Translate example query documentation
Change-Id: I0578c2ffc4071b565e48dae5225dc12488bf8667
diff --git a/templates/doc/ql.html.ep b/templates/doc/ql.html.ep
index c32453c..fe82e7a 100644
--- a/templates/doc/ql.html.ep
+++ b/templates/doc/ql.html.ep
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@
<p><strong><%= embedded_link_to 'doc', 'Cosmas-II', 'ql', 'cosmas-2' %></strong>: Find all occurrences of the words "der" and "Baum", in case they are in a maximum distance of 5 tokens. The order is not relevant.</p>
%= doc_query cosmas2 => 'der /w5 Baum'
- <p><strong><%= embedded_link_to 'doc', 'Cosmas-II', 'ql', 'cosmas-2' %></strong>: Find all sequences of a word starting with a "d" (using a wildcard) followed by an adjective as annotated in the marmot foundry, followed by the word "Baum" (ignore the case), that is in a sentence element annotated by the <%= embedded_link_to 'doc', 'default foundry', 'data', 'annotation' %>.</p>
- <p><em>Be aware</em>: Minor incompatibilities with implemented languages may be announced with warnings.</p>
- %= doc_query cosmas2 => 'd* MORPH(marmot/p=ADJA) $Baum #IN #ELEM(s)'
+%# <p><strong><%= embedded_link_to 'doc', 'Cosmas-II', 'ql', 'cosmas-2' %></strong>: Find all sequences of an adjective as annotated in the marmot foundry, followed by the word "Baum" (ignore the case), that is in a sentence element annotated by the <%= embedded_link_to 'doc', 'default foundry', 'data', 'annotation' %>.</p>
+%# <p><em>Be aware</em>: Minor incompatibilities with implemented languages may be announced with warnings.</p>
+%# %= doc_query cosmas2 => 'MORPH(marmot/p=ADJA) $Baum #IN #ELEM(s)', cutoff => 1
<p><strong><%= embedded_link_to 'doc', 'Poliqarp+', 'ql', 'poliqarp-plus' %></strong>: Find all nominal phrases as annotated using CoreNLP, that contain an adverb as annotated by OpenNLP, that is annotated as something starting with an "A" using regular expressions in Treetagger.</p>
%= doc_query poliqarp => 'contains(<corenlp/c=NP>,{[opennlp/p=ADV & tt/p="A.*"]})', cutoff => 1