Added query reference plugin to connect and mock
query reference api endpoints
Change-Id: I2a6a068c66055692d1057f6972193b0160ed6449
diff --git a/t/plugin/query_reference.t b/t/plugin/query_reference.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97b7345
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/plugin/query_reference.t
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+use Mojo::Base -strict;
+use Mojo::File 'path';
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Mojo;
+# Start Fake server #
+my $mount_point = '/realapi/';
+$ENV{KALAMAR_API} = $mount_point;
+# Test app
+my $t = Test::Mojo->new('Kalamar' => {
+ Kalamar => {
+ plugins => ['Auth','QueryReference']
+ }
+# Mount fake backend
+# Get the fixture path
+my $fixtures_path = path(Mojo::File->new(__FILE__)->dirname, '..', 'server');
+my $fake_backend = $t->app->plugin(
+ Mount => {
+ $mount_point =>
+ $fixtures_path->child('')
+ }
+# Configure fake backend
+ ->status_is(400)
+ ->json_like('/errors/0/message', qr!unable!i)
+ ;
+$t->put_ok('/query/baum?q=[orth=Baum]&desc=Eine Baum-Query')
+ ->status_is(201)
+ ->content_is('')
+ ;
+$t->put_ok('/query/frage?q=[orth=Frage]&desc=Eine Frage-Query&ql=poliqarp')
+ ->status_is(201)
+ ->content_is('')
+ ;
+$t->put_ok('/query/baum?q=[orth=Baum]&desc=Eine Baum-Query')
+ ->status_is(400)
+ ->json_like('/errors/0/message', qr!unable!i)
+ ;
+ ->status_is(200)
+ ->json_is('/0/name', 'baum')
+ ->json_is('/1/name', 'frage')
+ ;
+ ->status_is(200)
+ ->json_is('/name', 'frage')
+ ->json_is('/description', 'Eine Frage-Query')
+ ->json_is('/koralQuery', '[orth=Frage]')
+ ->json_is('/q', '[orth=Frage]')
+ ->json_is('/ql', 'poliqarp')
+ ;
+ ->status_is(200)
+ ->content_is('')
+ ;
+ ->status_is(200)
+ ->content_is('')
+ ;
+ ->status_is(200)
+ ->json_is('/0/name', 'baum')
+ ->json_hasnt('/1')
+ ;
+ ->status_is(404)
+ ->json_is('/errors/0/message', 'Query reference not found')
+ ;
+ ->status_is(200)
+ ->json_is('/name', 'baum')
+ ->json_is('/description', 'Eine Baum-Query')
+ ->json_is('/koralQuery', '[orth=Baum]')
+ ->json_is('/q', '[orth=Baum]')
+ ->json_is('/ql', 'poliqarp')
+ ;
+ ->status_is(200)
+ ->content_is('Fake server available')
+ ;
+# Login
+my $csrf = $t->get_ok('/')
+ ->status_is(200)
+ ->tx->res->dom->at('input[name=csrf_token]')->attr('value')
+ ;
+$t->post_ok('/user/login' => form => {
+ handle => 'test',
+ pwd => 'pass',
+ csrf_token => $csrf
+ ->status_is(302)
+ ->content_is('')
+ ->header_is('Location' => '/');
+ ->status_is(400)
+ ->json_like('/errors/0/message', qr!unable!i)
+ ;
+ ->status_is(201)
+ ->content_is('')
+ ;
+$t->put_ok('/query/frage?q=[orth=Frage]&desc=Eine Frage-Query&ql=poliqarp')
+ ->status_is(201)
+ ->content_is('')
+ ;
+$t->put_ok('/query/baum?q=[orth=Baum]&desc=Eine Baum-Query')
+ ->status_is(400)
+ ->json_like('/errors/0/message', qr!unable!i)
+ ;
+ ->status_is(200)
+ ->json_is('/refs/0/name', 'baum')
+ ->json_is('/refs/1/name', 'frage')
+ ;
+ ->status_is(200)
+ ->json_is('/description', 'Eine Frage-Query')
+ ->json_is('/type', 'PRIVATE')
+ ->json_is('/queryType', 'QUERY')
+ ->json_is('/query', '[orth=Frage]')
+ ->json_is('/queryLanguage', 'poliqarp')
+ ->json_is('/koralQuery/@type', 'Okay')
+ ;
+ ->status_is(200)
+ ->content_is('')
+ ;
+ ->status_is(200)
+ ->content_is('')
+ ;
+ ->status_is(200)
+ ->json_is('/refs/0/name', 'baum')
+ ->json_hasnt('/1')
+ ;
+ ->status_is(404)
+ ->json_is('/errors/0/message', 'Query reference not found')
+ ;
+ ->status_is(200)
+ ->json_is('/name', 'baum')
+ ->json_hasnt('/description')
+ ->json_is('/koralQuery/@type', 'Okay')
+ ->json_is('/query', '[orth=Baum]')
+ ->json_is('/queryLanguage', 'poliqarp')
+ ;