'zu' Particle"],
["PWAT","PWAT ", "Attributive Interrogative Pronoun"],
["PWAV","PWAV ", "Adverbial Interrogative Pronoun"],
["PWS","PWS ", "Substitutive Interrogative Pronoun"],
["TRUNC","TRUNC ","Truncated"],
["VAFIN","VAFIN ", "Auxiliary Finite Verb"],
["VAIMP","VAIMP ", "Auxiliary Finite Imperative Verb"],
["VAINF","VAINF ", "Auxiliary Infinite Verb"],
["VAPP","VAPP ", "Auxiliary Perfect Participle"],
["VMFIN","VMFIN ", "Modal Finite Verb"],
["VMINF","VMINF ", "Modal Infinite Verb"],
["VMPP","VMPP ", "Modal Perfect Participle"],
["VVFIN","VVFIN ","Finite Verb"],
["VVIMP","VVIMP ", "Finite Imperative Verb"],
["VVINF","VVINF ", "Infinite Verb"],
["VVIZU","VVIZU ", "Infinite Verb with 'zu'"],
["VVPP","VVPP ", "Perfect Participle"],
["XY", "XY ", "Non-Word"]
var negraNodes = [
["AA", "AA", "superlative phrase with 'am'"],
["AP","AP", "adjektive phrase"],
["AVP","AVP", "adverbial phrase"],
["CAP","CAP", "coordinated adjektive phrase"],
["CAVP","CAVP", "coordinated adverbial phrase"],
["CAC","CAC", "coordinated adposition"],
["CCP","CCP", "coordinated complementiser"],
["CH","CH", "chunk"],
["CNP","CNP", "coordinated noun phrase"],
["CO","CO", "coordination"],
["CPP","CPP", "coordinated adpositional phrase"],
["CS","CS", "coordinated sentence"],
["CVP","CVP", "coordinated verb phrase (non-finite)"],
["CVZ","CVZ", "coordinated zu-marked infinitive"],
["DL","DL", "discourse level constituent"],
["ISU","ISU", "idiosyncratis unit"],
["MPN","MPN", "multi-word proper noun"],
["MTA","MTA", "multi-token adjective"],
["NM","NM", "multi-token number"],
["NP","NP", "noun phrase"],
["PP","PP", "adpositional phrase"],
["QL","QL", "quasi-languag"],
["ROOT","ROOT", "root node"],
["S","S", "sentence"],
["VP","VP", "verb phrase (non-finite)"],
["VZ","VZ", "zu-marked infinitive"]
var negraEdges = [
["AC","AC","adpositional case marker"],
["ADC","ADC","adjective component"],
["AMS","AMS","measure argument of adj"],
["AVC","AVC","adverbial phrase component"],
["CC","CC","comparative complement"],
["CD","CD","coordinating conjunction"],
["CM","CM","comparative concjunction"],
["DH","DH","discourse-level head"],
["DM","DM","discourse marker"],
["GL","GL","prenominal genitive"],
["GR","GR","postnominal genitive"],
["MNR","MNR","postnominal modifier"],
["MR","MR","rhetorical modifier"],
["MW","MW","way (directional modifier)"],
["NK","NK","noun kernel modifier"],
["NMC","NMC","numerical component"],
["OA","OA","accusative object"],
["OA2","OA2","second accusative object"],
["OC","OC","clausal object"],
["OG","OG","genitive object"],
["PM","PM","morphological particle"],
["PNC","PNC","proper noun component"],
["RC","RC","relative clause"],
["RE","RE","repeated element"],
["RS","RS","reported speech"],
["SBP","SBP","passivised subject (PP)"],
["SP","SP","subject or predicate"],
["SVP","SVP","separable verb prefix"],
["UC","UC","(idiosyncratic) unit component"],
var mateSttsArray = sttsArray.slice(0);
["<root-POS>","<root-POS>","Root Part of Speech"]
var sgbSttsArray = sttsArray.slice(0);
sgbSttsArray.splice(17,0, ["NNE", "NNE", "Normal Nomina with Named Entity"]);
/* As KorAP currently doesn't support these tags, they are not part of the set
["_KOMMA", "_KOMMA", "Comma"],
["_SONST", "_SONST", "Intrasentential Punctuation Mark"],
["_ENDE", "_ENDE", "Punctuation Mark at the end of the Sentence"]
"ADR", // Adressierung ???
"ADVART", "Adverb with Article"
"AW", // Aktionswort ???
"AWIND", // Aktionswort-Indikator ???
"EMOASC", "Emoticon ('ASCII' type)",
"EMOIMG", "Emoticon (\'image' type )",
"ERRAW", // falsch abgetrennter Wortteil ???
"ERRTOK", "Tokenisation Error"
"HST", "Hashtag"
"KOUSPPER", "Subordinating Conjunction (with Sentence) with Personal Pronoun"
"ONO", // Onomatopoetikon ???
"PPERPPER", "Personal Pronoun with Personal Pronoun"
"URL", "Uniform Resource Locator"
"VAPPER", "Auxiliary Finite Verb with Personal Pronoun"
"VMPPER", "Modal Fintite Verb with Personal Pronoun"
"VVPPER", "Finite Verb with Personal Pronoun"
define(function () {
var obj = {
"-" : [
["Connexor", "cnx/", "Constituency, Lemma, Morphology, Part-of-Speech, Syntax"],
["CoreNLP", "corenlp/", "Constituency, Named Entities, Part-of-Speech"],
["Mate", "mate/", "Lemma, Morphology, Part-of-Speech"],
["OpenNLP", "opennlp/", "Part-of-Speech"],
["Schreibgebrauch", "sgbr/", "Lemma, Lemma Variants, Part-of-Speech"],
["TreeTagger", "tt/", "Lemma, Part-of-Speech"],
["Xerox Parser", "xip/", "Constituency, Lemma, Part-of-Speech"]
"corenlp/" : [
["Constituency", "c="],
["Named Entity", "ne=" , "Combined"],
["Named Entity", "ne_dewac_175m_600=" , "ne_dewac_175m_600"],
["Named Entity", "ne_hgc_175m_600=", "ne_hgc_175m_600"],
["Part-of-Speech", "p="]
"corenlp/ne=" : namedEntities,
"corenlp/ne_dewac_175m_600=" : namedEntities,
"corenlp/ne_hgc_175m_600=" : namedEntities,
"corenlp/p=" : sttsArray,
"corenlp/c=" : negraNodes,
"cnx/" : [
["Constituency", "c="],
["Lemma", "l="],
["Morphology", "m="],
["Part-of-Speech", "p="],
["Syntax", "syn="]
"cnx/c=" : [
["np", "np ", "Nominal Phrase"]
"cnx/m=" : [
["Abbr","Abbr ", "Nouns: Abbreviation"],
["CMP","CMP ", "Adjective: Comparative"],
["IMP", "IMP ", "Mood: Imperative"],
["IND", "IND ", "Mood: Indicative"],
["INF", "INF ", "Infinitive"],
["ORD","ORD ", "Numeral: Ordinal"],
["PAST", "PAST ", "Tense: past"],
["PCP", "PCP ", "Participle"],
["PERF", "PERF ", "Perfective Participle"],
["PL","PL ", "Nouns: Plural"],
["PRES", "PRES ", "Tense: present"],
["PROG", "PROG ", "Progressive Participle"],
["Prop","Prop ", "Nouns: Proper Noun"],
["SUB", "SUB ", "Mood: Subjunctive"],
["SUP","SUP ", "Adjective: Superlative"]
"cnx/p=" : [
["A", "A ", "Adjective"],
["ADV", "ADV ", "Adverb"],
["CC", "CC ", "Coordination Marker"],
["CS", "CS ", "Clause Marker"],
["DET", "DET ", "Determiner"],
["INTERJ", "INTERJ ", "Interjection"],
["N", "N ", "Noun"],
["NUM", "NUM ", "Numeral"],
["PREP", "PREP ", "Preposition"],
["PRON", "PRON ", "Pro-Nominal"],
["V", "V ", "Verb"]
"cnx/syn=" : [
["@ADVL", "@ADVL ", "Adverbial Head"],
["@AUX", "@AUX ", "Auxiliary Verb"],
["@CC", "@CC ", "Coordination"]
["@MAIN", "@MAIN ", "Main Verb"],
["@NH", "@NH ", "Nominal Head"],
["@POSTMOD", "@POSTMOD ", "Postmodifier"],
["@PREMARK", "@PREMARK ", "Preposed Marker"],
["@PREMOD", "@POSTMOD ", "Premodifier"]
"opennlp/" : [
["Part-of-Speech", "p="]
"opennlp/p=" : sttsArray,
"sgbr/" : [
["Lemma", "l="],
["Lemma Variants", "lv="],
["Part-of-Speech", "p="]
"sgbr/p=" : sgbSttsArray,
"xip/" : [
["Constituency", "c="],
// Inactive: ["Dependency", "d="],
["Lemma", "l="],
["Part-of-Speech", "p="],
// "xip/c=" : [],
// Inactive: "xip/d=" : [],
// "xip/p=" : [],
"tt/" : [
["Lemma", "l="],
["Part-of-Speech", "p="]
"tt/p=" : sttsArray,
"mate/" : [
// Inactive: "d" : ["d=", "Dependency"],
["Lemma", "l="],
["Morphology", "m="],
["Part-of-Speech", "p="]
// Inactive: mate/d=
"mate/p=" : mateSttsArray,
"mate/m=" : [
["Case", "case:"],
["Degree", "degree:"],
["Gender", "gender:"],
["Mood", "mood:"],
["Number", "number:"],
["Person", "person:"],
["No type", "<no-type> "]
"mate/m=case:" : [
["acc", "acc ", "Accusative"],
["dat","dat ", "Dative"],
["gen", "gen ","Genitive"],
["nom","nom ", "Nominative"],
["*","* ", "Undefined"]
"mate/m=degree:" : [
["comp","comp ", "Comparative"],
["pos","pos ", "Positive"],
["sup","sup ", "Superative"]
"mate/m=gender:" : [
["fem", "fem ", "Feminium"],
["masc", "masc ", "Masculinum"],
["neut","neut ", "Neuter"],
["*","* ","Undefined"]
"mate/m=mood:" : [
["imp","imp ", "Imperative"],
["ind","ind ", "Indicative"],
["subj","subj ", "Subjunctive"]
"mate/m=number:" : [
["pl","pl ","Plural"],
["sg","sg ","Singular"],
["*","* ","Undefined"]
"mate/m=person:" : [
["1","1 ", "First Person"],
["2","2 ", "Second Person"],
["3","3 ", "Third Person"]
"mate/m=tense:" : [
["past","past ", "Past"],
["pres","pres ", "Present"]
for (var i in negraNodes) {
obj["corenlp/c=" + negraNodes[i][0] + '-'] = negraEdges;
return obj;