Lots of fixes to pagination, l10n, tutorial, css ...
diff --git a/t/doc.t b/t/doc.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..476d4bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/doc.t
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+use Mojo::Base -strict;
+use lib '../lib', 'lib';
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Mojo;
+# Test the documentation
+my $t = Test::Mojo->new('Kalamar');
+ ->status_is(200)
+ ->text_like('title', qr/poliqarp/i)
+ ->element_exists('aside.active')
+ ->element_exists('main.tutorial')
+ ->element_exists('header')
+ ->element_exists('aside nav')
+ ->content_is('');
+ ->status_is(200)
+ ->text_like('title', qr/poliqarp/i)
+ ->element_exists('aside.active')
+ ->element_exists('main.tutorial')
+ ->element_exists_not('header');
diff --git a/t/docnavi.t b/t/docnavi.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9dc149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/docnavi.t
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+use Mojo::Base -strict;
+use lib '../lib', 'lib';
+use Mojolicious::Lite;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Mojo;
+my $t = Test::Mojo->new;
+my $app = $t->app;
+# Add additional plugin path
+push(@{$app->plugins->namespaces}, 'Kalamar::Plugin');
+# Establish test route
+$app->routes->get('/doc/(*scope)/:page')->to(cb => sub {})->name('doc');
+# Load plugin to test
+my $navi = [
+ {
+ id => 'korap',
+ title => 'KorAP'
+ }
+my $render = $app->doc_navi($navi);
+like($render, qr!/doc/korap!, 'Path matches doc/korap');
+like($render, qr!KorAP!, 'Title matches');
+$navi = [
+ {
+ id => 'korap',
+ title => 'KorAP'
+ },
+ {
+ id => 'krill',
+ title => 'Krill'
+ }
+$render = $app->doc_navi($navi);
+like($render, qr!/doc/korap!, 'Path matches doc/korap');
+like($render, qr!KorAP!, 'Title matches');
+like($render, qr!/doc/krill!, 'Path matches doc/krill');
+like($render, qr!Krill!, 'Title matches');
+$navi = [
+ {
+ id => 'korap',
+ title => 'KorAP',
+ items => [
+ {
+ id => 'krill',
+ title => 'Krill',
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ id => 'faq',
+ title => 'F.A.Q.'
+ }
+$render = $app->doc_navi($navi);
+like($render, qr!/doc/korap!, 'Path matches doc/korap');
+like($render, qr!/doc/korap/krill!, 'Path matches korap/krill');
+like($render, qr!/doc/faq!, 'Path matches doc/faq');
+$navi = [
+ {
+ id => 'korap',
+ title => 'KorAP',
+ items => [
+ {
+ id => 'krill',
+ title => 'Krill',
+ },
+ {
+ id => 'koral',
+ title => 'Koral'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ title => 'Query Languages',
+ id => 'ql',
+ items => [
+ {
+ title => 'Cosmas II',
+ id => 'cosmas2'
+ },
+ {
+ 'title' => 'Poliqarp+',
+ 'id' => 'poliqarp-plus',
+ items => [
+ {
+ "title" => "Simple Segments",
+ "id" => "#segments"
+ },
+ {
+ "title" => "Complex Segments",
+ "id" => "#complex"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ id => 'faq',
+ title => 'F.A.Q.'
+ }
+$render = $app->doc_navi($navi);
+like($render, qr!/doc/korap!, 'Path matches doc/korap');
+like($render, qr!/doc/korap/krill!, 'Path matches korap/krill');
+like($render, qr!/doc/korap/koral!, 'Path matches korap/koral');
+like($render, qr!/doc/ql!, 'Path matches doc/ql');
+like($render, qr!/doc/ql/cosmas2!, 'Path matches doc/ql/cosmas2');
+like($render, qr!/doc/ql/poliqarp-plus!, 'Path matches doc/ql/poliqarp-plus');
+like($render, qr!/doc/ql/poliqarp-plus#segments!,
+ 'Path matches doc/ql/poliqarp-plus#segments');
+like($render, qr!/doc/ql/poliqarp-plus#complex!,
+ 'Path matches doc/ql/poliqarp-plus#complex');
+like($render, qr!/doc/faq!, 'Path matches doc/faq');
+my $c = $app->build_controller;
+$c->stash(page => 'korap');
+$render = $c->doc_navi($navi);
+like($render, qr!/doc/korap!, 'Path matches doc/korap');
+like($render, qr!/doc/korap/krill!, 'Path matches korap/krill');
+like($render, qr!/doc/ql!, 'Path matches doc/ql');
+like($render, qr!/doc/ql/poliqarp-plus#segments!,
+ 'Path matches doc/ql/poliqarp-plus#segments');
+like($render, qr!/doc/ql/poliqarp-plus#complex!,
+ 'Path matches doc/ql/poliqarp-plus#complex');
+like($render, qr!class="active".*?KorAP!, 'Active value for KorAP');
+$c->stash(page => 'poliqarp-plus');
+$render = $c->doc_navi($navi);
+like($render, qr!/doc/korap!, 'Path matches doc/korap');
+like($render, qr!/doc/korap/krill!, 'Path matches korap/krill');
+like($render, qr!/doc/ql!, 'Path matches doc/ql');
+like($render, qr!/doc/ql/poliqarp-plus#segments!,
+ 'Path matches doc/ql/poliqarp-plus#segments');
+like($render, qr!/doc/ql/poliqarp-plus#complex!,
+ 'Path matches doc/ql/poliqarp-plus#complex');
+like($render, qr!class="active".*?Poliqarp\+!, 'Active value for Poliqarp+');
+$navi = [
+ {
+ id => 'korap',
+ title => 'KorAP',
+ items => [
+ {
+ id => 'krill',
+ title => 'Krill',
+ },
+ {
+ id => 'koral',
+ title => 'Koral'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ title => 'Query Languages',
+ id => 'ql',
+ items => [
+ {
+ title => 'Cosmas II',
+ id => 'cosmas2'
+ },
+ {
+ 'title' => 'Poliqarp+',
+ 'id' => 'poliqarp-plus',
+ 'class' => 'folded',
+ items => [
+ {
+ "title" => "Simple Segments",
+ "id" => "#segments"
+ },
+ {
+ "title" => "Complex Segments",
+ "id" => "#complex"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ id => 'faq',
+ title => 'F.A.Q.'
+ }
+$render = $c->doc_navi($navi);
+like($render, qr!/doc/korap!, 'Path matches doc/korap');
+like($render, qr!/doc/korap/krill!, 'Path matches korap/krill');
+like($render, qr!/doc/ql!, 'Path matches doc/ql');
+like($render, qr!/doc/ql/poliqarp-plus#segments!,
+ 'Path matches doc/ql/poliqarp-plus#segments');
+like($render, qr!/doc/ql/poliqarp-plus#complex!,
+ 'Path matches doc/ql/poliqarp-plus#complex');
+like($render, qr!class="folded active".*?Poliqarp\+!, 'Active and folded value for Poliqarp+');